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This restaurant has a huge koi pond in the middle. Kids are feeding kois.
This restaurant has a huge koi pond in the middle. Kids are feeding kois.
Beyond the window is the koi pond.
We did not plan on this, but we went to Kyoto for a day. Here is Ginkakuji.
清水寺。「清水の舞台から飛び降りる」の意味を一生懸命説明したところ、後で息子曰く、「あそこあそこ、あの~ 仏壇の人が飛び降りるところは何ていったっけ?」ときた。
This is Kiyomizu Temple. All these places are world heritages.
What is she praying for? Kyoto was simply way too hot (and humid). We felt like we were in Sauna.