He has been dropped at school every morning and walked home after school for the past a few weeks, but now is switching to a complete bike commute. It takes only 10 minutes by bike, while it takes 20 to 30 minutes on foot. He decided it is more beneficial by bike being able to come home faster.

He is now much more comfortable being on bike after a couple safety trips to school with his daddy and a few weeks of walking home from school. It seems he has grown to be a bit more confident 12 year old. Even though he is not really talkative about his school life, I can tell that he is pretty comfortable with the school. He looks quite relaxed. He says he has more fun at school than before (than at his previous school). The time passes much faster during the class, he said. Since he was never too positive about this move, we were sort of anticipating a bumpy ride, but so far soooo good.