The weather has been nasty for 2 days. It's been raining for 2 DAYS! It is just a drizzle, but people around here call it "a storm".

家に帰って、保険の補償特典の表をさっそくチェック。詰め物のやり直しの$75は妥当。しかしながら、かぶせるタイプのは個人負担額の最高は$370と書 いてあるじゃないの!いったい、$750というのはどこから来た額なのよ!!保険会社と歯医者の受付に電話をして話した結果分かったことは、私が今度やっ てもらうかぶせるタイプのやつは、EMPRESSというブランドもののかぶせもの(私の保険どころか、たぶんどんな保険でもカバーしない!)だということ が判明。ブランドもののかぶせものを入れるなどということは一切説明を受けていない。レギュラーなセラミックだと思っていた。すぐにクレームをつけて、 EMPRSSをキャンセルし普通のセラミックを注文しなおして、差額の$380($750-$370)を返金してもらったけど、釈然としないいやな気持 ち。2週間後にかぶせものをつけてもらうのにもう一度行くので、そのときにももっと文句を言ってやろうと思う。歯医者も保険担当者もきちんと教育を受けた 人だろうに、こうやって人を適当に煙に巻いてお金が少しくらい儲かったからといっても、自分の尊厳というものを犠牲にしているのだということがどうしてわ からないのかな。今日、実際処置をしてもらっている間は、とても親切でちゃんと注意をはらってくれるいい歯医者さんという印象だったので、あとからこうい うことになりとても残念。まさに遺憾でございます。
On this rainy day, my first destination was a dentist. Remember, I had a movie date with my son the other day. He bought a pack of gooey sticky gummy stuff at the snack booth before the movie started, and first I gave him a yucky glance over the package, but once I tried it, I could not stop munching on them. After five of those down, I suddenly felt this hard stuff in the gooey stuff. It was my filling coming off one of the teeth!
So I went to see a dentist today. They took the x-ray for the whole mouth, my dentist determined there were couple decays beneath the fillings in addition to the one I just lost. She decided to work on the one lost and the right next to it today. It's one new filling and one new onlay that needed to be done. They said they do not do amalgam (metal) so I have to have a ceramic/porcelain work. Those are my back teeth on the top, so I would not mind getting amalgam, but since they said they do not do that, so I agreed ceramic/porcelain. I asked them how it works insurance-wise. Then this insurance specialist came in and explained it is $75 for the filling and $750 for the onlay. I was able to gulp down $75, but $750 (before insurance it is $1250!) was way beyond my expectation. I asked them there are any alternatives, she said no. See, this dentist was one of those network dentists of my dental insurance, and they have a specific agreement with the insurance company on prices they can charge on all the procedures. I reasoned that is the price I had to get used to in California. I have a hole already, so what can I do?? After the first day's work is done, I paid them $825 ($75+$750) by credit card and came home.
Once at home, I checked my insurance benefit booklet. There, it said for the type of onlay I received, the maximum enrollee responsibility is $370! Where did this $750 come from?? After couple phone calls to the insurance company and the dentist office, I found out that $750 was the price for a brand onlay called EMPRESS, which, of course, my insurance (or any insurance, I guess) do not cover. They never explained that I am getting a brand onlay. I was under the impression that I am getting a generic onlay, which is well converged by the insurance. I complained and got the difference ($750-$370) back, by canceling EMPRESS and ordering a generic onlay. I will definitely complain more when I go back in 2 weeks to get the onlay in. I never understand why poeple do not see that you might make more money by tricking people, but what you sacrifice is your integrity. Since I sort of liked the dentist as far as her bedside manner is concerned, it was a huge disappointment.