Trick or Treat
We started trick-or-treating past 6:00 pm with a family of our daughter's friend. Our son decided to go with his friends, and we dropped him with them. Some houses are very well decorated and each one has its own style. this one is a scary version.
After one hour and half, she collected a bucketful of candies. I wonder how many days they last. As soon as I got home, I received a call from our son saying that the neighborhood they picked did not produce too much candies, so they wanted to go somewhere else. After all I had to take them to the neighborhood I had just been to with girls. It was 9:30 pm when we all arrived home. I was exhausted.
Halloween at school
It's Halloween tomorrow. Kids enjoyed Halloween parades/parties at schools. We are right in the heart of entertainment industries. It's just lots of festivities.
Our daughter, an animal lover, decided to became an elephant. She simply has no interest in fancy girly stuff like Cinderella, Snow White or a ballerina. She picked Transformer at first, and I just told her, "If you really really want to be that, I would support that, but are you sure you want to be Transformer?" She then switched to Ninja Turtle. So I SIMPLY said, "If you really really want to be that, I would support that, but are you sure you want to be Ninja Turtle?" She then picked an elephant. Am I manipulating?
Here is our son in middle school, who just spent most of the money on the watch and did not have much left on the costume. His buddy and he decided to be in "costume (see?)" together. His middle school has a pretty big school-wide thing going on today and he went to school with $10. They buy tickets and get to spray hairs and other disguise. I was forbidden to the event by my beloved son, so no pictures.
So this is our daughter's elementary school. It's her class. Scooby-doo is the teacher. See the little elephant in the middle?
Here is the parade. It's her class. Look for the elephant.
Halloween cards and five dollars
Kids received Halloween cards from Judy, our next door neighbor when we were in Virginia. She always planned something special for kids for every occasion throughout the year, and kids were so much looking forward to those special treats. Around the Halloween time, we always enjoyed the beautiful fall colors on the huge Maple tree on Judy's driveway, and she used to take lots of pictures of kids in costumes with the tree in the back. Oh, she knows the best what particular candies kids like, and her house was the first one to visit for trick-or-treating. This year we do not have the luxury to ring her doorbell, and she sent us a card with $5 to each child, so s/he can buy favorite candies.
娘はさっそく5ドルを握り締めて、マルカイ(近くの日本食品店)へ。キティーちゃんのマシュマロ・チョコパイ、ヤムヤムスティック、アポロチョコになぜかメロンパンというラインナップ。5ドルでこれだけ買えて本人はとっても満足。息子はときたら、「キャンディーはどうせトリック・オア・トリートでたくさんもらうので、この5ドルはセーブして本(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)を買います」とのこと。ジュディー、ありがとう。
Our daughter went to Marukai, the near-by Japanese grocery, with $5 in her hand. She bought Hello Kitty marshmallow chocolate pies, Yam Yam chocolate sticks, Apollo chocolate and a melon bread (she just loves melon breads). She was so happy to be able to get all these for $5! Our son reasoned that he would get lots of candies anyway by trick-or-treating in the neighborhood, so he decided to use this $5 towards the book he wants, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid." Thank you, Judy!
New watch
1. コスチュームは頻繁に使うものではないので、コスチュームの金額を削って時計にお金をかけることにした。
2. コスチュームは、以前から持っている死神のお面と杖をリサイクルし、$3.99(税込み$4.25)のマントだけこのあたりのお店で購入する。
3. 残りのお金と、今自分が持っているお金と、これから働いて稼ぐお金とをあわせて、この(写真の)時計を買いたい。
4. この時計は、このあたりのお店で買うのよりインターネットのほうが安いのでネット購入する。
5. 調べた結果、Amazon.comで定価$110が$62になっていて、$25以上の購入は送料無料で、そのうえ消費税もかからない。
He lost a watch during the PE class. It got hot, and he took off his jacket and his watch, left them on the ground, and the watch was gone when he came back. Since he bikes to school, he needs a watch to keep track of time, he sais. So we decided to get him a new watch contingent on his ensuring this does not happen again. The usual negotiation started right away. "What is the max you let me use on it?" "When can you take me to stores?" "I like to have one of those a bit better ones." It coincided with the shopping time for the Halloween costume. He wanted to get the max amount on this one too. I happened to be reading this book, that said; "Until you child leaves home after he finishes high school, you should prepare him so that he has a minimum skill to budget, trade off and wisely spend money." I decided to put it in practice. A decent consume will cost around $19. A watch would cost $15 at low end, and $29 if it is okay decent. The sales tax around here is 9.75%. My husband and I agreed on giving him a total of $50 for a costume and watch including the tax and letting him decide how to use the money. After he visited a couple local stores and did some research on the Internet, he came to a decision;
1. He will use the watch daily, while he will not use the costume nearly as often. He thus will use more money on the watch, while cutting the cost of the costume to minimum.
2. For the costume, he will recycle the death mask and the wand he already has, and that leaves him a mantle as the only thing he needs to buy for $3.99 ($4.25 with tax).
3. He picked this watch in the picture. He will use the rest of $50 and what he has now in his wallet and will earn the remaining doing household work.
4. The watch is being sold for much less on the Internet than in local stores.
5. Amazon.com has the best deal; $62 for the watch (MSRP $110), free shipping for above $25 order and no tax.
He earned the difference doing a couple laundries, ordered it on Amazon.com a week and half ago, and has been patiently waiting for it to arrive. It's finally here! He just loves the watch. He learned a trade-off, spending wisely, an importance of earning money and delayed gratification. We did not have to deal with a series of nasty negotiations as usual. It worked wonderfully.
A book I read
1. 過去30年間のうちに起こった学校教育の変化
- 幼児教育や小学校教育での、教育の早期化;男の子は女の子より成熟が遅れるので、同じ5歳、6歳でも学校教育に対して精神的に準備が出来ていないことが多く、不適応を起こす。
- 体験や知覚による知識の教授から、本やペーパー上での知識の教授への変化;実際に触ったり、聞いたり、見たりする体験は男女ともに大切だが、とくに男の子のほうがこれを求める傾向が強く、机上での学習だけでは、学ぶ意欲につながらない。
- 全員平等のもと健全は競争をなくしてしまったこと;男の子の中には競争によって闘争心ややる気が伸ばされるタイプも多いのに、負ける子をつくると子どもを傷つけるとの判断から健全な競争までとりさってしまった。
2. ビデオゲーム
3. ADHDのためと名をうった過剰投薬
- クラスで手をやく子どもがいると早々にADHDの検査をすすめる先生、正確にADHDを診断するためのトレーニングと経験を欠くため「とりあえず」投薬を薦める医師、たとえADHDでない子どもであっても投薬をすると集中力が高まり成績が向上することから、投薬されることを好む親という三つ巴により、2007年リタリンやデクセドリンなどの投薬を受ける男の子の数は、1987年時点の30倍。2006年現在、アメリカで精神系の投薬を受ける子どもの割合は、ヨーロッパのそれの少なくとも3倍。
- ADHDのために投薬される薬は、たとえ短期間の使用でも、患者の性格を変化させ、ひいては怠惰にさせたり、いらいらしがちにしたり、やる気を喪失させるというリサーチ結果がでている。
4. 内分泌撹乱物質
5. 男らしさのロールモデル、男らしさとは何かという価値観の欠如
This is a book I read recently, recommended by a person whom I met in a waiting room somewhere. He was a Chilean father of a 5 year old boy. This was a very interesting and scary book. Since I am just so tired from writing the above Japanese summary, I decided to steal a summary from Amazon.com for English.
__ from Amazon.com__
Family physician, research psychologist, and acclaimed author of Why Gender Matters, Leonard Sax reveals the truth about what's driving the decline of American boys--and what parents can do about it.
Something scary is happening to boys today. From kindergarten to college, they are less resilient and less ambitious than they were a mere twenty years ago. As for young men, it turns out the film Failure to Launch is not far from the truth. Fully one-third of men ages 22-34 are still living at home with their parents--about a 100 percent increase in the past twenty years. Boys nationwide are increasingly dropping out of school; fewer are going to college; and for the first time in American history, women are outnumbering men at undergraduate institutions three to two.
Parents, teachers, and mental health professionals are worried about boys. But until now, no one has come up with good reasons for their decline--and, more important, with workable solutions to reverse this troubling trend. Now, family physician and research psychologist Dr. Leonard Sax delves into the scientific literature and draws on his vast clinical experience to propose an entirely original view of why boys and young men are failing in school and at home. He argues that a combination of social, cultural, and biological factors is creating an environment that is literally toxic to boys, ranging from environmental estrogens to the over-prescription of ADHD drugs. And he presents practical solutions--from new ways of controlling boys' use of video games, to innovative (and workable) education reforms.
Temaki sushi
On the way home from the exercise at YMCA, I decided to drop by in Marukai (Japanese grocery store). I found pretty good Sashimi (raw fish), so decided to do Temaki Sushi (table sushi you casually roll up yourself) for dinner. The larger tray was $9.98 even with sea urchin, and the smaller one was $7.98. I found other Asian vegetables that go along with sushi for very reasonable prices. What a convenient life with a great access to all kinds of Japanese grocery! Well, but if you live this kind of life, you start to lose the excitement of going back home to Japan every summer. Back in Virginia, we used to be so much looking forward to going home once a year, planning ahead of time what to eat and what to shop once we are in Japan. We used to feel this surge of emotion going through your entire body when we set our feet in one of those big Japanese/Asian grocery stores in DC or NY where we had a luxury to visit only once in a while. Those excitement, those feelings, those emotions, those shivers... are gone for ever now. In exchange for a super convenient life here in Torrance, we might have lost a piece of happiness which we did not even know existed.
Kanji tests
It's been three weeks since kids started with Nishiyamato Academy Saturday Japanese School. We had a rough start, but now kids and us parents both feel more comfortable with the new routine. The kanji (Japanese characters) tests they took a week ago came home yesterday. He got 100%. She got 6 out of 7. Every week, they have six new Kanjis they are supposed to master. Probably right after the test, they quickly forget those Kanjis. That's the reality, since they do not use them in the daily life. If 10% stays on with them, I should be happy. Perseverance makes the difference. We keep going.
A fall event
We went to a fall event which was arranged on a part of the parking lot of a nearby mall. It was right in the middle of the city, but they did a pretty good job covering the asphalt of the parking lot with lots of hey, scattering hey blocks and all kinds of pumpkins around and bringing in quite a few animals. It felt like we were in one of those farms in our beloved Virginia.
There was a petting zoo with a cow, sheep and goat. The admission was $3.
You can feed ponies. A cup of dried corn was $2.
There was a pony ride too. $6 for three laps on the parking lot.
Hair cut
Following our son's hair cut, I had mine today. He tried one of the two Japanese hair salons around where we live, so I tried the other one. See the picture for the outcome.
担当してくれたのはこの方、ユキさん。こうなりたいというヘアスタイルの写真をネットからプリントアウトして持っていって、口頭で要望を告げると、すぐに要領を得て切り出す。ハサミの使い方もあざやか。。切ったあとで、シャンプー台へ。シャンプーひとつにしても、極楽。トリートメントのマッサージも気持ちいい。洗い終わって椅子に戻ってから、「シーブリーズおつけしてもいいですか。」 この言葉を聞くのは何年ぶりだろう。そういえば、日本の美容室ってよくシーブリーズ使ってたよなあ。シーブリーズつけて、頭皮と肩から背中までのマッサージは最高。髪を乾かして、仕上げトリミングして、艶出しスプレーして、はい、思い通りの髪型になりました。セミロング39ドル。チップもいれて47ドル。バージニアで行っていた美容院とくらべて値段は少々安いのに、内容は3割増しってかんじ。
やっぱり日本人の美容師さんのレベルは高い。テクニックと訓練の濃さが全然違う。。。その違いはどこにあるのか、徹底究明!日本では、2年間の美容学校を 修了し、国家試験に合格すると美容師資格が得られるが、そこからが本当の訓練だそう。就職した美容院によって差はあるものの、まずはシャンプーの仕方から 叩き込まれ、一日4時間から5時間、ただただひたすらシャンプーの練習。お互い練習しあうので、頭皮はボロボロ、頭痛までしてくるほど。一言でシャンプー とはものの、髪の質、髪の長さ、毛染めの有無などで、やり方がいろいろあるそうで、そのひとつひとつをマスターしていくのだって。「まさに、泣きながらやりました。」とユキさん。そういった下積みの日々を3年ほど過ごして、やっと一人前のスタイリストになれるんだって。
I had a young lady, Yuki-san, to do my hair (picture). I brought a picture with the target hair style with me. As soon as I showed it to her and gave her some additional instructions, she started cutting. It was really fun to watch how she used her scissors. It's quick and rhythmical. After the cut was done, I moved to the shampoo stand. It's just shampooing but it feels great. She massaged treatment into my hair and scalp. After the shampoo, I went back to the chair and she asked me, "Is it okay to use Sea Breeze on you?" For those who do not know what Sea Breeze is, it is astringent you put on your body. It is, or used to be at least while I was still in Japan, very popular that they use this product in your scalp after the shampoo at a hair salon. You have a sort of tingling sensation on your scalp and I love it. She gave me a nice massage onto the scalp, neck and back. Woooo.... She then dried my hair with detailed attention, trimmed it for the final touch, and sprayed something for glossy look. Yeah, I found myself with exactly the requested style in the mirror. It was $37 as a semi-long cut, $47 including tip. Compared to what I used to get in Virginia, the price is a little less and the service is 30% more.
I must say that Japanese cosmetologists have in general much higher levels of skills than American counterparts. There is an apparent gap in the range of techniques and the depth of discipline average cosmetologists are capable of in each country. Why this gap? I learned that to be a cosmetologist in Japan you need to go to a cosmetology school for two years and pass the tests. Once you pass the tests, you have the certification, but everything starts after that, according Yuki-san, who did my hair. After you found an intern job in a hair salon, you go through detailed OJT, starting with shampooing. It is just a shampooing, but you never take light of it. They need to know how to customize shampooing depending on the types and length of the hair and whether the hair is dyed or not. Yuki-san said she spent 4 or 5 hours shampooing every day. She even cried because the training was so demanding. They practiced shampooing on each other, and in the end their scalp got too dry from over-shampooing and gave them headaches. Over three years of such OJTs , one becomes a capable confident stylist.
In the U.S., different states have different requirements for the cosmetologist certification, but for example, here in California, you need to finish 1600 hours of cosmetology schooling, which translates to one to one and half year of education. What makes difference comes after that. As is the case with any other trade in this country, you are expected to be self-sufficient once you secure a job as a cosmetologist. There is no such thing like extensive OJTs, where seniors train juniors and where you may have to secretly wipe the tears once or twice because the training is so demanding, but you gain tremendous amount of experience and discipline. It's true that there are cosmetologists who are really good and have lots of experience in this country too, but in general, especially those young ones who just started the career lag largely behind Japanese counterparts.
Homework station
This is our dining room. We have never dined here since we moved in. We usually have all the meals in the breakfast area right next to it. This dining area has a off-white carpet on the floor, and that is sort-of a turn off to have any food here with kids. It has now been reborn as a homework station. After a little snack time every day after school, they start working on homework right here.
When they are really working on it, it looks like this. When they are not really working on it, I go crazy.
Halloween is coming.
Halloween is just around the corner. See, we made our house haunted. The headstones were $5 a piece at Walgreen.
玄関両脇の木には、おばけ(てるてる坊主じゃないよ)が10ぴき。黄色いテープには、「Warning. This house is haunted. (注意。この家は呪われている。)」
On those two trees, we have 1o little ghosts which our daughter and I made the other day. On the yellow tape, it says, "Warning. This house is haunted."
Here are the front doors. Now you are so scared that you cannot even think about coming near, aren't you?
South Bay Keiro Nursing Home
As a part of the services of Rolling Hills Covenant Church, a group of us visited South Bay Keiro Nursing Home in Gardena, which is right next to Torrance. We sang Japanese songs there in front of, say, 50 or so residents. This Nursing home is a facility that specifically targets Japanese American communities in the South Bay area.
On the walls, you find works created by residents.
「幸せなら手をたたこう」、「みかんの花」などの手遊び歌や、「赤とんぼ」、「ふるさと」などを歌いました。「ふるさと」を歌いながら、この方たちの中には、「日本に戻りたい」と思っている人もいるのじゃないかなと思いました。最後にひとりひとり手を握って、「聞いてくださってどうもありがとう。また来ます。」と言うと、流暢な日本語で「ありがとう」という人も、完璧な発音で「Thank you」という人もありました。私もゆくゆくはこういうところに入るのかなあなんて思って帰ってきました。
We enjoyed play songs with them and sang other traditional Japanese songs. One of the songs was about hometown or homeland. I just imagined that some of these people would be yearning to go and visit Japan, which did not seem very easy, since many of them are in a wheelchair. When we are done, we shook hands with each one of them saying "Arigato!." Some of them returned "Arigato" in perfect Japanese, others returned "Thank you" in perfect English. I wondered if I will be in one of these facilities in the future.
Japanese reading assignment
It's been three weeks since kids started with Japanese school at Nishiyamato Academy every Saturday. Our 1st grade daughter (2nd in the American system) had a relatively smooth take off, being simply a 1st grader. Our 5th grader son (6th in the Amrican system) is a different story. He sailed through a rough stormy bumpy start. He struggled with 5th grade Kanjis (Japanese characters) and Math word problems, begin unable to make sense out of them. He needed but did not want parents' help, being a typical preteen. He was maybe expecting us saying, "It is just way too much. This was not a good idea." Of course that did not happen. We stayed on.
He probably figured out in his own way that we never let him quit, and after the second week, he started working on those assignments with a more positive attitude. Although we told him that we should be happy if he scores 50% on Kanji tests for the time being, he had a higher expectation and worked until late!
Now we are in the third week. One of the assignments is to read aloud this relatively long novel in the textbook three times. I knew he would complain which he did, but he is done with the first round today (MONDAY!) without much fuss. To make this assignment more bearable, he invented a couple different rhythms to read it along with, and this is a lap version. I do not know whether his teacher approves it or not, but the important thing is he is working on it, isn't it?
Judy's devilled eggs
When we lived in Virginia, our next door neighbor Judy used to make us wonderful devilled eggs. That was our daughter's favorite. Whenever we were invited over for a dinner with Judy's, she made us devilled eggs. It was fun to watch our daughter eating the eggs, since you can really tell that she loves them. Last week, she said, "Mom, why don't we make ourselves nice devilled eggs?" So today's first work of ours is making devilled eggs. Here in this picture, she is peeling the eggs.
できあがり。Judyはピクルスを混ぜるのだけど、うちにはちょうどピクルスがなかったので、きゅうりの漬物を混ぜてみた。JudyのDevilled Eggsはいつもパーフェクトだけど、うちのはどうも不恰好。ゆでるときに卵をまわさなかったのがいけなかったのかな。
Voila! Judy adds pickles to the york, but I did not find regular pickles in my refrig, so I added Japanese pickles. Judy's devilled eggs are always perfect, and ours do not look as nice. I did not stir around the eggs while they are being cooked. Maybe that was it.
TGI Friday
It's Friday night! We decided to dine out. My husband and daughter are happy-go-lucky types to go along with your decision. That always left me vs. our son. I eagerly pushed a local restaurant called Elephant Bar, but he insisted on TGI Friday. TGI Friday is everywhere, I said. But we've never been to one, replied our son. We found ourselves sitting at a red and white striped table (TGI). He ordered a huge burger, which has 1560 calories according to the menu. He picked it against our warning, and he ended up leaving 2/5 of the burger, since it was too heavy. They took longer than usual to serve the food (we did not notice..) so they offered a free dessert. Here we go. It's a parfait, which is HUGE, that we four shared.
This is a squirrel in our back yard. He comes once in a while, running down on the screen which separates our property from the one in the back. He must live in one of those trees around in our neighborhood. Back in Virginia, we had lots of lots of green around the house and saw abundant of wild animals, such as deers, squirrels, red foxes and ground hogs, which are all regarded as "pests" since they chew on house materials and eat up all those flowers in the yard. Around here we only see this squirrel around. Since this is the only one we see, we cherish him. How selfish we could be!
Our son ran back in house, came back with a camera and took many shots of this squirrel. I was looking at him, thinking he is "cuter" than the squirrel.
Dentist on a rainy day
The weather has been nasty for 2 days. It's been raining for 2 DAYS! It is just a drizzle, but people around here call it "a storm".
こんなユウウツな雨の日、最初の用事はユウウツな場所。ここ↑ 歯医者さん。このまえ、息子と映画デートにいったでしょ?映画が始まる前に、スナックスタンドで、何か訳の分からないようなグミみたいなチューイーなキャンディーを買っていた息子。う~気持ち悪そう!というのが私のリアクションだったのだけど、これがまた一つ食べてみると以外とおいしい。映画を見ながら、5,6個もぐもぐやっていると、いきなりグニャグニャのなかに固いものがガリ!歯の詰め物がとれたのでした。。。
家に帰って、保険の補償特典の表をさっそくチェック。詰め物のやり直しの$75は妥当。しかしながら、かぶせるタイプのは個人負担額の最高は$370と書 いてあるじゃないの!いったい、$750というのはどこから来た額なのよ!!保険会社と歯医者の受付に電話をして話した結果分かったことは、私が今度やっ てもらうかぶせるタイプのやつは、EMPRESSというブランドもののかぶせもの(私の保険どころか、たぶんどんな保険でもカバーしない!)だということ が判明。ブランドもののかぶせものを入れるなどということは一切説明を受けていない。レギュラーなセラミックだと思っていた。すぐにクレームをつけて、 EMPRSSをキャンセルし普通のセラミックを注文しなおして、差額の$380($750-$370)を返金してもらったけど、釈然としないいやな気持 ち。2週間後にかぶせものをつけてもらうのにもう一度行くので、そのときにももっと文句を言ってやろうと思う。歯医者も保険担当者もきちんと教育を受けた 人だろうに、こうやって人を適当に煙に巻いてお金が少しくらい儲かったからといっても、自分の尊厳というものを犠牲にしているのだということがどうしてわ からないのかな。今日、実際処置をしてもらっている間は、とても親切でちゃんと注意をはらってくれるいい歯医者さんという印象だったので、あとからこうい うことになりとても残念。まさに遺憾でございます。
On this rainy day, my first destination was a dentist. Remember, I had a movie date with my son the other day. He bought a pack of gooey sticky gummy stuff at the snack booth before the movie started, and first I gave him a yucky glance over the package, but once I tried it, I could not stop munching on them. After five of those down, I suddenly felt this hard stuff in the gooey stuff. It was my filling coming off one of the teeth!
So I went to see a dentist today. They took the x-ray for the whole mouth, my dentist determined there were couple decays beneath the fillings in addition to the one I just lost. She decided to work on the one lost and the right next to it today. It's one new filling and one new onlay that needed to be done. They said they do not do amalgam (metal) so I have to have a ceramic/porcelain work. Those are my back teeth on the top, so I would not mind getting amalgam, but since they said they do not do that, so I agreed ceramic/porcelain. I asked them how it works insurance-wise. Then this insurance specialist came in and explained it is $75 for the filling and $750 for the onlay. I was able to gulp down $75, but $750 (before insurance it is $1250!) was way beyond my expectation. I asked them there are any alternatives, she said no. See, this dentist was one of those network dentists of my dental insurance, and they have a specific agreement with the insurance company on prices they can charge on all the procedures. I reasoned that is the price I had to get used to in California. I have a hole already, so what can I do?? After the first day's work is done, I paid them $825 ($75+$750) by credit card and came home.
Once at home, I checked my insurance benefit booklet. There, it said for the type of onlay I received, the maximum enrollee responsibility is $370! Where did this $750 come from?? After couple phone calls to the insurance company and the dentist office, I found out that $750 was the price for a brand onlay called EMPRESS, which, of course, my insurance (or any insurance, I guess) do not cover. They never explained that I am getting a brand onlay. I was under the impression that I am getting a generic onlay, which is well converged by the insurance. I complained and got the difference ($750-$370) back, by canceling EMPRESS and ordering a generic onlay. I will definitely complain more when I go back in 2 weeks to get the onlay in. I never understand why poeple do not see that you might make more money by tricking people, but what you sacrifice is your integrity. Since I sort of liked the dentist as far as her bedside manner is concerned, it was a huge disappointment.
Chess girl
Our daughter started on a chess class, which is one of those after school programs at her school. They meet once a week on Friday. She is a sort of happy-go-lucky type and is never fast paced, so I was wondering if she can ever handle a strategy game like chess or even is capable of remembering how those pieces should move. She seemed, however, so serious about it. After the first class, she pretty much mastered the move of each piece. She now loves to have a match with her daddy or me. While her dad is quite a good chess player, I am never great at this kind of strategic games and thus am her good match. You need to be aware of one thing, though. She loves horses, and just hates losing knights. So I gently avoid taking her knights. A chess game or two before the bed time. Nice family time, it is.
Hair cut
He had the very first hair cut himself and among the family in California. He and his dad used to go together for a haircut with the same stylist in Virginia. Dad had his just by himself a few weeks ago, when he went to Virginia on business. So the son was left with unmanageably long hair. I tried to talk him to get a haircut but he just hates having one and did not listen to me. One day, though, somebody at school just mentioned that his head looks bigger with the longer hair, and BINGO! He asked me to make an appointment the next day. Nothing works better than peer pressure on 12 year old boy.
There seem to be more than several hair salons run by Japanese here in Torrance. Just around our place, there are two. We decided to try one of them. On the door you find a plate saying OPEN in Japanese. A young Japanese guy with bleached hair came to greet us. We told him our requests in Japanese, and he got it quickly and started working right away. After 30 minutes, voila! I must say that there is a huge gap between American training and Japanese training. He was good. My boy is very picky but he agreed it looks good. $26 including tips.
Movie night
I had a movie date with my son this evening at a nearby mall (picture). My husband and our daughter had a quality time staying home and cooking some curry dinner together. It's a relaxing time after a week of hard work.
During the week we stay very busy. First of all kids have considerable amount of homework all through the week. Since they started at the Japanese school last week, they now have Japanese assignments on top of what they have usually. Our son was already busy with all kids of assignments for every subject from the middle school, but his biggest challenge of all this week was a 10 page assignment of the Math drill from the Japanese school. He has not worked on math problems in Japanese much in the past, thus first of all he has a trouble understanding what the problem is about. There is a hint given on each page to solve problems, but making sense of it requires some getting used to, since Japanese approach is quite different from American approach even if you are working on the exactly same problem. He has a parent or two eagerly trying to help him on his side, but he has this great need to resist those helpers. Well, it was not a pretty picture at all. He finally finished all 10 pages past 1:00 am, the night before the Japanese school.
So he got to pick a movie, and he chose "9 (nine)", produced by Tim Burton. It was ok. I would not say it was excellent, but as long as he was happy, I am happy.
Backyard drill
I have been down in bed for a week. Finally I started feeling myself. It takes time to recover as you age, huh? In the evening, they had a basketball training in the backyard as usual. Here is the footwork drill.
Still in bed
I finally got a fever, and once I have it, it never leaves me. It goes away and comes back and goes away and comes back. This must be a flu. Kids got flu shots the other day, so they are spared, I guess. Hope it is not a swine flu. I remember those days when I was sick in bed as a child, I got served porridge and juice and whatever I like without even asking for it. I wonder why people did not warn me that it would end once you left the house to go to college. I remember those days when I was sick in bed before our kids came along, I was able to stay in bed as long as I wanted. I wonder why people did not warn me that it will end once you have kids. I would have enjoyed it more.
A turtle and a detention note
This turtle came home with our 2nd grade daughter the other day. You accumulate points being a good student in the classroom, and when you have certain points by the end of the week, you get to pick a treasure out of the treasure box. With pride, I patted her on the shoulder. Now, now, this week came home with her a detention note. It said, "chasing other children in line, instead of lining up quietly," She said, "but (why do they have to start with this word?) the teacher warmed me just once." Her teacher says she warned her many many times over many many days. So whom should I believe? She was successfully detained after school on Tuesday, wrote a letter to the principal and came home. I like this school making resource available to teach kids how to be a good citizen in and around the class this way.
Down in bed
I am in bed with a bad cold today. Whenever I have a cold, I have a sinus infection. My sinus is just exploding. I have a body pain all over, but somehow do not have a fever as always. I am just so envious of people who get fever easily. You have a good reason to be excused from daily chore that way.
Japanese Kite Festival
We visited Japanese Kite Festival at Seal Beach, which is a 30 minute drive to south from where we live. It said on the flier that 6,000 visit this festival every year, but we did not see that huge crowd nor that many kites. It was sooooo windy (I guess that's why they chose this beach) and we came home tasting sand in our mouths driving sand-topped car which looked gray even though it is supposed to be dark blue. On the flier it said there are huts for Japanese food, so I was personally looking forward to having those yummy roasted corn ear, which ended as a dream.
Kids got a free tiny kite made by volunteers. They are small, but some people were successully flying them high up in the sky.
Belated birthday
My husband, who was on a business trip to Virginia, arrived back at the LA airport past 11:00 pm last night. He had his birthday while he was away. We celebrated with his favorite steak dinner tonight. We cannot have any birthday without this strawberry shortcake. Everybody just loves it.
Nishiyamato Academy - revisited
With these textbooks, kids will go to Nishiyamato Academy every Saturday starting tomorrow to study in Japanese. There are a great number of Japanese schools, cram schools, and private tutor services around here, and we have visited/tried several of those. On our final list were Nishiyamato and a private tutor. Our kids have been studying Japaense at a Japanese school, while we were in Virginia, but the school was a tiny organization run by parent volunteers, and the classes there most often could not afford following the grade level requirements set by the Japanese government. Our daughter is only a 1st grader in the Japanese system, so she will be able to catch up relatively easily, while our son, a 6th grader, will have to go through a hell to catch up, if he is ever able to. After a careful analysis of the current situation, I thought placing him with a private tutor would be the viable choice. This tutor we tried seemed compatible with him and has a knowledge base how to take advantage of the Japanese proficiency for college application, which could be a motivation for him to keep studying. However, my husband objected; " The primary purpose of his learning Japanese is not to get in a good college. He studies it because that's our blood and culture. It's much more beneficial to be a part of a community and learn from others' behaviors and thinking. " After all, we agreed, as a family, on his studying at Nishiyamato.
Well, it was a long way to come to a decision to choose Nishiyamato, and it was even a longer way after that. He has only studied Kanji (Japanese characters) up to the 2nd or 3rd grade level so far. Nishiyamato only allows kids to go one grader higher or one grade lower than their own grade level. Thus, he took the entrance test at 5th grade, one grade lower, but still the reading comprehension was a mission impossible for him. He could not read Kanjis. The answer sheet was pretty much blank. We had a series of meetings with the principal, and the final word of his is that if our son is committed to study hard here, then we will accept him." Great school.
The thing is when kids reach 5th or 6th grade, being busy with assignments from local schools and extracurricular programs, many of them leave Japanese schools. Our son is going totally against the flow, starting with the 5th grade which is even beyond his current capability. We must be so courageous or simply crazy, depending on the perspective. Well, we should not look back and keep moving forward, I guess.
We opened the 5th grade textbook to find the chapter they will be working on tomorrow. I read the chapter to him first, since he has a difficulty with Kanjis. Even though the theme was not a very concrete one (environmental issues), he was able to understand 90% of what was read. If read, he can understand. Yeah! We should be glad with what we have now instead of crying over what we don't, shouldn't we?
Bike to school
He has been dropped at school every morning and walked home after school for the past a few weeks, but now is switching to a complete bike commute. It takes only 10 minutes by bike, while it takes 20 to 30 minutes on foot. He decided it is more beneficial by bike being able to come home faster.
He is now much more comfortable being on bike after a couple safety trips to school with his daddy and a few weeks of walking home from school. It seems he has grown to be a bit more confident 12 year old. Even though he is not really talkative about his school life, I can tell that he is pretty comfortable with the school. He looks quite relaxed. He says he has more fun at school than before (than at his previous school). The time passes much faster during the class, he said. Since he was never too positive about this move, we were sort of anticipating a bumpy ride, but so far soooo good.