
Japanese reading assignment




It's been three weeks since kids started with Japanese school at Nishiyamato Academy every Saturday. Our 1st grade daughter (2nd in the American system) had a relatively smooth take off, being simply a 1st grader. Our 5th grader son (6th in the Amrican system) is a different story. He sailed through a rough stormy bumpy start. He struggled with 5th grade Kanjis (Japanese characters) and Math word problems, begin unable to make sense out of them. He needed but did not want parents' help, being a typical preteen. He was maybe expecting us saying, "It is just way too much. This was not a good idea." Of course that did not happen. We stayed on.

He probably figured out in his own way that we never let him quit, and after the second week, he started working on those assignments with a more positive attitude. Although we told him that we should be happy if he scores 50% on Kanji tests for the time being, he had a higher expectation and worked until late!

Now we are in the third week. One of the assignments is to read aloud this relatively long novel in the textbook three times. I knew he would complain which he did, but he is done with the first round today (MONDAY!) without much fuss. To make this assignment more bearable, he invented a couple different rhythms to read it along with, and this is a lap version. I do not know whether his teacher approves it or not, but the important thing is he is working on it, isn't it?