
TGI Friday

金曜日だからどこかに食べに行こうということになりました。こういう時、どこでもいいよ派はパパと娘。必ず、私と息子の対決になりますの。私はElephant Barというローカル・レストランに行ってみたかったのだけど、百歩譲って息子が提案したTGI Fridayというチェーン・レストランに決定。息子が頼んだのは、ギドギトのアメリカン・バーガーでなんと1560カロリー(メニューにカロリー表示があって)!親の反対を押し切って注文するも、あまりにもヘビーすぎて5分の2くらい残しました。注文からモノが出てくるまで相当時間がかかったらしく(あんまり気にならなかったけど)、このパフェーはサービス。すごくでっかくて、4人で食べました。

It's Friday night! We decided to dine out. My husband and daughter are happy-go-lucky types to go along with your decision. That always left me vs. our son. I eagerly pushed a local restaurant called Elephant Bar, but he insisted on TGI Friday. TGI Friday is everywhere, I said. But we've never been to one, replied our son. We found ourselves sitting at a red and white striped table (TGI). He ordered a huge burger, which has 1560 calories according to the menu. He picked it against our warning, and he ended up leaving 2/5 of the burger, since it was too heavy. They took longer than usual to serve the food (we did not notice..) so they offered a free dessert. Here we go. It's a parfait, which is HUGE, that we four shared.