
Thank you, everybody!


So yesterday he turned 12. I will tell you what he got with the gift money he received from you all.

超人気のSuper Smash Brosのゲーム。最後の1枚だった。。。私には何が何だかわからないんだけど、でもニンテンドーのキャラクターがいろいろと出てくるらしくて、楽しんだそうです。

This is a popular wii game, Super Smash Bros Brawl. Kids are having so much fun already.


... and this is a guitar amp. He graduated from a tiny desk-top amp into this professional one. It can do lots of special effects. He sounds professional, too!


This is our pussy cat who wanted to take a nap in the carton box the guitar amp came in.


Sweet 12


That tiny baby who was born 2524 grams became 12 years old! We had a steak dinner and celebrated with a strawberry cake. We usually celebrate the birthday with his friends and our next door neighbors, but this year we just did as a family. I am sure their hearts are here with us.


Before dinner, we went to the beach for body surfing. The sunset was just so perfect.


Commute or not commute, it is not a choice.


It's been two weeks since we arrived in LA. Since we were back in Virginia, I worried much about my husband's old and grossly gas guzzling Land Cruiser. I seriously doubted that they would let him register that car here in California. Now after two weeks, it is carrying him back and forth between home and office everyday, with the shiny California number plates in the front and the back. When it arrived here on the car transporter, the electrical panel was simply dead, and I though that was it. When he took it to the dealer though, it just revived. It even passed the smog test like a snap, which I never ever thought possible. Then it got registered with DMV without a problem. So, I don't know how many more years it is going to last, but I am sure he will hang onto that for a while.


Well, in the past week, my husband commuted with that beloved Land Cruiser every weekday other than Thursday. He uses Freeway 405. 405 in this area is a notorious bottleneck, and turns into a parking lot quite often (see the picture). Here is his commute time record.

         home to office------office to home  
8/24 (Mon)----55 min.--------------36 min.
8/25 (Tue)---- 57 min. --------------44 min.
8/26 (Wed)----46 min. --------------37 min.
8/28 (Thu) ---- 41 min. -------------39 min.


His comment: "It was not as bad as I worried. I will try to explore new routes so that I can further shorten the time."




We went to Mitsuwa, a Japanese grocery store, for dinner. They have a grocery section, a food court and a book store inside, and it looks very similar to the one we went to in New York with my friend Fumi's family. It just brought back the sweet memory of fun time we shared there. We had Katsu-don, Katsu curry, Shoyu Ramen, and Sermon Roe Bowl.

このあたり、ミツワ、ニジヤ、マルカイと大手日本食品店が競争を繰り広げていて、3ブロックごとになにかあるってかんじ。街の小さな中国食品店のすみっこで、ホソボソと日本食を買い物している生活を14年もしてきたので、なんだか他の国に来たみたい。東京24区目と呼ばれる所以である。人種構成の比較は以下のとおり。シャーロッツビルではOther Races 1%にやっと入れてもらっていたところ、トーランスではJapaneseという別項目をつくってもらえるんだね。本当に(アメリカじゃない)外国にきたみたい。

Around here, three big Japanse grocery chains are competing head to head, and you feel like you run into one of those every three blocks. I have been happy to shop whatever Japanese I can find at the corner of a small Chinese grocery store for the past 9 years in Charlottesville, VA and for the further past 5 years in West Lafayette, IN, thus I feel like I am in a different country here. People call this area the 24th ward of Tokyo (there are 23 wards in Tokyo, Japan). The below is the demographics comparison. In Charlottesville, we were crammed into "Other Races" which barely sums to 1%, but now we are upgrade to a separate category of Japanese! It really seems like we move to another country (other than America that I know).

Torrance, CA:-------------- Charlottesviile, VA:

White Non-Hispanic (52.4%) -White Non-Hispanic (68.4%)

Hispanic (12.8%) -------------Black (22.2%)

Japanese (10.1%) ------------ Hispanic (2.4%)

Korean (6.9%) ----------------Two or more races (2.1%)

Chinese (4.8%) ---------------Chinese (1.5%)

Two or more races (4.7%) ----Asian Indian (1.2%)

Other race (4.6%) ------------Other race (1.0%)

Filipino (2.2%) --------------- Korean (0.7%)

Black (2.2%) -----------------American Indian (0.5%)

Other Asian (1.8%)

Asian Indian (1.7%)

Vietnamese (1.2%)

American Indian (1.1%)




それ以外は今日はエキサイティングなことなし。午前中は、こどもたちにツベルクリンを受けさせるために病院へ(バージニアではツベルクリン/BCGは予防摂取のリストになかったけど、カリフォルニアではこれをクリアしないと学校に入れてくれない)。午後は、DMV(Department of Motor Vehicles。運転免許や車の登録を司る役所。州ごとに運営されているので、州を越えて引っ越すといちいち書き換えが必要)へ行って、カリフォルニアのナンバープレイトと免許証とを取りに行くのでおしまい。手続きって面倒だねえ。

What she is reading in this picture is a book from Hayao Miyazaki's latest movie "Ponyo", which, I guess, is now showing in theaters throughout the US. This is the very first book she read in Japanese! We bought the first book of the series of four the last time in Japan, and looked for the sequels in bookstores in Japanese book stores here in California, but they did not have them yet, so we special ordered them with Granma in Japan. She is so thrilled. She is now working on the third book.

Other than that, we did not have anything exciting today. In the morning, I took kids to the clinic to get them TB test. In Virginia, schools did not require that test, but here in California, they do not let you in (or let you volunteer as a parent in school) without it. In the afternoon, we went to DMV to get the California drivers licenses and registrations. It was very boring as you know.


Torrance Beach

今日、息子の行く予定のミドル・スクールに申し込みに行ったら、受付のおばちゃんが、”どこから引っ越してきたの?”と行くので、”バージニアです”と答えたら、”バージニアのどこ?”って言うので、”知らないでしょうけど、シャーロッツビルっていう街”って答えたら、”あら!!うちのハズバンドはシャーロッツビルの出身で、ハズバンドも息子もUVAに行ったのよ!”... ということで、かなり盛り上がって帰ってきました。世界は小さい。。。

We went to the middle school our son is starting in this fall to register him. The lady in the office asked us where we moved from. I told her Virginia. She asked me where in Virginia. I said to her, "Probably you do not know, but it's small town called Charlottesville." Then she exclaimed, "Oh, my! My husband is from Charlottesville. He went to UVA! Our son went to UVA!!" Well, it's a small world after all...


We chose the beach as a venue for our walk this evening. The closest is Torrance Beach. The weather was perfect, but the water was pretty cold since we have a cold current here. The beach was busy with swimers, sun bathers, body surfers, soccer players on the sand, fresbee players and so forth. Feel it with a video.


There is a bike path going along the beach to the north for 22 miles. It goes through Manhattan Beach, Maria Del Rey, Venice Beach as far as Santa Monica. We NEED to get ourselves bicycles! You can be on the sand in 10 minutes (2 miles) from our front door! You NEED to come and visit us (don't worry about bringing your bikes, since we've got rent-a-bike shops around, ha).


Exploring the area


Probably due to the stress of the move or the change of lifestyle, I suffered pretty bad rash on my neck and elbows. I went to see a doctor using our brand new insurance card. Actually it was an HMO and it was a huge hospital! I was prescribed with steroid lotion and pills, and while we were waiting for the prescription to be filled (the pharmacy was on site), my daughter begged me to go to the park across the street. There we found lots of geese, ducks and other birds. She insisted on catching one. I somehow persuaded her to give up on the idea, and we promised that the next time we come back here with a bag of bread.

夕方、家でウダウダしがちの子どもを連れてお散歩に行く。2ブロックぐらいぐるっと回って帰ってくる間、同じように散歩をしたり、車を洗っていたりする人たちに出会ったけれど(8グループくらい)、なんと全員アジア系!うちとまるで同じように、妹がスクーター、お兄ちゃんがRipstikにのって、お父さんと散歩している一群にも出会って、”あの人、何人かな?”と興味シンシン。こういう興味を持つこと自体、このあたりの新米ということなのかも。大通りにでるとWorld Market(いろいろな国の物産を売っているお店)があったので、明治のアーモンドチョコレートを買って食べながら帰る。World Marketのお姉ちゃんだけが、お散歩で出会った唯一の白人だった。

In the evening, we went for a walk (actually kids went on a scooter and Ripstik) in the neighborhood. We ran into 8 or 9 groups who were also enjoying the evening outside, and surprisinglly(?) all of them were Asian-looking. We also ran into a group of a little sister on a scooter, a big brother on Ripstik and a father with a dog, just like us(except for the dog), and wondered what nationality they are. Well, they maybe Japanese, Chinese, Vetnamese, Korean, Taiwaneese, Amrican, or a conbination of any of those. We walked to World Market and bought a box of Japanese chocolate snack, and came home eating it along the way.


Water filter


We went to Target today to get a water filter tank. I usually prefer Walmart to Target for this kind of commodity (non-design) products, but we have to drive 5 miles to get to one. It is a sort of surprising, since around here we have all kinds of stores and businesses that you can conceive. Anyway on the left in the pic is the water filter tank we got. When you fill the tank from the top into the blue part, it takes about 10 minutes for the water to be filtered into the transparent part. There are 2 major water filtering companies around here targeting at Japanese customers, and if you are willing to spend a couple hundred dollars, you get a more elaborating system, but considering we are renting this house for now, we decided to be happy with a $29 plastic tank.


I shocked a couple people here in LA by telling them that we lived on a well in Virginia. Probably they are thinking of a hand-pumping well in a field (and a bucket). In Virginia, I heard that if you live on a land larger than an acre, it is much more cost efficient to drill a well than piping the city water in. According to some source, about 15 million households out of the total 112 million households in the US depend on wells, which translates as a bit less than 15%. Ensuring the water quality is left to each homeowner, though. We once had a pretty extensive test done, and they found some benign bacterias and some degree of acidity, so we put the UV light system to sanitize the water and a neutralizer tank to adjust the acidity. Well, we enjoyed the water for the past 9 years without having to worry about the chlorine in the water!


Rolling Hills Covenant Church


We went to Rolling Hills Covenant Church today,which is like 13 minutes from our house. Our friend in Charlottesville, Margaret, told us about the pastor Uno here, and that is how we found this church. It looks a small church in this picture, but you never know... It was a super humangous XL-sized church, and there were two campuses (this is what they call it) on each side of a pretty big road, and there were numeous smaller groups throughout the campuses for services. You can pick from vaious types of services, authodox, comtemporary, youth and so forth. There is of course a Japaense service, too. We arrived there, thinking that once we are in the building, we can just ask for a Japanese department. My, my..we had to ask more than several people for directions and arivved there after taking a free-shuttle going around the campus. They are going to have a curry party/field day on Sep. 6th. We are looking forward to it. Thank you, Margaret!


Los Arboles Park


We went to a park on a hill which is south to our place, to see sunset, but we did not make it. This park offers a great view, though. In the front, you see the southern part of the city of Torrance. On the right, you see inland, and on the left, you see the ocean (well, probably you do not see it in this pic). Downtown LA is far back on the right.


It is a great view, but can you see that it is smoggy in the back? Around here, the air is supposed to be cleaner than other parts of LA county, because the smog tends to be blown away by the sea breeze, but still the air is pretty bad, in comparison to what we enjoyed in Virginia. This smog, I read somewhere, is blown inland to reach as far as Grand Canyon. It was indeed smoggy when we were there a week ago.

We enjoy beautiful sunsets almost everyday.

The city with lights on.


The gloomy day

リビングからの写真。この写真だと空が薄青色に見えるけど、実はもっと灰色。朝からずっと灰色。南カリフォルニアはnear perfect weather(カンペキに近い天気)じゃなかったんだっけ?これじゃあ、コネチカットに引っ越してきたのかと思っちゃうよ。ま、どうせ今日も片付けの一日だから、こんな天気のほうが遊び心が失せてちょうどいいかもしれないが。昨日は晴天で、庭にプールがある裏の家からは、朝から子どもたちの楽しそうな声が漏れ聞こえ、それを横目に片づけするのは確かにいじけそうだったけど。

A picture from our living room. The sky looks light blue in this picture, but actually it is more like gray. It's been gray all day. I thought we were moving into a near-perfect weather of Southern California. It looks like we moved in Connecticut! Well, we have to spent all day sorting things anyway, so we'd be better off this way without an enticing sunshine outside... Yesterday was a perfectly sunny day, and people were having fun in the swimming pool at the house behind ours, we thought it was so unfair we were stuck with cleaning in our house.

(Climate Comparison); Torrance, CA Charlottesville, VA

1年のうち晴天の日数     279 days     187 days
# of clear days per year

年間降雨量           16 inches      49 inches
Annual precipitation

1月の平均気温         45 F(7.2度)    18 F(-7.7度)
Ave. temp in Jan.

7月の平均温度         78 F(25.5度)   86 F(30度)
Ave. temp in July


Shabu Shabu!


STEP 1 ; 前の家でパッキング係りが、そこらへんにあったものを片っ端からダンボールにつめる。この時点で、場所や用途の違うものがある程度ごちゃまぜになっている。
STEP 2 ; 今の家でアンパッキング係り(パッキングした人とはもちろん違う人)が、箱から物を取り出し、すでにごちゃごちゃの家の中のかろうじて場所があるところにものを並べる。


We spent all day organizing the house. It was nice that the move took care of packing and unpacking, but sorting and organizing things is made so hard that way.

STEP 1; The packers put stuff within one yard radius in a box. Here things of different uses and places go mixed in a box.

STEP 2; The unpackers take out stuff from the box and put them wherever they can find a place in an already very messy house.

The things got mixed up twice this way, so it is a big pain to sort things and put them in drawers and shelves. The room arrangements are different between the two houses, so that makes things even more complicated.


After a long day, we went to another Japanese grocery store, which is a bit bigger one than the one tried before. We just cannot get over the habit of getting over-excited when we are surrounded by so much Japanese food. Four of us kept piling upthihgs in the cart. After all, it was a purchase of $193. We just have to get our body used to the idea that we can get them anytime we like now. It will take time, though. Today's dinner was Shabu Shabu Hot Pot!


The unloading day

今日は荷降ろしの日。紆余曲折あったけど、結局、本日8月19日の荷卸しとなりました。荷卸しが24日までできないだの、早くすると追加料金 が発生するだの、釈然としないことを引越し会社が言っていたので、ベター・ビジネス・ブュロー(消費者と企業との間に立つ中立的な組織。企業の公正さの評価などもしているので、聞いたことのない会社からオンラインで物を買うときなど、事前にどういう会社かチェックしたりもできます)に問題をレポートして、今も 解決に向かって進行中。ま、でも荷降ろしに来てくれたあんちゃんたちは一生懸命やってくれて、無事すべてのものが家のなかに納まりました。

After all those phone calls and e-mail communications, it's unloading day! The mover was saying theywere not be able to unload until 24th or otherwise they have to charge an additional fee. We filed a claim with Better Business Bureau, and the negotiation is still in progress. Anyway, the unloading crew were nice guys working hard, and they did a good job. Now we have everything at least under the roof...


Remember this truck? This truck traveled 2,600 miles across the continent just like we did, now here it is!


An unloading crew.


I have no idea how many days we need, to sort through all these stuff and get organized..


Orange tree and Marie Antoinette


Today, I will introduce you my favorite thing and my unfavorite thing around this house.
First, my favorite is the orange tree in our back yard. Right net to the tree, we found this stick in the picture. The stick had a little hook on one end and you can easily pull an orange off the tree with it. Yesterday, we harvested one orange to see how it works, and we left it on the kitchen counter. Today, my daughter and I were starving with not much food in the house (we do not have a refrige yet, so we don't buy food to store), we decided to try the orange. It was GOOD! Encouraged, we decided to get more (picture below).


My unfavorite, on the other hand, is this chandelier in the dining area. I humbly named it "Marie Antoinette." It is just too much and not my taste at all. Our dining table is a sort of Japanese Style, so it is going to be like you sprinking soy sauce on top of Magret de Canard Rôtie (whatever that is, I copied this from a menu of a French restaurant). I guess I just need to get used to it.

追伸; 本日めでたく高速インターネットが開通しましたので、もう他人の帯域をコソドロすることなしに、ブログができるようになりました。

PS. We finally got a high speed internet connection started today, thus I now can work on my blog without being a bandwidth thief.


The first day inTorrance, CA


This is our first day in California. We'd like to thank all of you who supported us so that we can get here safely and start our new life. We were so blessed with lots of lots of foods, warmth and love. Thank you for your prayers.

本日の、メインイベント。ランクル様(主人のランドクルーザー)ご到着!他の荷物や家具類は、明後日水曜日に荷降ろしされる旨、引越し会社から連絡あり(まだ、追加料金がかかるだの、どーのこーの言っている。絶対払わないぞ)。車だけ別送だったので、本日来たわけ。輸送中、バッテリーがあがってしまい、ジャンンプスタートさせたらしく、エンジンはかかったが、その他のエレクトリック・システム(CDとかセキュリティー・システムなどなど)がリセットされてしまったらしく使用不可。やっぱりもうこれは、Cash for Clunkerでさっさとトレードインしてしまおう!と確信した私。どうせ、スモッグ・テストも合格するわけないし。

My husband's beloved Land Cruiser has arrived! The mover company has notified us that furnitures and other household stuff will be delivered on Wednesday (day after tomorrow).  They are still "working on the additonal fee”. Whatever that means, we are not going to pay that. Anyway, the car was transported on a separate carrier truck so it has reached here earlier. On the way here, the battery on the car died and they had to jump start it. Probably because of that, the electric system is dead even though the engine starts okay. I am now assured twice that we should definitely go for "Cash for Clunkers". The car will not pass the smog test anyway.



However, my husband, a person of attachment, does not give up that easily on his beloved Land Cruiser. He said he would go ahead and get it tested on the smog test to see "how it does", and took it to the test station. It is a 1994 model after all, and I was almost 100% sure that it would not pass. Oh my... against my expectation, it DID pass the test. On all test items, it did far better than the threshold. I do not have to tell you how proud my husband was. Well, but you get only 10 mpg on the car, are you gonna still commute in it? According to my husband, the difference in gas cost per year between communing in his Land Cruiser and in a new more energy-efficient car is $1,000. whether you decide it is ONLY $1,000 or AS MUCH AS $1,000 is up to your totally subjective judgment.

Today we are on internet at Barns&Noble.


Day11 - 240 miles, from Blythe, CA to Torrance, CA

朝11時ごろ、カリフォルニア州ブリスを出発。とうとうカーナビに新しい家の住所を入れて走り出す。カリフォルニアに入ったから、LAはもうすぐそこだわなどど気楽に構えていたけれど、砂漠をひとつ越えていかねばならない。昨日泊まったホテルはBest Western, Saharaという名前だったのを思い出して納得する。暑い、暑い。

We left Blythe, CA around 11:00 am. I finally punched in our new address in LA into the GPS and started on Interstate 10. We were in California already, but to get to LA we had to go across a desert. I now see why the hotel we stayed last night was named Best Western, Sahara. It was extremely HOT!

途中リバーサイドでランチ。適当に入ったモールなのに、日本食ファーストフードがすぐ見つかるところはさすがカリフォルニア。牛丼としょうゆラーメンをオーダーしたけれど、しょうゆラーメンは売り切れで、かわりに”Tonkatsu Ramen"にする。とんかつラーメン??実は、とんこつラーメンのことでした。よく見たらしょうゆラーメンも”Shoyo Ramen"って書いてあった。こういうヘンな日本語にもこれから慣れていくことになるんだなあ。リバーサイドは砂漠の端っこにあって暑い、暑い。ランチを食べて車に戻ったら、ダッシボードの温度計が112度(44度C)を表示していた。

We had a lunch stop in Riverside. We just picked up a mall and parked a car, then there it was! We found a Japanese fast food. Some of the menu had weird Japanese spelling, but I guess this is something we will very quickly get used to in California. It is nice that it is this easy to come across Japanese food. Riverside is on the edge of desert, and when we came back to our car, the thermo marked 112 degrees.

We are almost there!


We were actually planning to arrive in the afternoon of 17th, but because of the little trouble with the mover (we are not sure yet when they will come and make the delivery), we decided to arrive a day earlier. Today our Realtor was out of town and could not get us the house key, so she left the key under the door mat. Isn't that cute for LA? It's kind of relieving to know hiding keys under the door mat is acceptable around here. Well, this house has a security system, though. Around here it's rather cool because of the sea breeze. It was 72 degrees when we got there.

ちなみに今日は、Staplesというオフィス用品店の 駐車場でインターネットにつながりました。

After we had a good rest at "home", we decided to the Japanese grocery store right around the corner. It had a book store within, and they had whole bunch of Japanese magazines and books. You feel like you were in Japan. We forgot how hungry we were, and we took time exploring the store. Then it was time for the store to close, so we hurried to the food section. They had everything! Everybody was just so excited to see all those Japanese food, and hurried up and down the isle busy finding favorite foods. It is simply unbelievable that we have this environment just 3 minutes from home.
FYI, today we got on internet using Staples' hotspot.


Day10 - 257 miles, from Sedona, AZ to Blythe, CA


We spent last night in Sedona. When we arrived Sedona from Flagstaff, it was past 10:00 pm and it was a complete darkness we saw there. We did not see any residential area or commercial development. It looked like...


When we arrived at the hotel, it was very quite all around. We checked in with the guidance of little light we had. After a good night sleep, we stepped out of the hotel this morning to find this...


It was like you opened a present without much expectation, to find the the best of the best gift ever.


Sedona is the reverse version of Grand Canyon. In Grand Canyon, you look down at the gorgeous rock formations below, while in Sedona, you look up at the formations up in the sky. Here are two video clips.


Around 4:00 pm, we left Sedona. We took Route 89 and switched to Interstate 17 to Phoenix. In Phoenix, we had a little Starbucks break and got on Interstate 10. It was amazing how hot Arizona can be, though. In Fragstaff, where the altitude was 7000 feet plus, it was cool at night, but when you go south to Sedona then to Phoenix, it was a complete desert climate. Even after 6:30 pm, it marked 102 degrees.

とうとう、道路標識にLos Angelesの字が出た。”とうとう家に着ける”という嬉しさと、”もうバージニアの家には帰れない”という淋しさが入り混じる。

We now see the road sign saying "Los Angeles." Should we be glad getting almost there or sad getting so far from home?


This Interstate 10 will take you all the way to Santa Monica.

10号を2時間ほど走ると、もうカリフォルニアへの州境が目前!ここまで、病気もケガも事故もなく来られてよかった~とホッとしていたら、後ろから青と赤 のフラッシュがぴかぴか。。捕まっちゃった。スピードオーバー。主人のセオリーは”スピードリミットの10マイルオーバーで走れば絶対捕まらない。”ちな みに、州によってインターステートのスピートリミットの上限に差があるのをご存知?バージニアより北にあるアメリカ東部の州では65マイルが上限。ウエス ト・バージニアより西の中西部では70マイル。コロラドから西のマウンテンエリアでは75マイル。ということは、うちの主人の場合、アリゾナではスピート リミットの75マイルに10マイル足した85マイル(137キロ)で走っていたということ。ところが、捕まったちゃったよ。おまわりさんいわく、84マイ ルでていたそう。もう少しゆっくり走って欲しい私としては、じゃあ、9マイルオーバーでも捕まるだから、これで少しはスローダウンするだろうと期待してい たら、Warning(警告)だけで許してくれちゃった。罰金なし。これで主人のセオリーは証明されちゃったことになるらしい。でも、カリフォルニアでは 上限が70マイルに下がるから、あと少し、ゆっくり目の安全運転でいきましょう。その後すぐ、カリフォルニア州に入って、旅行最後の夜はカリフォルニア州のブライスという街です。明日はついに新しいお家に着く予定。

After 2 hour drive on Interstate 10, the boarder to California was right around the corner. When I was feeling relieved that we came so far from Virginia without major incidents, we saw the blinking red and blue lights in the back. It must be the speed. My husband's theory is that if you keep 10 mile over the speed limit, you will be fine. Do you know that different states have different speed limit maximum. In eastern states including Virginia, it's 65 miles. In mid-western states starting in West Virginia, it's 70 miles. In Mountain area starting in Colorado, it's 75 miles. Thus in Arizona, my husband was driving at 75 miles + 10 miles = 85 miles. The policeman marked 84 miles on us. I was sort of glad, hoping this would slow him down a bit, since I always wanted him to go slower. However, he got away only with a warning. It seems like his theory was proven. Well, but in California, the limit goes down to 70 miles. We will drive safely. Shortly after this incident, we entered the state of California and stay over night in Blythe, CA. Tomorrow we will be "home."


Day 9 - 30 miles, from Flagstaff, AZ to Sedona, AZ


We spent all day in Grand Canyon today. We left Flagstaff before noon, arrived in Grand Canyon, South Rim, past noon, and enjoyed the gorgeous scenery... Well, to tell the truth, we weren't as impressed as we expected ourselves to be. For the past two days, we had drove through the ever-changing panoramic sceneries of New Mexico and Arizona, while thinking that Grand Canyon would be much more. We just inflated our expectation way too much, maybe. It's like you had too much appetizers and you are full before moving onto entre. If we had flown in from Virginia and visited Grand Canyon on the very first day, it would have been different. Here are two video clips.

グランドキャニオンを観光してから、夜7時半ごろまたフラグスタッフに戻ってきて(フラグスタッフは、グランドキャニオンへのゲートウェイなので)、今日はCampus Coffee Beansというカフェの駐車場でオフィス開設。案の定ワイヤレス・ネットワークに接続できたので、携帯電話とメールとで相変わらず引越し会社と交渉。荷降ろしの日はまだ決まらない。追加料金の件もはっきりしない。最後にまたpriceline.comで、30マイル南下したところにあるセドナという街にホテルをとる。夕食を近くでとってから、セドナまで車を走らせる。実はこの道、明るければずいぶんと風光明媚なルートらしいけれど、もう夜10時過ぎだったのであたりは真っ暗。何にも見えない。”なんか損した気分だねえ”と言いつつ、真っ暗な空をみんなで見上げたら、なんと!満点の星!車を停めて4人で空を仰ぐ。天の川もくっきり。娘いわく、”なんだか宇宙に浮かんでいるみたい!” 流れ星も見えました。

After enjoying Grand Canyon, we came back to Flagstaff again (Flagstaff is a gateway to Grand Canyon), and we chose a parking lot in front of a cafe called Campus Coffee Beans as today's temporary office. We got connected to wireless network okay, and along with cell phones, we restarted the negotiation with our mover. We do not know yet when the delivery is going to be. They are not very clear about the additional charge yet. After we have done what we should, we booked a hotel in Sedona, AZ, which is only 30 miles south to Flagstaff. We had dinner first and drove down to Sedona. Actually this route from Flagstaff to Sedona is renowned for its beauty. However it was past 10:00 and totally dark all around. "We missed a lot," said my husband, and we all looked up the dark sky sad. Well, do you know what we saw? Thousands of stars! We were able to see Milky Way so clearly. We parked our car and four of us were together under the wide sky with full of starts. Our daughter said, "well, I feel like we are floating in the space!" We saw couple of shooting stars too.


Day 8 - 264 miles, from Gallup, NM to Flagstaff, AZ

今日は、ナバホ・ネーションを満喫した日。ナバホ・ネーションというのは、ナバホ・インディアンの半自治区で、アリゾナ州の北東部、ユタ州の南東部、、 ミューメキシコ州の北西部をカバーする。面積は6万7千平方キロというから、東京都の33倍以上。人口は17万人。アメリカ合衆国の中にありながら、独自の法律と政 府により運営されている。とにかく広い。広い。広い。ニューメキシコ州のギャラップを10時ごろ出発し、ナバホ’ネーションを突っ切る264号をひたす ら走る。まるで、超スーパービックサイズのIMAXシアターのど真ん中にいるような気分。360度地平線が見渡せる砂漠かと思うと、その次には赤岩の巨石が延々と続く。そうかと思うと、次には黄色い砂山が四方に広がり、ここがアメリカ かと思う。というか、ちょっと地球上とは思えない景色。動画を2つ続けてどうぞ。

Today we explored Navajo Nation. Navajo Nation is a semi-autonomous Native Indian homeland and occupies northeastern area of Arizona, southeastern area of Utah and northwestern area of New Mexico covering 26,000 square miles. The population is 170,000. It has its own government and law. It is just a vast, boundless, immense land! After leaving Gallup, NW around 10:00 am, we kept driving west on Route 264 which cuts trough Navajo Nation. You feel like you are in the center of the ultra super-sized IMAX theater. You see 360 degree view of desert, then endless series of humongous red rock layers, then hundred thousands of yellow sand mountains. It's hard to believe this is a part of the US.  Rather, it does not seem like this is the earth. Here are two video clips.


Nevertheless, when we bought couple souvenirs at a Native American shop, which did not seem to have any civilization in the surroundings other than endlessly continuing Route 264, they accepted my credit card all right. Also when we passes a Native Indian house being build in the midst of desert, we saw the logo of Tyvex on walls. This is America after all.

道路わきにあった巨石群。実はここはナバホの地の動物を集めた動物園。動物園と聞けば入らずにはいられない人間が我が家には約一名おり、せがまれて入ってみればなんと入場料はタダ。献金箱が置いてあったので形だけ1ドル入れて入ったのだが、案外いろいろな動物がいて楽しめる。”タダなのにいいところだったね”と主人がいうと、”ママ、20ドルぐらいドネートしてよ”と息子。決してぜいたくではないインディアンの人たちの暮らし向きを見てきたので、(いつもはスーパー にくったらしいクソガキだけど、ホ・ン・トはやさしい)息子のひとことでした。そういわれてはと20ドルちゃんと箱に入れてきました。

A group of giant rocks on the side of the road.  Actually this is a zoo with various animals found on Navajo homeland. We have a little family member who cannot resist any kind of zoos, and she just pulled us in. Surprisingly, the admission was free. There was a little donation box, so we just put a dollar bill as a formality and walked in. It turned out to be a good sized zoo with good number of animals and we enjoyed it. When my husband said, "it was a good deal for a free admission", our son replied, "you definitely should donate $20." It seems like he had his own thinking after seeing many of Native Indians' rather modest lifestyle.


Old Native American house. A simple structure of logs and mud. We expected it to be hot inside, but it was amazingly cool. Clever!


This is a tip of the Grand Canyon, which we are planning to visit tomorrow. It deserved a big wow already.


We drove down on Route 89 to Flagstaff, AZ and arrived in a hotel which we booked on priceline.com this morning. In a Teppanyaki restaurant inside the hotel, we ate our dinner. The performance was A+ and the volume was A+.
Well, remember the little trouble we had with our mover? We are still working on it. Diane, our contact with the mover, is on vacation, which further complicates things. We are still working on "8/18 delivery without the additional charge of $2,500". We will keep you posted.


Day 7 - 242 miles, from Santa Fe, NM to Gallup, NM


We were so much looking forward to having a nice morning walk in Santa Fe, then the cell phone rang and it was Tony, the moving truck driver. He asked us if he could make the delivery on 8/17. We are actually targeting at 8/17 afternoon to arrive in LA, so it does not work for us. He has a family reunion between 8/18 and 8/23, and if we miss 8/17 , he can only do 8/24. So we decided to contact the moving company for another driver and insist on delivery after 8/18. After all those calls and e-mails, it was already noon time. Being hungry, we went out to explore downtown Santa Fe.


After a Mexican lunch, we visited St. Francis Cathedral in downtown, Santa Fe. It has beautiful adobe exterior and gorgeous interior with abundant stained glass and wall art.


Around 2:00 pm, we left Santa Fe, continued on Interstate 25 to Albuquerque, and switched onto Interstate 40. There are many Pueblos, that are Native American communities, around here, and we dropped by Laguna Pueblo on Interstate 40. The picture is a small mission in the pueblo.


An old structure in Laguna Pueblo. Wall is made of local rocks and adobe clay.
In a mean time, we received a call from Tony, the driver, saying the moving company arranged another driver to make the delivery on 8/18. Relieved.

とにかく暑くて乾燥しているので、のどが渇く。ラグナ・プエブロのガソリンスタンドのお店で飲み物を買う。レジの横にはこんなものが。ピクルスだけれども、一番右の赤いのはいったい何で漬けてあるの?と不思議顔で覗き込む私をみて、インディアンのおばちゃんが教えてくれる。”これはクールエイドで漬けてあるのよ。” クールエイドというのは、合成着色料ギトギトの真っ赤(時には真っ青)の甘~い飲み物。おばちゃんいわく、これが一番の売れ筋。そういわれては引き下がれないと、ひとつ買う。すっぱくて、ちょっと甘くて、しょっぱ~い。

It is hot and dry here in New Mexico. You get thirsty so soon. We dropped in a gas station close to Laguna Pueblo. At the cash register, we found three jars sitting on the counter. They are pickles all right, but why on earth the last one is red? The cashier, a Native American lady, answered my question. It was pickles in Kool Aid. Yew.. but I bought one. It was sour, sweet, and very very salty.


We switched to a rural route 53 at Grants. On 53, we found this place called Bandera Ice Cave & Volcano. The above is the ice cave. You go down 10 yards or so on stairways and found yourself in the midst of winter. The temperature here never goes up 31 degrees. The cave has 20 feet thick ice bottom. The green stuff on the ice is Arctic Algae.


Once you are out of the cave, you are surrounded by lava field.


This one is Bandera Volcano. A huge hole!


We continued on the rural 53, and found this huge rock, El Morro National Monument.


Another shot of El Morro National Monument. If you have time, 1 hour hike will take you to the top of the rock.
We switched from rural 53 to 602, which took us to Gallup. After a very reasonable and delicious Chinese dinner, we went to tonight's hotel. When we turned on our computer in the hotel room, we found an e-mail message from the mover. They said that they are all set with 8/18 delivery, but there will be an additional charge of $2,500 for that. Don't be silly. We e-mailed them back that we DID NOT ask for any additional service other than what is agreed on the original contract (the original contract indicated a range of delivery dates between8/17 and 8/22). Well, I will keep you posted what happens next.


Day 6 - 484 miles, from Stratton, CO to Santa Fe, NM

息子がずっとシリーズで読んでいる本の最新版(The 39 Clues)が今日発売されるとかで、どうしても本屋に行きたいというので、GPSで調べてコロラド・スプリングスのバーンス&ノーブルを当面の目的地に設定。インターステイトの70号、US24号を走る。

We left Stratton, CO around 10:00 am. It is Colorado all right, but it is very flat. We do not see any mountains.
Our son has been reading this series of novels called 'The 39 Clues', and the latest version went on market today and he wanted to get it TODAY. Our GPS said there is Barns&Noble in Colorado Springs, which became our next stop. We head west on Interstate 70 and then US 24.


Here is Barns&Noble, Colorado Springs. He was happy. She say happy too because she got to pick some books too.


Past Colorado Springs, the road winds cutting through the red rocks.


We continued past Colorado Springs on US-24/287. We drove west and then south. It got more like Colorado.


We stopped in a small town called Alamosa, which is on US-24/287 just before the boarder to New Mexico. It was a small town, but this restaurant was very well decorated, sort of funky with lots of arty masks hanging on the wall. The food was good too.


We were back on US-24/287 and entered New Mexico. Today's sunset was with New Mexico flavor.


Past 8:00 pm, we arrived in Santa Fe, NM.

今までのホテルは行き当たりばったりで決めていたけれど、今日は大きな街でいろいろチョイスがあるし高いので、あらかじめインターネットで調べることに。写真は、java joe'sというコーヒー屋、もう閉まっていたけれど、なんとなくフリーワイヤレスがありそうな店だったので、ためしに前に駐車して繋いで見ると接続成功。しめしめ。そこで、priceline.comで定価$199のSanta Fe Hiltonを$100で予約し、そのままホテルへ。明日はちょっとサンタフェをぶらぶらしてみたいものだわ。

So far we drove as far as we could go every day and simply showed up in the hotel lobby for a room every night, but Santa Fe was a big city with a great selection of hotels which were also pretty expensive, so we decided to do some research beforehand. We found a coffee shop called java joe's. It was already closed, but it smelled like it had a free wireless network, so we parked in front of the store and tried to connect. Bingo! We were on the internet. We booked a room in Santa Fe Hilton (list $199) for $100 and arrived in the hotel in a minute. We like to see Santa Fe tomorrow.