Today, I will introduce you my favorite thing and my unfavorite thing around this house.
First, my favorite is the orange tree in our back yard. Right net to the tree, we found this stick in the picture. The stick had a little hook on one end and you can easily pull an orange off the tree with it. Yesterday, we harvested one orange to see how it works, and we left it on the kitchen counter. Today, my daughter and I were starving with not much food in the house (we do not have a refrige yet, so we don't buy food to store), we decided to try the orange. It was GOOD! Encouraged, we decided to get more (picture below).

My unfavorite, on the other hand, is this chandelier in the dining area. I humbly named it "Marie Antoinette." It is just too much and not my taste at all. Our dining table is a sort of Japanese Style, so it is going to be like you sprinking soy sauce on top of Magret de Canard Rôtie (whatever that is, I copied this from a menu of a French restaurant). I guess I just need to get used to it.

追伸; 本日めでたく高速インターネットが開通しましたので、もう他人の帯域をコソドロすることなしに、ブログができるようになりました。
PS. We finally got a high speed internet connection started today, thus I now can work on my blog without being a bandwidth thief.