This is our first day in California. We'd like to thank all of you who supported us so that we can get here safely and start our new life. We were so blessed with lots of lots of foods, warmth and love. Thank you for your prayers.

本日の、メインイベント。ランクル様(主人のランドクルーザー)ご到着!他の荷物や家具類は、明後日水曜日に荷降ろしされる旨、引越し会社から連絡あり(まだ、追加料金がかかるだの、どーのこーの言っている。絶対払わないぞ)。車だけ別送だったので、本日来たわけ。輸送中、バッテリーがあがってしまい、ジャンンプスタートさせたらしく、エンジンはかかったが、その他のエレクトリック・システム(CDとかセキュリティー・システムなどなど)がリセットされてしまったらしく使用不可。やっぱりもうこれは、Cash for Clunkerでさっさとトレードインしてしまおう!と確信した私。どうせ、スモッグ・テストも合格するわけないし。
My husband's beloved Land Cruiser has arrived! The mover company has notified us that furnitures and other household stuff will be delivered on Wednesday (day after tomorrow). They are still "working on the additonal fee”. Whatever that means, we are not going to pay that. Anyway, the car was transported on a separate carrier truck so it has reached here earlier. On the way here, the battery on the car died and they had to jump start it. Probably because of that, the electric system is dead even though the engine starts okay. I am now assured twice that we should definitely go for "Cash for Clunkers". The car will not pass the smog test anyway.

However, my husband, a person of attachment, does not give up that easily on his beloved Land Cruiser. He said he would go ahead and get it tested on the smog test to see "how it does", and took it to the test station. It is a 1994 model after all, and I was almost 100% sure that it would not pass. Oh my... against my expectation, it DID pass the test. On all test items, it did far better than the threshold. I do not have to tell you how proud my husband was. Well, but you get only 10 mpg on the car, are you gonna still commute in it? According to my husband, the difference in gas cost per year between communing in his Land Cruiser and in a new more energy-efficient car is $1,000. whether you decide it is ONLY $1,000 or AS MUCH AS $1,000 is up to your totally subjective judgment.
Today we are on internet at Barns&Noble.