
Trip to UCLA


It's new year's eve, and in Japan all the businesses and stores are closed, but here in the US it looks pretty much as usual. We had a little trip to UCLA with Grandpa and Grandma.


Look at this loooong bench.


This is something Hall. I forgot the name but looks pretty authentic.


It's a little chilly but we did not need a coat. We enjoyed a Japanese dinner, drove home and watched the infamous Japanese Red and White Song Festival, which is an annual year-end program.


Turning leaves


We put down the Christmas decorations today and then went to a Japanese grocery for New Year's cooking. I looked up and found these trees have finally managed to turn colors as the weather has been cooler. Yet, our son enjoyed swimming in outside pool (unheated!) today with his friends. Living in Southern California, you really need to work at it to FEEL a new year is approaching.


Half day excursion


We had a little afternoon excursion to Palos Verdes Peninsula which is located right south to where we live.


This is a beautiful church overlooking Pacific Ocean, a.k.a. the glass church.


We drove on the shoreline. It's a cliff like this all the way in this part of the area.


I don't know what this is, but it was so fun to watch.


There is a walking path on the edge of the cliff.


We dropped by in a Starbuck's for drinks (and this sunset!).


Unwrapping gifts

これはクリスマス・プレゼントの包み紙。アメリカ仕込みでバリバリと包みを破って開ける孫を見て、「かしてみなさい。こうやって開ければきれいに開けられるよ。」とおばあちゃん。テープをきれいにはがして、包装紙を傷つけないようにとり、きれいに伸ばしてたたむ。「そうそう、日本ではこうやってプレゼントを開けるのよ~」とうなづく私。しかしながら、なにかしっくりこない。やっぱり、子どもがばりばりやって開けるのでないと、見ている私が満足しないのである。昔は、アメリカ人の子どもがばりばりやっていると、「まあ、なんて野蛮な開け方かしら」と内心ケイベツしながら見ていたものだけど、今ではどうもばりばり方式でないとなんだかいけない。節操なく縦から横からビリビリばりばりする、「開けたくて、開けたくて、何が入っているか知りたくて、知りたくて」というあの性急さを見て、プレゼントをした側も見ていて満足感を覚えるのである。そもそも日本ではプレゼントをもらってもその場で開けるのは失礼とされることも多く、後で静かに開けて、数日後に「結構なものをありがとうございました」と電話するというのが奥ゆかしいのだろうけれど、アメリカでは基本的にその場で開ける。その場で、びりびりバリバリして、「これが欲しかったのよ!」とか何とかいいながら抱きつくというのが正しい(?)プレゼントのもらい方。つまり、プレゼントを送った人は、プレゼントを開けるその性急さや開けた後の反応から、その場でフィードバックをもらいたいわけである。欲しいときにすぐ欲しいものを手に入れたい現代人の傾向を表すのに、instant gratification(即時的満足)という言葉があるけれど、これはものをもらう側に限ったことではなく、プレゼントをする側にも当てはまるようである。結局、いくつかのプレゼントを日本方式で開けた後、おばあちゃんに我慢してもらってアメリカ方式に切り替えた次第です(私の満足のために)。

These in the picture were wrappers from Christmas gifts. When our kids were tearing up those wrappers to open gifts, Grandma told them to stop and started showing how to open them without tearing up wrappers. She pealed off the tapes carefully, took off the wrappers, straightened them, and folded up them very nicely. "Yes, this is the way Japanese unwrap gifts," I whispered to myself. However, after I watched her doing that for a while, it just did not feel right. I realized that I was not getting the satisfaction I need. Years of years ago, when I saw those American kids opening gifts tearing up wrappers, I used to be thinking, "Wow, they are barbarous," but now I need that barbarous way of opening gifts, that urge and impatience to get satisfied. In Japan, it could be offending to open gifts on the spot. You open them after the giver left, wait a few days and write or call him showing the gratitude. In the US, on the other hand, you are supposed to open it right away tearing it up and show the excitement with a hug or kiss on the spot. The giver needs to get the instant feedback to be sure that the receiver was happy receiving it. I learned that the word "instant gratification" applies not only to those who buy/get things but also to those who give them. So, after Grandma opened gifts for kids in the Japanese way, I nicely asked her to let kids open them in the American way (I guess, it was for ME).


Perky, the parakeet


Santa left a letter under the tree yesterday, saying that she can get any bird she likes from this very nice pet store which he specified (he did his homework!) . We gave the store owner the letter from Santa and they were more than happy to honor the letter. They recommended this parakeet and helped us to select the cage, bird food and bird toys. The parakeet is only seven weeks old and has been hand-fed, so very friendly. If we continue to train him according to the instruction, he will be able to stay on a hand and talk to us! His name is Perky.


There were many kinds of birds in the store. This one is a parrot that dances.


This one is a parrot who greets.


Santa was here!


Before we went to bed on 24th, kids set up a little table with a piece of Christmas cake and a cup of orange juice for Santa. We initially had a cup of soy milk for him (we did not have milk in the fridge), but daddy said, " I guess Santa prefers orange juice." Somehow he can read Santa's mind.


We woke up on the 25th to find that Santa finished the cake and orange juice both. What kids received from Santa are; a contribution money to the guitar fund for our son who has been trying to save up money for a better guitar, and for our animal loving daughter, a letter saying that she can pick any bird she likes in a pet shop and get a bird cage and bird food.


We then went to the beach for a walk and little snack.


We saw pelicans strolling on the broad walk.


Christmas Eve


We went to the Christmas service at Rolling Hills Covenant Church. I usually attend the Japanese service at this church. Today they give four services for the whole church groups at 1 pm, 3 pm, 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm. We went to 5:30 one. When we arrived, it was pretty full already, so we took the first row seats. Right next to my husband was the pastor who was going to give the sermon. Very often my husband falls asleep during sermon, but today he did his best to resist it, knowing the pastor was coming back to the the seat right next to him after the sermon. Did he succeed? You ask him.


After we came home, we grilled steaks, rolled Sushi and had a blessed Christmas dinner. We toasted with Champagne and apple cider.


We have to have a strawberry shortcake for Christmas, but this year I just could not get strawberries. I tried five different grocery stores, but none of them had it. I spoke with somebody in the last store and learned that it was due to the rain we had last week. When it rains, they do not pick strawberries. I do not recsall we had this problem in Virginia. They probably pick them in advance and store them. I need to remember from now on that here in California, you do not see strawberries after the rain.



We went for a big grocery shopping for Christmas dinner. One of the stops was a Korean grocery market. Grandma (my husband's mother) found a cosmetic shop there and decided to buy a bottle of moisturising gel. She says she feels like it is very dry here ( I guess, it is because of the heating system in the house). I thought they carry Korean cosmetic products, but it turned out to be a Shiseido shop. She had a gut to order the Korean sales person at the counter, "Biyoeki!("moisturizing gel" in Japanese)" I did not think the sales person would understand, since there shouldn't be many Japanese who came over to a Korean market to buy Shiseido, but I was wrong. The person started to look for the product saying "Biyoeki, Biyoeki (Japanese)..." It was $73. I usually go with rather cheaper products myself, so I had a trouble to decide whether her $73 for Shiseido gel was a good price or not. I thought it was a sort of silly Grandma who just arrived from Japan buys a Japanese product in a Korean store in the US, but she was very decisive and said, " I'll buy this!" She paid and received lots of samples and promotional items and we came home. I checked the price on the internet and found that the product was sold for $8,400 ($92) in Japan, so it WAS a good deal.


Backyard orange


Daddy was on a business trip to China last week. He dropped by in Japan on the way back and brought Grandpa and Grandma with him. He has the one with the worst jet lag, while Grandma has the least. She went outside onto the backyard this morning and came in with this big orange! When we moved in this house in summer, we were so excited to have an orange tree in the yard and picked the fruits often. Now that we are busy with our life, we were totally oblivious of the tree. The fruits were this small in September, and now this big! They are very sweet also. I learned that oranges take time to become ripe.




Our girl scout troop got together with other troops in the area and went to this neighborhood, which is famous for its Christmas lighting, for caroling. We walked through the area singing Christmas songs to the people around. The illumination was spectacular. After one hour or so of caroling, we came back to this club house for hot chocolate and cookies. Nice night, it was.


Candle light service


We had a candle light service tonight at the church. We celebrated our savior's birth altogether.

イエス様が馬小屋でお生まれになるときの劇を子どもたちがやりました。マリヤ様役をする子どもがなかなか見つからず、うちの娘にどうですかとお声をかけてもらったのだけど、もじもじ屋の娘は「やらない!」 娘の親友のAちゃんは利発だし舞台向きなのでどうかなと思い、聞いてみたらOK。立派にマリヤ様をやりました。

Kids did the nativity play. We were having a trouble finding a child for Maria. Our daughter got asked for the role, but she is a sort of shy type and said no. Then I thought of asking her best friend, who is talkative and outgoing. She said yes. She did the role just wonderfully.

舞台練習をする子どもたちを見ているだけの娘に、やさしいNさんが「じゃあ、セリフなしの天使の役はどうですか?」といってくださり、(それさえいやだと、はじめは言っていたのだけど、だんだんその気になり)娘も「やります。」 天使ちゃん、なかなかかわいかったよ。

N-san, who was watching our daughter just standing beside the stage observing, asked her whether she was interested in a role of angel without lines. She was still hesitant first, but finally accepted the offer. She was cute with that angel ring over the head.

私は聖歌隊で歌いました。誘ったお友達も来て下さり、子どもも楽しく過ごせました。天使をやっているとき以外は、娘はドレスを着たまま、木登りしたり、芝生の坂をごろごろ下ったり、水をかけ合ったりとすごいおてんば。おかげでドレスはどろどろのぐしゃぐしゃ。。。息子のほうは、あちこち行ってなにやら悪戯をしていましたが、極めつけは「Kick me」と書いた紙を牧師さんの背中に(気づかれないように)貼り付けた!神様、お許しください! 150人のお客様が集まり、本当に楽しい祝福された集まりでした。

I sang in the choir. Other than being the angel in the play, she was playing hard outside, climbing up the trees, rolling down the grass slope, and being in a water fight, IN HER CHRISTMAS DRESS, which she agreed to wear because her mom insisted! The dress got wet, stained, and smeared. Our son, on the other hand, was "exploring" the church building and being silly and naughty here and there, but the worst was sticking a tag saying "Kick me!" on the pastor's back without him noticing it. Forgive him, Lord! We had more than 150 guests, it was a joyful blessed night.


Nails done

お友達に紹介されて、ネイルサロンに行って来た。日本にあるネイルファクトリーというサロンのロサンゼルス支店。最近日本ではUV ジェルが流行っているらしく、これだとエナメルのように炊事洗濯で剥げることもなく、1ヶ月は軽くもつのだって。私はとりあえず一番ベーシックなワンカラーグラデーションというのにトライ。つめの根元はクリアで、先のほうだけゴールドをつけてもらった。32ドル。案外これなら自分でできるかもと思っている私。今度キットを買ってきてやってみようかな。

I had my nails done. A friend of mine told me about this nail salon, which is a LA branch of nail business in Japan. It seems like UV gel nails are very popular nowadays in Japan. They do not get peeled off easily as is the case with enamel and last easily for a month. I tried a very basic thing called one color gradation. I have basically clear coats except the tips of nails, where I have gold. Now looking at my nails, I started to think that I could do this myself. I will get one of those gel kits over the Internet and try sometime.


Christmas Parties


Today is the last day of school. It was a party day with two of them for our daughter.


This is the class party at school. Our class mom does a very good job every time. We had pizza, fruits, juice and kids enjoyed the Christmas craft.

ピザの後は、外に出て、こんなプレゼントの取り合い(?)をしました。 クラス全員輪になって座ったところ、音楽にあわせて、二つだけのプレゼントを回し、音楽が止まった時に持っていた人が、包みをあけていいというもの。ただし、包みは10層くらいになっていて、包みを開けてもまた包みだったら、もう一度音楽に合わせて回す。そうやって、一番最後の包みの層を開けた人がプレゼントをもらえるというものです。子どもたちはおおはしゃぎ。

After pizza, they went out. They sat in a circle and pass along two wrapped gifts with the music. When the music stops, whoever had the gift in hand opens the wrap. The thing is that the gift has probably 10 or so layers of wrappers. When you tear up the wrapper and see another layer, you need to pass it again along with the music. The child who opens the last layer gets the gift. Kids enjoyed it so much.


This one is the party at the girl scout meeting.


They made these cute Christmas goodies. From the left, a bead wreath, snow man made out of Starburst candy package, and a rain deer made of a Hershey's chocolate bar.


Haiku assignment


Surrounded by the snow
Blinded by the white brightness
The wind stings my face


Our 6th grader son was researching on Akashi Kaiyo Bridge (a big bridge in Japan) yesterday, while he was agonized making a haiku today. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge was for his wood workshop class, while haiku was for his English class. Once we are in California, we feel Japan is closer even for the school assignment. I have a weird feeling towards haiku in English, but anyway here is the haiku he created.

Surrounded by the snow
Blinded by the white brightness
The wind stings my face

The essence of haiku is reading between lines, but in this one, I don't know what I should read...


White elephant


We had a Christmas party in the bible study class at the church (Every Tuesday, we get together. Even a pastor, our beloved pastor, not yesterday's magician pastor) joins us and gives a message). After we enjoyed a quality potluck lunch, we had a gift exchange. Everybody brought a gift of a Christmas ornament for around $10, and we did the exchange by a rule called white elephant. Each picks a number card, and the person who picked #1 gets to select a gift and opens it. Then #2 person gets her turn, and it goes on. The only thing is that if you like a gift which has been opened already so far, you can steal it from the current owner. After we heard the pastor's wife saying, "Today, you just "live in flesh" and steal from each other!", we had a heated fight over popular gifts. I have stolen these ornaments in the picture from someone. Yeah! Aren't they beautiful? This game is really fun. If interested, see here.


A seminar I attended

誘われて、田中信生という人のセミナーに出てみた。この人はカウンセラーで、現代人の心の悩みを通して自分らしさを再発見し自分らしく生きるためのセミナーを展開している人で、米沢興護教会という教会の牧師でもある。今朝は主人が出張で空港まで送っていった後だったので、15分くらい遅刻して会場に入るとすでに話はまっさかり。私の第一印象は、「げっ、牧師というよりはマジシャンじゃん!」 紫がかった紺色に赤のストライプのスーツに緩やかにカールした髪の毛。「そこの奥さん、ちゃんと聞いて頂戴よ」的なノリ。時折はさむジョークもかなり下世話調。「日本人はだいだいモノをよく考えない。それに対してアメリカ人はよ~くモノを考えて生きている。」と超スーパー単純明快思想。日本人だっていろいろな生き方をしている人がいるし、さらに言うなら、「アメリカ人」っていったいどういう人のことを念頭に置いているのかな?どっかの片田舎ならまだしも、この南カリフォルニアにあって、「アメリカ人」って十把一からげにできますかぁ??このセミナーの会費は20ドルだったけど、日本で本格的なコースを受けると6万円とか8万円とかかかります。一応、聖書をベースにした考えでのカウンセリングを提唱しているんだけど、神様や聖書の話はほとんど出てこず。しかしながら、数多くの信奉者がいるそうで、実はここロサンゼルスにも支部があるそう。わたし的には、「牧師の中にもこうやってお金儲けする人がいるんだ」という発見が唯一の収穫。ところで、話が進むにつれてわかったのは、この方、その昔米国留学中に、お金を稼ぐためにある仕事をしていたんだって。なんだと思う?そう、マジシャン!

I attended a seminar, titled "Total Counseling School Seminar." He runs a school called Total Counseling School in Japan and focuses on helping out people in darkness to overcome the problem, accept/get accepted who he is and live his own life. He is also a pastor in a church in Japan. When I walked into the room, the seminar was in session already (I was late, since I had to drop my husband at the airport). As soon as I saw him, I whispered to myself, "He rather looks like a magician!" He was in a purplish blue suit with red stripes, with soft curly hair. If not a magician, he did look like one of those sales people talking a lot on those sales channels during the day time. He charges us $20 for this seminar, but if you take a real course in Japan, it is going to be six hundred to eight hundred dollars. His counseling style is based on the bible, but he rarely mentioned God or bible in the seminar. I would suggest they make this entry-level seminar free, whether he is using it to get a prospective customer in his business, or to spread the gospel, either way. Well, what bothered me the most was I am not quite sure whether he is doing it as a business person or as a servant to God. Anyway, I am not in the position to judge him, only God is, so that is none of my business, I guess. Oh, yes, towards the end of his talk, he talked about the time he was studying in the US a long time ago. He was in this trade to support himself. Know what? You guessed it right, a magician!



She had a long overdue haircut. This will make morning getting-ready a little easier...




El Captain Theatre


We went to El Captain Theatre in Hollywood to watch Jim Carry's Christmas Carol. This theater is owned by Disney, and is very popular among the locals, I heard, so I bought the tickets on line in advance. Unfortunately it was a rainy and chilly day.


When we entered (there is only one screen in this theater), this gentleman was playing festive tunes on this organ. This was a very interesting instrument that makes all kinds of sounds including a trumpet's or even a bell's.


This theater seems to have a history, and the inside decoration was pretty elaborating.


Before the feature presentation, they do a small show with Disney characters.


The movie was fun. We enjoyed it very much. I had a difficulty with English they were speaking though. On the lower floor of the theater, there was a small exhibit with skits and costumes they used in the movie. We paid $16 for adult and $14 for child. It is expensive, but is probably worth it. Across the street is Mann's Chinese Theater. Here is a shot with Donal Duck's foot prints.


Ride with Santa


Santa came to our neighborhood! This is a truck from Torrance Fire Department. They do this for kids in the city every year. They stop in every neighborhood, and give kids a ride with Santa. I don't know why but two police cars, one in front of the truck and the other behind, accompany the truck (with red and blue flash on..). Well, kids love it anyway.




We receive all kids of notices from schools; field trip, fund raising, head lice, detention... but this one is titled, "Notice to parents regarding head injuries." We received a call from school yesterday that our son banged his head. I was not home and my husband took him to hospital to get get him checked just in case. He did not exhibit any serious symptoms, so they determined CT scan is not necessary. He came home, and we watched him until he went to bed. Now after a night, we think he is okay. According to him, after lunch, they were doing this game; you keep spinning on a spot for several minutes, then you find yourself completely without the sense of balance. While he just finished spinning, one of his buddies pushed him for fun, and he just simply fell and bumped his head against the concrete ground. I wish it happened a little fancier, like he was playing soccer and ran into one of the opponents or something, but anyway he is okay, for which we should be thankful. I was a sort of surprised to see this printed note in the picture, however. Does a head bump happen so often that schools feels pre-printed form is required??


Christmas tree


Last weekend, we decorated the house for Christmas. This is our Christmas tree (fake). We share such a joy decorating the tree every year, with the ornaments. Every single one of them brings back a precious memory. A pacifier that both our kids used as a baby, first Christmas photos, handmade ornaments from friends, Christmas crafts kids made at schools... The tree glows with family history year after year. For finish, we place a little blue treasure box and a small red stocking at the lower section of the tree. In December, we have a dwarf come over every night and he leaves candies and chocolates in the treasure box for our son and in the stocking for our daughter. He comes every night (sometimes he cannot come because he is busy, I guess...) until Christmas day.


I hate HMO.


うちが今入っている医療保険はHMO(Health Maintenance Organization)といって、簡単にいうと医療保険会社と病院が一緒になってようなものといえばいいでしょうか。これは患者と、医者や看護婦などの医療従事者との間に(もちろん営利の追及が目的の)保険会社が介入するような感じで、組織的にも大きく、とにかくパパッと話が進まない。


ところが2時間半待って11時になって電話がこないので、もう一度電話する。また自動応答システム。また会員番号をプッシュして待つとテレフォンセンターの人がでる。「2時間たつのに連絡がない」というと、なにやら調べた結果、「リクエストを看護婦に送ったものの、まだあちら側でチェックしてないようだから待て」とのこと。「それはないでしょ。」と私。「直接看護婦にかけられる番号はないの?」と聞くと「ありません。」 「病気の子がいて、1時半の予約も迫っているので、連れて行ったほうがいいかどうか早急に決めたい。」と食い下がると、「104度以上の熱があればこの電話を看護婦につなげられるが、今朝は100度だということなので該当しないのでつなげられません(それがプロシジャーなので)。」 ここであきらめたらいかんと思い、「ちょっと、待って、今熱を測ります。(測ったフリ。。)うわぁ、105度です(ウソ)。」 「本当に?」 「本当です。」 ということで、看護婦さんにやっとつないでもらえた。。。と思いきや、今度出たのは、管理センターの人。「プロシジャーにのっとって、いくつかの質問に答えてください。」とのことで、5個くらいの基本的な質問に答えたら、「看護婦につなぎます。」 はぁ~、やっと看護婦さんに話せると思いきや、いきなり保留音。そこからがまた長い。オンフックにしたまま他の仕事をしつつ、30分くらい待たされた。やっと、看護婦さんが出る。また状況を説明し、「連れて行ってインフルエンザのテストをしてもらえるならば、行く価値があると思うので連れて行きますが、そうでないならば病気の子を動かしたくないので行かないつもりですがどうでしょう?」と質問したのに、また「プロシジャーにのっとって、いくつか質問に答えてください。」 今度は20くらい質問があった、何か薬をやったか、首は自由に動いているか、立ったときフラフラするか、ブツブツはないか。。。ひいては、本人の精神状態を把握するために本人に替われときた。娘に受話器を渡すと、娘も質問攻め。受話器が戻ってきたので、「私の知りたいことはひとつ。インフルエンザのテストをしてもらえるなら連れて行きますが、そうでないならこのまま家にいたほうがいいと思いますが。」というと、看護婦さんはその質問には答えず、「105度という熱だけが気にかかりますので、とにかく1時半に受診してください。」 いまさら、105度というのはウソですともいえず、結局1時半に行くことに。

1時半に病院に行きました。先生は娘をチェックした結果、「全身状態は良いので、このまま帰って、市販の薬を必要なら飲ませて安静にしてください。」  「あのう、インフルエンザのテストはしてもらえないのですか。必要ならタミフルをもらおうと思って連れてきたのですが。」というと、先生は、「おそらくこの症状ではインフルエンザではないと思われますし、もしテストをしてインフルエンザと判明しても、今年はタミフルの供給が足りていないので、娘さんは喘息などの既往症もないし、現在の状態も悪くないので、タミフルを処方される資格がありません(HMOのプロシジャーによると)。」 こういう結果を恐れて、はじめから電話しているのにぃ!!実はこのころまでには娘は随分と元気になっていたのだけど、私は具合が悪くなりそうだった。これぞHMO!プロシジャー、プロシジャー、プロシジャー!コスト削減-->利益の最大化のために、すべてがルール化されていて、泣くのは患者。ちなみに上の漫画にはこう書いてあります:「健全なる企業財政の追求のため、”病気の方々”のためのサービスは打ち切らせていただくことになりまして。。。」

Our daughter stayed home today. She had 104 degree fever, sever nausea, and headache last night. She was pretty miserable. This morning she had 100 degrees. I was not quite sure if I should take her to the hospital to see a doctor.

What we have now is HMO. We used to have POS before and were much happier. I just hate HMO.

If she has a flu, she needs to be prescribed and treated with Tamiflu within 48 hours from the onset. If she does not, it is not worthwhile dragging her over to hear, "You just give her Tylenol and make sure she has a good rest." So in order to consult a nurse, I called them at 8:30 in the morning. I always get the automated system. I entered the medical record number as usual and wait. I got answered by one of the reps. I told her what's happening and asked for a nurse. She said that she would pass my request onto the nurse section and that I would hear from one of them within 2 hours. Just in case, I went ahead and made an appointment at 1:30 pm, hanged up, and waited.

Well, 2 hours passed. It was now 11:00 am. No call from a nurse. I called them again, got the automated system, entered the medical record number and got a rep. I told her that I had not heard from a nurse. She checked the system and told me that they (nurses) had not checked my request yet and told me to wait for the call. I made it clear that I would not want to wait any longer and asked for a direct access number to the nurses. She said there is not such a thing like a direct number. I told her that I needed to talk to a nurse right now. She said, she could not connect me to a nurse since my daughter had ONLY 100 degrees now. Only patients with over 104 degrees qualify for such treatment." I told her to wait so that I could take her temperature. I pretended doing so, and told her she had 105. I do not know if she was in any doubt or not, but she connected me to the nurse section. Someone picked up the line. A nurse finally? NO, he was a person in administration. He said he needed to ask me couple questions based on the procedure. After five or so questions, he passed me onto the nurse section. Well, now I was placed on a hold. I had more than enough time to take care of some bills while I put the phone on speaker. 30 minutes passed, and finally I got a nurse. I explained that if they give her a flu test to determine if it's flu or not, the I was willing to take her, but otherwise, I would cancel the appointment, since I do no believe it's worthwhile dragging her. Without answering my question, she proceeded to ask me questions according to the procedures. 20 or so questions like whether I gave her any meds, whether she could move her neck all right, whether she had rash, whether she could stand ok, etc. The nurse even asked me to put my daughter on the phone in order to assess her mental status. After I got the receiver back, I asked her again about the flu test. Without answering my question, the nurse said she was concerned with 105 degrees of fever and thus I should take her to see a doctor as scheduled at 1:30 pm. Well, 105 degrees was a little bit of exaggeration to enable me to talk to a nurse, but what can I say?

So we went to see a doctor at 1:30 pm. He checked her and said, "I do not see any symptoms of concerns. I think it is some kind of viral infections. Unfortunately there is no magic pills for viral conditions like this, so you just stick with your Tylenol and let it run its course. She probably has passed the worse already." I asked him about the flu test. He said that even if the flu test returns positive, since her overall conditions are pretty good, plus she does not have any medical conditions like asthma, so she does not qualify for Tamiflu, given the current national shortage of Tamiflu. This is what I wanted to hear over the phone. This is what is possible to hear if I can pick up the phone and call the doctor/nurse directly. After 4 months of dealing with this HMO, one thing is clear. I hate HMO. We picked this policy among many selections provided through where my husband works, since this was the most reasonable. That made sense, since we are all healthy and do not need medical attention often. Well, I changed my mind. Dealing with HMO wastes your time, so it turns to be pretty expensive after all. We will definitely give another thought during the next open enrollment.


100 points


Our daughter's teacher at the Japanese school (they go every Saturday) sent us this picture of her over e-mail. It says "I scored 100 points (full score)." on the blackboard. While she is a 2nd grader in the local school, she is a 1st grader in the Japanese school. Many of the students in the class have never taken tests before. The teacher let the students take a model test a week ago so that they can have a feel. Then they took the real test, which was much easier to handle, even though all the questions were new. I guess many students scored 100 points, and the teacher took many pictures like this one. We are lucky to have such a caring teacher. Many students in her class call her "Okaasan (mother)."


Reading glasses again


What do you think of her? A young genius? A spelling-bee champion? A gifted violinist? Well, to tell the truth, both my husband and I had been having a little trouble reading these days, so we decided to go see an Optometrist together to have reading glasses made. Mine were of a lesser degree, and it took only two days to get a pair. He also has astigmatism, so it took longer. We have entered a new phase of our lives, one with reading glasses!


Girl Scouts


Our daughter joined Girl Scouts. A mother of a friend of hers is a chairperson of this troop and she asked me if our daughter was interested to fill the last spot in the troop. I have never imagined she join Girl Scouts, so we decided to try one meeting and see how it would go. That was two weeks ago. She had a fun and decided to stay, so today we paid $12 annual due and joined them officially. It is a troop of ten and nine of them are 2nd graders at her elementary school, and the remaining one is a 3rd grader who is a sister of one of the 2nd graders. For now they enjoy crafts, singing songs etc., but in the future they go out for a bowling game, doing volunteer work in the community and so forth. We meet ever other Friday evening.


Honorable popcorn

息子が学校で、Honor Rollに載りました。Honor Rollというのは成績がいい学生のリストのこと。具体的には、科目ごとにつく成績に、A=4ポイント、B=3ポイント、C=2ポイント、D=1ポイントとポイントをつけて、全科目の合計点を科目数で割った平均ポイント(GPA=grade point average)を計算し、息子の学校の場合はそれが3.5以上で、かつ、Citizenship(クラスでの姿勢というか態度の評価)もExcellen(優秀)かSatisfactory(合格点)だとHonor Roll のメンバーとなれるらしい。どこの学校でもやっていて、該当者は案外の数いるものなのだけど、面白いのはここの学校は、「よくやりました」ポップコーンをくれるところ。この袋の倍の大きさだったのだけど、学校で半分食べたんだって。

Our son made the Honor Roll. At his school, the requirement is that the GPA should be more than 3.5 without any D, and the citizenship grade should be "excellent" or "satisfactory". There was a little ceremony today and they got recognized. What is interesting is that each student got a bag of popcorn. The bag was twice bigger than shown. He ate (and shared) a half of it at school.


Reading glasses


What do you think of her? A seasoned librarian, or web artist in Silicon Valley, or hot shot attorney? Well, those glasses are not hers actually. They are my reading glasses. I have been having trouble focusing on those letters in books and magazines for a couple years, and nowadays I find myself extending my arms holding a book all the time. Luckily we have the vision insurance through where my husband works, so decided to try it. I paid $35 for eye exams, lenses and glasses as copay and got these glasses made. They are working fine, but if I accidentally look up at people's faces, for example, through the glasses, I got really dizzy off-balance. It takes some getting used to.


It's December!


It's December! This is the view we enjoy every night from our master bedroom on the second floor. The house across the street did the wonderful job on their yard. Those two angels move their wings slowly. We usually do the decoration on the Friday right after the Thanksgiving, but this year it did not happen. We'll work on it probably this weekend. We have never celebrated with a real tree in the past, so I thought of it this year, but then had a second thought. How do you dispose of the tree after it is done with its job? Back in Virginia, we could have dragged it into the wood in the back of the house, but here?? We will closely watch what people do around here and then probably give it a try next year...


Muscle Relaxer

先日の車の事故で後ろから追突されたため、5日後くらいに首の痛みが出始めたので、お医者さんに行ってきた。診断は、Sprain of Neck and Back (首と背中の捻挫?)。日本的にいうと鞭打ち症。ちなみに、鞭打ち症はWhiplashという単語があるのだけれど、保険で医療費を請求する場合は、Whiplashという診断名を使ったり、あるいはカイロプラクターにいきなりかかったりすると、詐欺請求として扱われることが多いらしく、Medical Doctorのところに行って仰々しい診断名をもらわないといけないらしい。私は日本人だし、このあたりはカイロとか針灸マッサージを簡単に受けられることもあって、そういう治療法を夢見ていた(?)のだけれど、お医者さんは「痛み止めと筋肉弛緩剤で直しましょう。」西洋医学では、鞭打ち症というのは単なる筋肉のつれであり、そのうち治るということらしい。しかしながら、痛みは増すばかりで「それってマジ?」と疑問に思いつつも、筋肉弛緩剤(シクロベンザプリンという。日本では未承認みたい。)を飲んでみたら、まあ!ずいぶんとよくなりました。鞭打ち症を投薬で治すというのはいかにもアメリカらしいとは思いつつも、よく効いたのでよしとしよう。ちなみにこの薬、以前、主人がぎっくり腰になったときにも処方されたものでした。日本に上陸したらカイロ要らずになっちゃうよ。

Since I was rear-ended in the car accident the other day, I started suffering from a whiplash 5 days after the incident. I have gone seen a doctor and got the diagnosis of sprain of neck and back. It's very common that Japanese people go to a chiropractor or acupuncturist for treatment when they have whiplash. However, my MD told me to just take IBU profen and muscle relaxant. That's it. According to the western medicine, whiplash is just a sprain of muscles, so time will heal whatever is causing the pain. My pain worsened over several days after it started, so I was a sort of in doubt, but took the muscle relaxant prescribed anyway. Wow, it worked. I would say 70% of the pain has now gone. It sounds very American that you heal whiplash with medications. In Japan, taking medication is probably the last thing you think of when you have whiplash. The only thing I don't like about this medicine is that it makes you drowsy. I don't need another accident to deal with, so should be careful when to use it...


Visitor from Japan


The very first visitor from Japan in our new house was H san. We worked in the same department years ago, when I was still in Japan. She was in San Fransisco on business, and flew down to see us in Los Angeles this weekend. This was Thanksgiving weekend, and it seemed the flights were almost booked up. She found a ticket but had to pay $300 for the round trip. We wish she could stay a few more days.. Thanks though for taking time to come see us!


Our guitarist


This is our guitarist. He took this picture himself and edited it using Adobe Photoshop. This guitar he is using now is a 3/4 size for kids (well, but it is a Fender!) . He now wants to have a better one and has been trying to save up. He did laundry the other day to earn $5 and purchased new strings. I did not know, but you are supposed to replace strings once a month or so. If you like to watch him playing, click here.