
Six Flags


This Monday was Memorial Day. Our son successfully persuaded us to go to Six Flags. He even arranged so that we could take one of his friends with us. This park is famous for all those thrill seeking rides which make your internal organs jump out of your mouth and your brain explode like paint balls.


As soon as we entered the park, we separated ourselves into two parties; daddy+son+his friend, and me+daughter. My daughter and I went up a tower. This picture is a view from the tower. This is the view of one of those crazy rides. According to my husband, he almost fainted as free falling.


My daughter and I peacefully enjoyed "conventional" rides. Once she finds she likes, she can never stop taking it, though. She did this carousel probably 10 times, and kid's size roller coaster more than 30 times. I gave up halfway since I started feeling my internal organs jumping up to my throat even with this supposedly easy rides.


I wholeheartedly send a big applause to my husband who took all those rides with the boys. We were totally consumed by the the time we got home past 10.




I had a shopping date with my son. My husband had a park date with his daughter. It's nice to go separate ways sometimes so that each kid has a parent to him/herself. He has been wanting a new pair of shoes long time. As soon as we walked in the show store, he headed straight to Converse section. It was straight to Nike a while ago, and before that it was straight to Sketchers. There is always things hot among his buddies. He tried size 6 of green, then size 5 of red, then size 5.5 of green. After all he settled on size 5 of navy blue and took out the box out of the shelf. We together made sure both shoes in the box were navy blue and size 5. We paid for it, came home, and I heard him calling me, "Mom! These shoes!!" We got two right shoes!

Rocket park


My daughter and I went to "rocket park." This small park with a great view has an official fancy name but we just call it "rocket park" since the rocket is the center of the play ground.


We found a lady bug.


She invited her friend to come but her friend had another plan and wasn't able to join her. She was playing alone, but after a while she made fiends with kids playing there. She also found these two puppies and asked the owner to pet them. This park is always our favorite place.


Open house


They had an open house at the elementary. We walked around the school, bought couple books at the book fair, and enjoyed this city planing project in our daughter's classroom. They did a great job making roads and buildings. The section our animal-loving daughter worked on is, of course, a farm with lots of animals.


Her dream is to get a job that helps endangered animals.



Kings Hawaiianというレストランに行った。ロバート・タイラという日系人がハワイのヒロではじめたパン屋さんで、ここトーランスにはレストランもある。私が食べたのはサイミンというこのラーメンみたいなやつ。ウイキペディアによるとサイミンというのは細麺と書くらしく、日本のうどん、中国のメィン、フィリピンのパンシットがまぜこぜになって生まれたハワイ生まれの麺料理というところらしい。味的にはラーメンのような、うどんのような。サイドについているマスタードはいったいどうやって使うのだろうと思いつつ、そのままズルズル食べました。このごちゃ混ぜさが、いかにもこのあたりの人種構成を思わせて面白い。

We went to Kings Hawaiian for dinner. This restaurant was started as a bakery by a Japanese American, Robert Taira, in Hilo, Hawaii. I had this Saimin in the picture. According to Wiped, Saimin is a noodle dish inspired by Japanese Udon, Chinese Mein and Filipino Pancit. It looks and tastes like a mixture of Ramen and Udon in Japan. I was wondering how I was supposed to use mustard on the side, but did not dare to use it. Ramen with mustard? I don't think so. This great mixture of everything reminds me of the population mix of this area.


A million dollar house


My Realtor has been showing me around for a new house in the area. It's been a month since we have sold our house in Virginia, and looking for a new house is supposedly one of the big things to be done. I am not very excited though. There are very few houses that we like to buy AND we can afford to buy. I keep getting rather shocked than excited by seeing houses around here. It is really depressing to learn what you have long taken for granted cannot be taken for granted any longer. For example, this house in the picture is on the market for $1 million (it has been $1.2 million and reduced recently to the current price). 3 BR, 3Bath, a den and two car garage. It does not look real fancy from the front, but there is a nicely landscaped swimming pool in the back and it is located on a little hill which is supposed to be one of the best in the area and overlooks the coast line. However, it does not have a designated laundry area, and washer and dryer are located OUTSIDE the house in a storage on the side. Can you imagine you need to go outside to do the laundry? There is no direct access from the garage to inside the house and you need to go out, take the front steps and go through the front door, every time you go grocery shopping. On top of that, there is only 1 full bath, which is very crammed up with a tub, shower and toilet bowl. According to my Realtor, many houses around here (many are $1 million and up) only have washer and the dryer in the garage and have no bathtub at all. Many of the older houses do not have a direct access from the garage to the house. I need to struggle really hard to keep myself positive about buy a house...


Hair cut again


It's been only two weeks since he had the last haircut, but he wanted to have another one. Last time he went too conservative and asked the stylist not to cut much, which he quickly regretted. This time he went to another hair salon, where he leafed through young men's hair style catalog. He picked this style.


Can you see how hard the stylist worked to make it spiky mess? That's the style in fashion in Japan (that was a Japanese hair catalog). When I was watching him turning pages of the catalog, I was just wondering why they have to make the hair messy like a bird's nest. Every single style looked like the person came right out of the bed without brushing his teeth or hair. I think I am getting too old for today's style!


Old friend


My husband's college friend stayed with us during the business trip from Japan. It's been over 20 years since graduation, and they have grown to be nice-looking middle age, right?


We packed a nice lunch and went up the hill for a picnic in a park overlooking the coast line, but today it was extremely windy and chilly up there, we didn't last 5 minutes. So we switched to a backyard picnic.


This friend of my husband's took out a little notebook from his pocket, to check on the hotel he's staying tomorrow. This is something I haven't seen for quite sometime. It's not a Blackberry, it's not an iPhone, but it's a notebook which you CAN SCRIBBLE in with a REAL PEN! It was so comforting to see him reading his own handwriting from the page.


Chewing gum and standardized test


This is a chewing gum our son bought for California Standardized Test. Usually they are forbidden to chew a gum at school, but they are given (rather encouraged) to get gum for the test. I guess it helps them to focus on thinking. We, of course, had standardized tests in Virginia too, but I feel the pressure to perform on the tests is more evident around here, probably because we live in a bigger metropolitan area now. There are quite a few "good" schools around here, and they compete sort of head to head for recognitions. The success on the test results in the higher prices of the houses in the area, which leads to higher property tax income for the school, which results in improved programs, which leads to higher performance. You see wide variety in teachers' salaries too. No wonder they are willing to try anything to score higher, such as this chewing gum!


Window shattered


Our son went to his friend's after school today. They were wresting in a friendly manner inside (he plays Judo, and the opponent plays Tae Kwon Do). The opponent tried to kick him, and he tried to evade it and ran into a window by the hip. The window was literally shattered. He came home in a defensive mode expecting he might get scolded, but his dad just said he will pay for getting it replaced. I guess he leaned the lesson even though his parents did not say much.


Chocolate fountain


It's a chocolate fountain. We got this long time ago, but never had a chance to enjoy this, since this was buried somewhere in the moving boxes. We finally got a Hershey's bottle and did it!


SWEET, it is!


Ozone pollution


According to Forbes, the worst metro area for Ozone pollution in the US is Los Angeles - Long Beach - Riverside. Because sunlight is the key ingredient in making Ozone, sunny California is the most prone state to its pollution. 12 cities out of the worst 25 cities are in California. Ozone causes smog in the air, and inhaling Ozone is akin to getting sunburn in your airway, causing asthma, shortness of breath, wheezing, and throat irritation. As you know, Californians are highly health conscious, and you see many jogging, biking, and walking everywhere. They might have to think about doing so with oxygen tank on their back.

Outdoor worship


We had an outdoor worship on this Sunday. Our pastor gave a speech titled, "Raising kids while turning their shortcomings into God's gift." BBQ and field competition followed.


This is a kids' match. They were divided into two teams and competed by trying to get as many as balls into the basket.


Tug of war! How much fun we had with this! This one is boys vs girls. Guess who won?


Girls! Even two adults joined the boy's team to give a little boost, but they could not overcome the girl's power.


This one is East Japan vs West Japan, depending on which part of Japan you are from. West Japan won!


Paradise, guess not.

バージニア時代の主人の良き同僚が転職をすることになった。同じバージニアの中での転職。彼はすでに家を2軒持っているがこの家は売らず、転職先でもう1軒購入した。その家は、勤務先のすぐ近くにあり、家からオフィスまでは植物園が広がっていて、美しい植物を楽しみながら徒歩で通うのだそうである。一方我が家とくれば、今までの家を売ってもこれから買う家の半額にもならず、多大なローンを組むのに心痛しつつ、そのうえ主人は鬼のように混んだフリーウエイを四、五十分走る通勤。子どもの学校とくれば、生徒ひとりあたりの支出額が全米で最下位のカリフォルニア州である。私たちの住んでいるロサンゼルス・サウスベイの地域は、南カリフォルニアの中でも人気の高い海岸線エリア。長く住んでいる人たちは、「ここは天気が最高だし、住みやすいし、本当にいいところ」とよく口にするけれど、私はちょっと。。 広いアメリカ、ここより住みやすいところはいっぱいある気がするけどなぁ。

My husband's ex-colleague in Virginia accepted an offer somewhere else and start a new career (same profession) soon. He will transfer within Virginia. He already owns two houses, which he will keep. He already bought a new house in the new location, which is close to his new office, and plans to walk to his office every morning passing through a botanical garden which is located between his new home and office. On the other hand, us in California... we have to struggle to own ONE house, my husband needs to bear a 40, 50 minute commute on the sluggish freeway. On top of that, California's per-student spending in public schools ranks 50th in the US. Los Angeles - South Bay Area where we live is a very popular coastal area to live. People who lived here seem to believe they do live in a paradise. According to me, they never know what they are missing.


Got a free book

アメリカの本屋は、サマー・リーディングと題して、「10冊本を読んだら、1冊無料であげるよ(10冊はその本屋で買わなくともいい)」というのをよくやる。いつもはBarnes and Noble派の我が家だけど、今回は学校からBoardersという本屋のプロモーション情報を持って帰ってきた娘。随分とはりきってさっさと10冊読み、シートに記入して、Boardersに持っていき、このRamona the Braveをもらってきた。なんてったってサマー・リーディング(夏休みの読書-まだ夏休みにもなっていないのに)だから、きっとうちが一番ノリだったに違いない。無料の本をもらうのに25分も待ったよ。。。

Our daughter came home with a flyer of Boarder's Summer Reading Program; read 10 books and get a book free. She was somehow so excited about it, read 10 books really quick, filled out the form and took it to Boarders. It is a summer reading program, where summer has not yet officially started. I am pretty sure she was the first to go there to ask for a free book. We had to wait 25 minutes to get it.


A pill swallowed


Today our 12 year old son succeeded the very first time in his life in swallowing a pill. He suffers migraine once in a while and has been taking syrup, whether it is IBU Profen or Advil. On the box, directions only covers the doses up to 12 years. The assumption is that if you are 12, you are able to take a pill. He thus has been "practicing" to swallow down a pill for the past 2 years. It's just a tiny pill, but he simply cannot let it pass the throat. We saw so many pills spitted out of his mouth with the coating completely resolved. Today he finally succeeded to get it down into the esophagus. Yeah!!!!


Bad fuel injector


My husband's 1994 Land cruiser might soon have to yield a spot in our garage to another car. This time it's a fuel injector malfunction. The car has six of them and according to the mechanic, it is much more cost-efficient if we replace all of them at one time, considering all those parts have the same life span and they will all eventually give in. If we do all, it costs $1,300. If you go with just one, it's $400. I was expecting that my husband would replace all of them, since he never ever seriously thought about letting the car go. Against my expectation, however, he said that he would do just one. He started thinking about getting a new car finally. I, having been trying to persuade him to do so for more than a year, feel somehow sad to hear him say that. I am not quite sure why, but our daughter is so ageist the idea too. Whatever happens next, you would be update...


Mother's Day


It's Mother's Day. At church, men threw a wonderful luncheon for women.


All these were prepared by male members. Isn't impressive?


There are what I got from my kids and husband.


She handed this flower vase to me, saying, "Mom, Happy Valentine's Day!" (She did not notice until corrected.)


Today's dinner is the well-known (?) curry specially made by our son-dad team. The son cut the veggies and the dad cooked it.


Here we are! Today's pampering should get me going for another year.


A birthday party


It's our daughter's friend's birthday party at a nearby gym. We had probably 15 girls (and one boy)!


They ran around, rolled, and jumped around, and by the cake time, they were pretty hungry.


Origami boxes


When my parents stayed with us for three weeks from March to April, Grandma made this origami boxes for our daughter. She takes them apart and puts them together, and starts all over again. She still plays with it.


Putting them together.


Here is the outermost one with everything in. I saw her working on it, while imagining me making these boxes for my own grand child in the future, wondering what language s/he would be speaking. Whatever his/her language, I will proudly pass on this beautiful Japanese culture.


Approval, please.

買い物に行って子ども服売り場を通りかかると、いつもカラフルでかわいい服がいっぱい。どうしても娘に着せたくなっちゃう。本当は、女の子らしい春色ワンピースなど着てもらうのが夢なのだけれど、わが娘は完全なるパンツ派。ぴらぴらフリフリは即答NG。ピアノの発表会の時と彼女の誕生パーティーの時だけは拝み倒してドレス(それでも紺色のさっぱり系)を着ていただいたけれど、事が終わるなり「ママ、脱いでいい?」 彼女にとっては邪魔なだけらしい。 ということでワンピースが(買いたいけど)買わせていただけない私、できるだけ彼女の許可が下りそうなものでかわいいものをじっくり選ぶ。買った後はこのように絨毯の上に並べて、学校から帰っていらっしゃるのを待ち、「これはいかがでしょうか。」とお伺いを立てる。うまく許可が下りれば着て頂けるが、そうでないものはお店に逆戻り。さてさて、このうち一品許可が下りなかったものがあります。どれでしょう?....... 答えは、右下の花柄ホットパンツ。理由をお尋ねしたところ、「花がいっぱいありすぎ。」 ちなみに一番左の紫の服は、つなぎのショートパンツ。足が分かれているということで許可がでました。う~ん。。。花柄ワンピを来た娘とちょっとおしゃれにお出かけという私の夢は、一生成就しないで終わるのだろうか。。。

Every time I go shopping to Target, I cannot pass the girl's section without picking some clothing. They have such pretty spring dresses and I just dream about my girl in one of those. Unfortunately, she is not a fancy frilly dressy type. According to her, each of her legs needs to have a specifically assigned space and does not want to share it with each other. For her piano recital and birthday party, I begged her to wear a dress (not a real fancy one, though), but as soon as she was done with the objective, she went, "Mom, can I take this off?" So when I buy for her, I have to closely examine the clothing I purchase to maximize the probability of her approval. After the purchase, I always spread them on the floor as in the picture and wait her to come home. I ask her if she approves them. This time, there is one item which got rejected. Can you guess which one? ------- It's the short pants on the bottom right. She decided it has too many flowers... I guess it's time for me to realize that my lifetime dream of going out for a high tea with my daughter in a springy flowery dress will probably never come true.




Once in a while a retro movie wave hits our home. 2 years ago, kids were so much into Back to the Future, and we bought all three DVD's. This year, it's Terminator. Our son bought Terminator 1 to 4, plus a special edition. He is sooooo into it at this moment.


On the other hand, this is a letter to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Families around here sing this and send this to him to ask not to cut any more educational budget. In our family, kids call him "the good robot guy." I really hope he make the right decisions and steer California into a brighter future just like a good robot.


Universal Studio Sunday


We visited LA to decide on the move here one year ago. To sell LA to the kids who were not too happy leaving the beautiful Virginia, we brought them here to Universal Studio on the last day of out visit. The annual pass we bought on that day was expiring on this very Sunday. This is the fourth visit with the pass and is going to be the last for a while.


He is so much into T2 now.


So she was sort of forced to be into T2.

これは帰るとき。。。 は~、これで当分ユニバーサル・スタジオに来ることもないだろう。。この1年、ほとんどアトラクションに変化がないよ。ここも財政難かしら。。

They have not changed anything (well, except the little baby fox they added to the Animal Actors Show, to be precise) for the past year. Our son wants VIP tour next time (which takes you to the back stages BUT costs $239 per person just for one visit!)