This is my husband's 1994 Land Cruiser. We had numerous moments when we were prepared to say good bye to him in the past. Five years ago, he had to go through a heart transplant, since his engine was unsalvageable. He received a 1998 engine. When we moved from Virginia, there was a local campaign to get a new more energy-efficient car (the chair was me), which did not see a result. As soon as he arrived here in Torrance on the car transporter, his electric system was completely dead. After he got CPR to restart breathing in the local garage, he has been bringing my husband over to this office and back to home every day. However, I noticed a little weird noise coming out of him these days when he leaves the garage, so I finally mailed in the AAA application two weeks ago, which I have been procrastinating for some time. We received the membership card last Thursday. Friday evening, someone rang the door bell. I opened the door to find my husband standing there with his attache case in hand. I quickly figured out that it was the car and asked him, "Did Land Cruiser die?" "Yes, I walked home," he said. According to him, there was a disturbing noise coming out of the car, and he parked it in the nearby mall and walked home. He saw heavy smoke going up from the front and green liquid dripping down below. That night I was leafing through car catalogues for our new car,thinking how lucky the problem did not occur on the highway. We need to be thankful that Land Cruiser got my husband safe here in the neighborhood before it died honorably. The next day, which is Saturday, we called AAA for a tow truck to move the car to a nearby garage. Of course, it was free for a member. I was totally prepared it will be announced officially dead there. Surprise, surprise...it came out up and running after my husband paid the mechanic $180. This Land Cruiser is simply a die-hard. I guess, I need to show more respect for him from now on.