
Cash for Clunker

これは、主人の 1994年トヨタのランドクルーザー。主人がかわいがっている(いたわっている)車です。あんまりかわいくて、何年か前にはエンジン移植手術に$4,500も払いました。でも、私たち、カリフォルニアに引越し。あちらでは、こういう車にはスモッグテストという排気テストが義務付けられていて、パスしないと車を登録できません。絶対合格しないと思うんだ。そうしたら、どうするの。売ろうにも、売れないよ。登録できない車なんて誰も欲しくないし。それに、この車のガスマイレージは10 mgp。 通勤も長くなるし、ガソリンだって高いんだから、早くバージニアにいるうちに売って、燃費のよい新しい車を買うに越したことなし!だけど、主人は聞き入れず。。手放したくないらしい。

そんなこんなしているうちに、Cash for Clunker というプログラムが始まりました。燃費の悪い車をディーラーに持っていき、一定の燃費基準を満たした車に買い換えた場合、古い車の廃車を条件に$4,500まで政府が支給してくれるというもの。これはしたりと主人。決断はできるだけ伸ばし伸ばしにしたい主人が提案した策; 1) このままカリフォルニアにいく。2) スモッグテストを受ける。受かれば、OK(はなかい望み)。受からなかったら、その時点でディーラーに持っていって、$4,500もらって新車を買う。まあ、いいでしょう。私も反対する理由もないので、まあそういうことに。

そしたらなんと昨日になって、このプログラム、あまりの反響で、すでに予算が底をつきつつあり、一時停止。。。もう、来週水曜には引越しやさんがきて、荷物も車も積んで持っていっちゃう。私たち(正確には、主人の雇用主)は、この94年トヨタをバージニアからカリフォルニアに運ぶのに$1,300払うのに。それって、$1,300払ってオンボロ車(ゴメン、パパ!)を運んでもらって、でも車検登録さえできなくて、しかも売ることも出来ず、そのうえCash for Clunkerにも使えない!どういうこと??

This is my husband's 1994 Toyota Land Cruiser, and he loves it. He loves it so much that he even paid $4,500 a few years ago to get it a better engine transplanted. Now we are moving to California. There they have smog tests required for older cars like this one, and they won't let you register your car unless it passes the test. I am 100% sure that this car of his does not pass. Then you are stuck with it. Who wants to buy a car that you cannot register? On top of that, this car gets like 10 mpg. Now that his commute is much longer and the gas is much more expensive there in California, I tried so hard to persuade him to get rid of it and get a new car now in Virginia and then move, but he just did not listen.

...and this Clunker for Cash Program kicked in. Now he has all the reasons not to listen to me. His logic; 1) move to California with his beloved Land Cruiser, 2) take the smog test, 3) if it it passes (I don't think so), cerebrate, and if it does not, he can trade it in for a new car there. You do not have to be able to sell. You just take it to the dealer for $4,500 towards new car. You know what? I was sold. We spent six peaceful quarrel-free nights. Then the government announced that they ran out of cash and put an hold on the program. Next Wednesday, our mover is coming to load and transport his Toyota to California. We are paying (actually his employer is paying) $1,300 to get it across the country. So is it going to be $1,300 to carry a clunker over which even cannot take advantage of the Clunker Program?

The party is ON!


These are the guys from my husband's research lab. We invited them over for a little get-together before the move. Two of them are graduating with advanced degrees, one is staying in the current department, the remaining two are moving all the way to the west coast with my husband. Hooray to them! They are "behaving" a bit goofy in this picture, since the one I took right before this one was damn boring with everybody being so serious, so I told them to forget they are engineering major and be more fun. Great guys.


The last correspondence


These are the comic/storybook kids have been receiving every month from their grandma in Japan. Every time they are just so excited to receive them. For our 11 year-old son, this is the only reading experience of his in Japanese. Lucky him, all the Japanese characters in the comic have furigana, or prounceation keys, to help whomever is not 100% confident reading characters...


Salvation Army is here again!


Salvation Army is here again. This is the third pick up we had. We had accumulated so much stuff around the house over the past 9 years. It has been a blessing and a curse that we had an unfinished basement. Our new home in California does not have a basement (usually around LA area, you do not see much basement due to earthquake), so we need to move light!