
House sold?


Our house has been on the market for a little less than a year. We hadn't received a single offer yet. A few days ago, we did receive the very first offer. It was a very low offer, so we did not take it seriously at first, but somehow things developed from one thing to another. Yesterday I received a call from our real estate agent in Virginia, saying that we should go ahead and change whatever necessary on the contract, sign it and return it to them. The offeror is worrying that the mortgage interest is going up pretty soon. Our house is in both of our names, so the contract requires two signatures. My husband, however, was in the midst of cross-continent flight to Princeton, NJ on that day. So I made the modification on the contract that our agent sent us in California, sign it, scan it and e-mailed it to my husband, who print it out as soon as he arrived in a hotel in NJ and faxed it back to our agent in Virginia. This morning, she is going to deliver it to the offeror. May God's plan done!




These are artichokes we bought on the Saturday city market. While we were strolling, Grandma said, "I like to try one of these!" I remember when another Grandma (my mother in law) came over, she found artichokes in the grocery store and said the same thing. At that time, she said, after she tried it, that it tastes like bamboo shoots. This time, my mother said, "The idea is same with eating bamboo. You peel, peel, peel and only eat the soft core." Humm, so artichokes and bamboos belong to the same family? As soon as my kids saw the vegetables sitting on the kitchen counter, they went, "Yewwwww." So I said to them, "Don't worry. We don't have enough of them, so this time only adults get to eat them." Us adults started pealing leaves and eating it, saying this and that. I then found two hands extended over my plate, picked some of artichokes and carried them to the mouths. Isn't it important to deprive kids of something, instead of making sure they get enough all the time?



Grandpa and Grandma cooked a dinner for us; beef bowl, miso soup and cucumber and seaweed sunomono.


Here we go! It was delicious.


Easter Treats from Virginia


The next Sunday is Easter. When we were in Virginia, Judy, our next door neighbor (kids' American Grandma) used to prepare lots of Easter eggs and hide them all over her large yard. Kids went over with baskets and enjoyed the egg hunt, surrounded with the beautiful spring green. While you do the hunt, you find daffodils and crocus starting blooming here and there. It was simply a fun time of the year. This year Judy sent us a huge boxful of Easter candies. All are kids' favorites, especially the marshmallow chicks!


I didn't see...


Our daughter came home with a note from school, saying that she might need a thorough eye examination, since they found some trouble at the school vision test. Neither my husband nor I had a vision problem until this age, and not many among our extended family have vision problems. She never told us about a trouble reading/seeing and when I asked her if she ever experienced a problem, she simply said no. So I quickly decided it was some kind of a mix up, but I made an appointment with an eye doctor just in case. Today we went. Well, well, the doctor found that she has myopia and astigmatism! Being a person who got 20/20 all through the school years, I was in a state of shock. The doctor consoled me saying it is just a mild case, so I don't have to be that concerned. She must have inherited astigmatism from her dad, though. He always says he sees six moons.


So, the doctor recommended she wears glasses when she needs to see far things. My daughter took it pretty well and excitedly picked a pair of pink frames with butterfly imprints. The vision insurance covered everything except the copy of $35. Not bad. When I told the doctor that I never even dreamed about her vision problems, since she never mentioned it and said she saw okay when asked. The doctor said, "When they are born, they have very weak sights. Vision grows as they grow, but they NEVER have been able to see WELL, so they say they see, when asked if they see okay." That hit me. We tend to believe that we see things, but we actually don't or only see a part of it at best. It's only that we do not know what it really means to be able to SEE. Through her vision problem, I felt like having learned a life's lesson; You never exalt yourself!


The first battle


利口な者ははずかしめを受けても黙っている。   箴言12:15-16

It's been two days since my parents arrived, and I had the first battle with my dad today. I used to have quite a few episodes with my dad when I was in middle school. Now that I have grown up (a lot outside, some inside), we are cool as long as we are living our own separate lives. It's a different story if you live under the same roof more than a night. I prayed that I do no judge him, accept him as he is and be thankful for him coming over all the way from Japan. I prayed that I watch my mouth, I opened the bible for today's devotion and found these words.

The way of a fool seems right to him,
but a wise man listens to advice.
A fool shows his annoyance at once,
but a prudent man overlooks an insult. Proberb 12:15-16


Backyard soccer


Backyard soccer battle; Grandpa vs. Granddaughter. It got quite cool in the evening, but she begged him to come out and play. Not bad for seventy something, huh?


Grandpa and Grandma


Grandpa and Grandma arrived. This morning they arrived. We went all together to her elementary school to pick her up . She has been looking forward to Hayao Miyazaki's latest DVD, "Ponyo" which her grand parents brought over for her. After dinner, she inserted the disc to the player only to find out that the player had the region set for North America, and does not take the DVD from Japan. We do have another player that is region-free, but it is buried somewhere in the piles of the moving packages from Virginia. Dad promised her to find it this weekend. Wish us luck to find it all right.


Bowling party


It's a bowling party for the Girl Scouts troop. They worked hard selling Girl Scouts cookies (and raised a lot of money actually.) So this is the end of the selling party. They bowled, had pizza and enjoyed a beautifully decorated cake. The place was very clean and fantastic, but my girl, who had to miss school for cold on Thursday and Friday, was not at her best. It was just one of those rainy days...


Finally, Verizon...

これ、今まで使っていた携帯。私たち夫婦ふたりとも、あんまり携帯は使わない...というか性に合わないというか... どうもいつも携帯するということができず、携帯しても電池がなかったりで、ほぼ使わないケイタイでした。本当に必要なときは、だいたい携帯していないので、いつも友達に借りてばかり。私たちとは違ってみんなちゃんとケイタイしているから、タダの公衆電話がいつも一緒にいる便利さ!ところが最近、息子も同様に友達の携帯を借りて、「ママ、今日はOOOのところに行って宿題するね。」とかけてくる。息子に連絡がとりたいときは、息子の友達の携帯にかけて、「ハロー、ちょっとXXに代わってくれない?」となる。あまりに人の携帯ドロボーでは申し訳ないと反省し、3人でちゃんとした携帯をゲットすることに決めました。

These were cell phones my husband and I used to have but almost never carried around. We are simply not cell phone kind of people. We almost always leave them home, or in those rare occasions we do carry them, the battery is out. Most of the calls can wait, you know. Whenever you really need to make calls, you can just ask one of your friends to let you use the phone. Everybody has it, so it's like you have a free access to portable public phone everywhere. These days, however, our son started doing the same. He borrows his friend's phone to call home to say, "Mom, I will go to OOO's home today to do the homework." When I need to call him, I call his friend's cell and say. "Hi, Nathan, may I speak with XX (my son)?" We slowly came to a realization that it is time that we get ourselves better phone services and carry our own phones.


So we switched to Verizon and got these phones. My husband and I renewed the vows to treat the cell phones as intended. Our son, on the other hand, had to prepare his rule book how to treat his cell phone. This is how all three of us started a new life with cell phones...


Science Fair

宿題、テストに追われつつ、やっと数週間前にサイエンス・レポート(皇帝ペンギンについて)が終わったかと思えば、今度はサイエンス・フェアです。何でもいいので、ひとつトピックを決め、仮説をたててテストをして検証し結果を述べるというもの。2年生なので、仮説をたてたり、テストをして検証するというのはかなりの難題!身近なもののほうが少しはピンとくると思い、クリスマス・プレゼントとしてうちにやって来たセキセイ・インコのパーキーの挙動について取り組むことにしました。かごから出すなりすぐ鏡のところに飛んでいくので、「なぜ、うちのインコはいつも鏡のところに行くのか?」というタイトル。仮説1;鏡の向こうに飛んでいける空間があると思うから。 仮説2;光るものが好きだから。 仮説3;もう一羽、インコがいると思うから。それぞれ、テストもしましたよ。統計とって、グラフ作って。どうやら仮説3が正しいらしいということでおしまい。本日このでっかいボードを持って学校に行きました。あ~、終わったぁ~。。。一番ほっとしているのは私。次はパーキーかな(何度もテストにつき合わせてお疲れの模様)。

2nd graders these days are busy! On top of the daily assignments and weekly tests, she had to finish the big science report (on emperor penguins) a few weeks ago. This time it's Science Fair. You need to pick a topic, establish a hypothesis, perform a test, analyze the results, and come up with a conclusion. She is only a 2nd grader, so testing a hypothesis is a difficult concept. We decided to pick a topic which is as close to her daily life as possible, so we picked the behavior of Perkey, the parakeet, which joined our family last Christmas. He, as soon as let go out of the case, always goes to the mirror and stays there for hours. So the title is, "Why does my parakeet always go to the mirror?" Hypothesis 1: It's because he thinks there is more room that he can fly into. Hypothesis 2: It's because he like bright things. Hypothesis 3: It's because he thinks there is another bird. We did three tests accordingly, took the stats, and analyzed them. We disproved Hypothesis 1 and 2. So our best guess is Hypothesis 3. She took the presentation board to school today, and we are DONE! It's me who is feeling most relieved, followed probably by Perkey, who had to go through series of tests. I hope we did not abuse him.... sorry, Perkey!


US Census

はじめて、国勢調査というものをしました。アメリカでは10年に一度行われます。日本でも10年に一度国勢調査、中間の5年で簡易調査というのをしているそうです。2000年にはアメリカでも日本でも国勢調査があったわけですが、この年に渡米してきた私たちは、どちらの国でも調査時期を逸したらしい。雑誌やテレビでも調査への理解を促す宣伝をしています。郵送で返すのが基本ですが、どうやらオンラインでもできるらしい。返答をしないと調査員がやってくるそうです。人種を選択するとき、ちゃんとJapaneseという欄があったのでうれしかった。いつもは、Asian, Pacific Islanderとかいうくくりのことが多いので。

I filled a Census the very first time in my life. In the US, they do the Census every 10 years. In Japan, they do the full Census every 10 years, and the simplified Census at the 5th year mid point between the full Censuses. In 2000, both Japan and the US implemented the Census, but we move to the US in the middle of the year. It seems like we missed both countries' Census somehow. When selecting the race, I was glad to find "Japanese" and proudly marked on it. Usually, we are grouped together with others as an Asian or Pacific Islanders.


Potluck lunch


We had a potluck lunch for the Tuesday's bible study group, at one of the member's home. Japanese people's potluck is of a real high quality. Every dish looked fantastic!


This beautiful home is standing on Palos Verdes hills, with the living room facing the Pacific Ocean.


There we go, this is the view! On the left is Catalina Island. Delicious lunch with this view... what can you expect more?


Flower Basket #2

花かご第二弾!今回は、教会で一緒のお友達のお嬢さんの就職祝い。このお嬢さんは、アメリカ生まれ。日本語学校に中学3年まで通い、その後カリフォルニア大学で学士をとったあと、ニューヨークの大学でホテルマネージメントの修士号を取りました。修士をとったもののこの経済状況ゆえ、その後なかなか就職口が決まらず、短期雇用でつないでいました。その間、がんばって日本語検定1級(難しい!)の勉強もし、みごと合格。本人いわく、「日本語学校は辞めたかったけれど、なんとかがんばってきて今思うとと本当によかった!」 うちの息子に聞かせてやりたいよ。就職先はユニクロです。ニューヨークで従業員300人規模の展開をしているらしい。これから全米展開ですかねえ。アメリカ人のマネージャーから面接を受けたそうですが、その人が、「きみは日本語ができるからきっと有利だよ。」といってくれたそうです。がんばれ!でも、この花かごはご本人にではなくて、一生懸命育てたお父さんとお母さんへ。私もこんな花かごもらう日を夢見て、がんばるよ~ (嘆)。

Flower Basket #2! This time it's for my friend's daughter getting a job offer. She was born here in California. She finished the most prestigious Japanese school around here (up to 9th grade, which is the final grade in the system). She got her bachelors from UC and continued on her Master's in hotel management in NYU. Due to the economy, she had a difficult time to find a permanent job after getting her Master's degree and worked a temporary job. During that time, she studied hard for the Japanese Language Examination, which is very tough, and passed it. Here is her comment; "I though of quitting the Japanese school so many times, but now looking back I am very happy I didn't." I triumphantly passed this word to my son, and he just ignored me! She is going to work for Uniqlo, which has 300 employee level development around New York area. I am sure they will soon go get other states too. One of her interviews was with an American manger and he told her, "You will benefit from being able to handle the Japanese language." I wish her a luck! This flower basket, though, is not for her, but it's for her parents who raised her. They deserve it, right? Dreaming about the day my husband and I get a basket like this, I will do my share in the family...


Pussy Willow

何日か前に、娘が読んだ本。昔はウサギはしっぽが長くてふさふさしていたのだけど、ある雪の深い冬、ねこやなぎの木を見つけて登った。枝にはたくさんつぼみがあったので、たらふく食べたら眠くなり、そのまま春まで寝てしまった。目を覚ますと、あたりの雪はすっかり溶け、自分の寝ていた枝から地面まではとても遠い。こわごわ飛び降りたら、そのときしっぽが枝に引っかかってしまいチョキン。それからというものウサギは今のようにまん丸しっぽなのです...というお話。ねこやなぎを見たことがない娘は、今一度話がよくわからない。次の日、Sam’s Clubに買い物にいったらば、なんとこのねこやなぎを売っているではないの!ねこやなぎ自体、今までアメリカで見たことないし、だいたいSam'sがこんな植物を売るというのも聞いたことがないので、かなりびっくりしたけれど、「神様ありがとう!」と心にひとこと、さっそく買い求めて帰宅。学校から帰ってきた娘に見せたら、ポヨポヨして喜んでいました。

My daughter read this book a few days ago. It's a story of a rabbit long time ago. Back then rabbits used to have a long fluffy tail. One day in winter, there was much snow on the ground. A rabbit jumped from the top of the snow onto one of the pussy willow branches. He ate lots of buds, got sleepy and fell a long sleep. When he woke up, it was spring. All the snow was gone. The ground was so far down. He finally managed to jump off the branch, but the jump was not perfect, and his tail got caught in the branches and was cut off. After that, rabbits have short round tails like they do now...... Well, my daughter has never seen pushy willow, so she just did not get it. I gave up explaining... Then next day, I went Sam's Club for shopping, and guess what! I found pussy willow!! I have never seen pussy willow in the US so far, and Sam's is one of the last places you'd think of when you go look for pussy willow.. A big surprise it was. I just exclaimed, "Thank you, Lord," and purchased it. I proudly presented it to my daughter when she came home from school. I guess I don't have to tell you how excited she was.


A seminar

私が通っているローリング・ヒルズ・カベナント教会が、「男の子を育てる」というセミナーを行いました。対象は、このあたりに住む日本人のご両親。今の世 の中は、子育てが楽にできる時代では決してありませんが、男の子の場合特にいろいろを考慮をしなければならないことがあるそうです。実際、大学進学率は今や女の子が男の子を抜き、犯罪や薬物依存、暴力などを引き起こす可能性は、男の子の方がずっと 高いそうです。お父さんにも参加してもらえるように土曜日に開催したわけ。

Rolling Hills Covenant Church, the church I go to, hosted a seminar titled "Bring Up Boys." We showed DVD with the same title made by Dr. James Dobson, a psychologist and the founder of Focus on the Family. According to him, boys have much higher chance to be involved in/ affected by crimes, drug addiction and violence. We opened the seminar on Saturday so that not only mothers but also fathers can be there too.


This is the second seminar in a series. After wathching the DVD, we prepared curry lunch for the audiences. Many of us in the church brought a rice cooker from home, so we had 15 or so rice cookers in a row sitting on the kitchen counter.


We had 80 or so people total. I was serving in the nursery and the kitchen, so not in these pictures.


Tax Return


Yeah! I am done with the tax return. I have been working on it for two days. We moved from Virginia to California mid-year, so we had to file federal and two state returns. I paid $49 for Turbo Tax at Amazon.com (so that I don't have to pay sales tax!) , which covered federal with e-file and one state. The software told me that I had to pay $39 for the second state forms and $19 for state e-file for each state. It's ridiculous. First of all, I just cannot get why they need to charge us to e-file. If we e-file, that saves those tax departments tedious data entry tasks. Theoretically, they need to pay us to e-file. Also $39 for the second state blows me off too. Once the federal return is done, preparing state returns usually does not require much brain power. Having passed all the CPA exams (not certified yet, since I need to have EXPERIENCE!), I was confident to handle Virginia return myself. I went to Virgina Tax Department's website, downloaded the forms, and started working on it. Well, usually the procedure is quite simple, but this year because of the move it required extra work on a different form. After all it took 2 hours. I am not quite sure whether I saved $39 or I lost two hours of my precious time... I did not e-file two state returns. I mailed them, instead.


New laptop


This is my new laptop. It's HP this time. These days, not only our 6th grader son but also 2nd grader daughter has assignments to be worked on PC, we have been experiencing a competition for PC use. As soon as it arrived at the door, our son opened it, took it out, and started using it. I was in awe watching that. Nowadays, there is such a minimum set up required. I remember when we first bought our laptop my husband and I shared 15 years ago. We paid close to $3,000. We still have only one TV, but now three PC's in our household.


Die Hard


This is my husband's 1994 Land Cruiser. We had numerous moments when we were prepared to say good bye to him in the past. Five years ago, he had to go through a heart transplant, since his engine was unsalvageable. He received a 1998 engine. When we moved from Virginia, there was a local campaign to get a new more energy-efficient car (the chair was me), which did not see a result. As soon as he arrived here in Torrance on the car transporter, his electric system was completely dead. After he got CPR to restart breathing in the local garage, he has been bringing my husband over to this office and back to home every day. However, I noticed a little weird noise coming out of him these days when he leaves the garage, so I finally mailed in the AAA application two weeks ago, which I have been procrastinating for some time. We received the membership card last Thursday. Friday evening, someone rang the door bell. I opened the door to find my husband standing there with his attache case in hand. I quickly figured out that it was the car and asked him, "Did Land Cruiser die?" "Yes, I walked home," he said. According to him, there was a disturbing noise coming out of the car, and he parked it in the nearby mall and walked home. He saw heavy smoke going up from the front and green liquid dripping down below. That night I was leafing through car catalogues for our new car,thinking how lucky the problem did not occur on the highway. We need to be thankful that Land Cruiser got my husband safe here in the neighborhood before it died honorably. The next day, which is Saturday, we called AAA for a tow truck to move the car to a nearby garage. Of course, it was free for a member. I was totally prepared it will be announced officially dead there. Surprise, surprise...it came out up and running after my husband paid the mechanic $180. This Land Cruiser is simply a die-hard. I guess, I need to show more respect for him from now on.


Holloywood burglers

これはパリス・ヒルトン(ヒルトン・ホテルの創始者のひ孫で、女優/シンガー/メディア・パーソナリティーetcといくつもの肩書きを持つ、とにかく世間騒がせなひと)のお宅。このお宅をはじめ数々のハリウッド・スターの邸宅に盗みに入り、何億もの宝石類、ブランド・バッグや衣類を盗んでいたティーン・エイジャーのグループが捕まりました。彼らは、インターネット上の有名人の情報サイトなどで、有名人のスケジュールを把握し、またgoogle earthなどで家の写真を吟味して盗みを計画したとのこと。このパリス・ヒルトンの邸宅の場合は、超豪邸が立ち並ぶガードマン常駐のゲイテッド・コミュニティー(塀で囲まれた住宅地)にもかかわらず、住宅地裏から簡単に侵入できたそうで、しかも玄関マットの下にフロント・ドアの鍵が置いてあったので(巷の人がよくやることだけど。。。)、その鍵で一度のみならず何度も中に入ったとのこと。一度目の侵入で1億円近い品々を盗まれているのに、そのままフロント・ドアの鍵穴を変えなかったパリス・ヒルトンにも呆れますが。。。このティーンたちは、常に有名人の持っているものや着ているもの、やることなすこと、すべてネットで把握して、同じようなものを着たり身に着けたりすることで、まるで自分が有名人になったかの幻想を楽しんでいたようです。事実、犯人のひとりの19歳の女の子が捕まったとき、被害にあった有名人のひとりリンジー・ローハンの話を警官が出したところ、「私が捕まったことを知って、リンジーは何ていっていた?」と聞いたそう。まるで友達かのように。リアリティー・ドラマが溢れる次代に育った、常に注目の中心でいたいティーン・エージャーが、ネット上の溢れる情報を手にし、しかも善から悪への境を知らしめてくれる大人が近くにいなかったときに起こってしまったまさに現代的な事件でした。知っておかなければならないのは、彼らは何も特別な存在ではないこと。現代の若者の陥りやすいわなに落ちてしまっただけのこと。親として見過ごせない事件でした。

This is a gorgeous house of Paris Hilton. A group of teenage burglers who have stolen millions of jewelries, designer's clothings and bags from Paris Hilton and other Hollywood stars, have been arrested. They followed the detailed schedule of those stars using internet sites and collected photos and informations about their houses, which were used to plan burglaries. Of course those star houses are in gated communities with multiple guardmen, but somehow they found a way to go into the community from "back doors", and they claim it was not very difficult. In Paris Hilton's case, they found the key to the front door under the mat on the porch, and used the same key many times to repeat the buglery. Why Paris did not think of changing the front door key hole is a big mystery to me. Many those billionaires do not reason as poor people do, maybe. These teenagers closely followed what the stars wear, carry and do, and tried to mimic everything. Actually, one of them, a 19 year-old girl said, when she was arrested and told that Lindsay Rohan, one of the victims, was notified of the arrest, "...and what Lindsay say about me?" They were vulnerable teenagers who have grown up with flux of realty dramas, with the extreme need for attention and ready access to abundant personal information on the internet. What they did not have was adults who were able to bring them back to the reality, when they were about to cross the boarder. As parents, we should be aware that this could happen to any kids.


Flower Basket


A friend of ours, who is a psychiatrist and has been working in a HMO, started his own practice. This is a flower basket for him and his wife. I found some nice flowers on the city market and arranged them in a basket. There is a large Japanese-speaking population here in Torrance, but there has not been a psychiatrist who can provide services in Japanese. Even if you are comfortable with daily English, when it comes to explaining complicated mental problems, it's never better doining so in one's mother tongue. I think he will be a big help to many people.



We were invited to a party at our friend's. 12 Adults and 6 kids. Some of us were born in Japan, others in the US. The youngest among adults was 29, and the oldest was 48. It was such a nice variety and we enjoyed the conversation very much. At last, we sang all together to a guitar. It was a nice party!


Print yourself



州の予算赤字は大きな問題。ワースト5は、1) カリフォルニア 1兆4400億円 , 2) イリノイ 1兆2800億円, 3) ニュージャージー 8000億円, 4) ニューヨーク 6800億円, 5) フロリダ4700億円。大変な時期に大変な州に引っ越してきたもんだとたまにつくづく思います。 (円換算は面倒なので$1=100円でやちゃった。。。)

This is our 2nd grader daughter's school assignment. She used to gome home with the packet every Monday, work with it throughout the week and turn it in on Friday. Last week we received an e-mail from the teacher to ask us to print the assignment file, uploaded on the classroom website, at home, since she is not making copies any longer at school. I guess it is due to the series of the budget cuts affecting us in education.

Over the past two years, our school district has cut $35 million dollars and 258 full time positions. Class size has increased in K-3 to 24:1, in 4th and 5th 34:1, and in 6th through 12th over 38:1. On top of this, Governor Schwarzenegger proposed a plan to cut K-12 education budget by further $1.9 billion.

I sometimes wonder whether our decision to move to California at this particular time was a wise one at all. California is by far the worst state in terms of deficit. Five worst states in terms of budget gap; 1) California $14.4 billion , 2) Illinois $12.8 billion, 3) New Jersey $8 billion, 4) New York $6.8 billion, and 5) Floria $4.7 billion




March 3rd is Japanese girl's celebration day. We have a special set of dolls for this festival and put them out usually in the foyer a few weeks before the festival. This year we just missed the chance to do it ... Being in Southern California, we just lose the track of the seasons. Shown in the picture is the set of dolls displayed in the Japanese School.


Well, so I did not do the dolls this year. I at least cooked dishes children requested; Japanese fried chicken, shrimp tempura and sushi.


Circuit Breaker

この2,3日、バスルームの電気コンセントがずっと使えなくて不便だった。3つあるバスルームのどれも鏡のところのコンセントが死んでいて、とっても不便。うちのご主人は修理や改修で小回りがきくタイプではないのだけれど、それでも電気電子工学で学士と修士号を、航空宇宙工学で博士号を取得し、今は大学で機械工学を教えているわけなのだから、電気のコンセントくらいなんとかなるだろうと問題をレポートしてみた。「一応」(今思えばあれはジェスチャーだったのか。。。)、私の前から姿を消したので、なにやら調べたのだと思う。結局、10分後私のところに帰ってきて、「これは、大家さんに知らせたほうがいいぞ。壁のなかでワイヤーがショートしてたりしたら火事になるからな。」とのこと。すぐ大家さんにメールする。大家さんはとってもナイスな中国人のおばあさん。すぐに飛んできてくれて、しかもすぐに直っちゃった。ふたを開ければ、ただの電気パネルのブレーカー。OFFになっていたのをONにしただけ。。。「ブレーカーいれるだけのために、呼びつけてごめんなさい。」と恐縮する私を、「いいいわよ。いいわよ。」となだめてくれる。英語では、「You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. (こんな問題くらい、ロケット・サイエンティストでなくても解けるでしょ)」という表現があるけれど、まさにソレ。しかも、うちの主人はロケット・サイエンティストの部類なんだけどなあ。。。

We had a little trouble with the outlets in bathrooms. It seems like all the outlets in our three bathrooms are on the same circuit, and all of them quit working. I asked my husband, who has BS and MS in Electrical Engineering, Ph. D in Aeronautics and now is teaching Mechanical Engineering at an university, to have a look. He tested those outlets to comfirm my report and told me that it might be a short circuit and could cause fire if the problem went worse inside the wall.  He recommended that I contact our landlord, which I did. Our landlord, a very nice Chinese lady, came over right away and fixed it on the spot. It was the breaker on the circuit panel (picture). It was off, so she simply turned it back on. I apologized her for having to come down only to turn the breaker on. She might be thinking in her heart that you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. What she does not know is that my husband is a rocket scientist.