州の予算赤字は大きな問題。ワースト5は、1) カリフォルニア 1兆4400億円 , 2) イリノイ 1兆2800億円, 3) ニュージャージー 8000億円, 4) ニューヨーク 6800億円, 5) フロリダ4700億円。大変な時期に大変な州に引っ越してきたもんだとたまにつくづく思います。 (円換算は面倒なので$1=100円でやちゃった。。。)
This is our 2nd grader daughter's school assignment. She used to gome home with the packet every Monday, work with it throughout the week and turn it in on Friday. Last week we received an e-mail from the teacher to ask us to print the assignment file, uploaded on the classroom website, at home, since she is not making copies any longer at school. I guess it is due to the series of the budget cuts affecting us in education.
Over the past two years, our school district has cut $35 million dollars and 258 full time positions. Class size has increased in K-3 to 24:1, in 4th and 5th 34:1, and in 6th through 12th over 38:1. On top of this, Governor Schwarzenegger proposed a plan to cut K-12 education budget by further $1.9 billion.
I sometimes wonder whether our decision to move to California at this particular time was a wise one at all. California is by far the worst state in terms of deficit. Five worst states in terms of budget gap; 1) California $14.4 billion , 2) Illinois $12.8 billion, 3) New Jersey $8 billion, 4) New York $6.8 billion, and 5) Floria $4.7 billion