
Flower Basket #2

花かご第二弾!今回は、教会で一緒のお友達のお嬢さんの就職祝い。このお嬢さんは、アメリカ生まれ。日本語学校に中学3年まで通い、その後カリフォルニア大学で学士をとったあと、ニューヨークの大学でホテルマネージメントの修士号を取りました。修士をとったもののこの経済状況ゆえ、その後なかなか就職口が決まらず、短期雇用でつないでいました。その間、がんばって日本語検定1級(難しい!)の勉強もし、みごと合格。本人いわく、「日本語学校は辞めたかったけれど、なんとかがんばってきて今思うとと本当によかった!」 うちの息子に聞かせてやりたいよ。就職先はユニクロです。ニューヨークで従業員300人規模の展開をしているらしい。これから全米展開ですかねえ。アメリカ人のマネージャーから面接を受けたそうですが、その人が、「きみは日本語ができるからきっと有利だよ。」といってくれたそうです。がんばれ!でも、この花かごはご本人にではなくて、一生懸命育てたお父さんとお母さんへ。私もこんな花かごもらう日を夢見て、がんばるよ~ (嘆)。

Flower Basket #2! This time it's for my friend's daughter getting a job offer. She was born here in California. She finished the most prestigious Japanese school around here (up to 9th grade, which is the final grade in the system). She got her bachelors from UC and continued on her Master's in hotel management in NYU. Due to the economy, she had a difficult time to find a permanent job after getting her Master's degree and worked a temporary job. During that time, she studied hard for the Japanese Language Examination, which is very tough, and passed it. Here is her comment; "I though of quitting the Japanese school so many times, but now looking back I am very happy I didn't." I triumphantly passed this word to my son, and he just ignored me! She is going to work for Uniqlo, which has 300 employee level development around New York area. I am sure they will soon go get other states too. One of her interviews was with an American manger and he told her, "You will benefit from being able to handle the Japanese language." I wish her a luck! This flower basket, though, is not for her, but it's for her parents who raised her. They deserve it, right? Dreaming about the day my husband and I get a basket like this, I will do my share in the family...