
Candle light service


We had a candle light service tonight at the church. We celebrated our savior's birth altogether.

イエス様が馬小屋でお生まれになるときの劇を子どもたちがやりました。マリヤ様役をする子どもがなかなか見つからず、うちの娘にどうですかとお声をかけてもらったのだけど、もじもじ屋の娘は「やらない!」 娘の親友のAちゃんは利発だし舞台向きなのでどうかなと思い、聞いてみたらOK。立派にマリヤ様をやりました。

Kids did the nativity play. We were having a trouble finding a child for Maria. Our daughter got asked for the role, but she is a sort of shy type and said no. Then I thought of asking her best friend, who is talkative and outgoing. She said yes. She did the role just wonderfully.

舞台練習をする子どもたちを見ているだけの娘に、やさしいNさんが「じゃあ、セリフなしの天使の役はどうですか?」といってくださり、(それさえいやだと、はじめは言っていたのだけど、だんだんその気になり)娘も「やります。」 天使ちゃん、なかなかかわいかったよ。

N-san, who was watching our daughter just standing beside the stage observing, asked her whether she was interested in a role of angel without lines. She was still hesitant first, but finally accepted the offer. She was cute with that angel ring over the head.

私は聖歌隊で歌いました。誘ったお友達も来て下さり、子どもも楽しく過ごせました。天使をやっているとき以外は、娘はドレスを着たまま、木登りしたり、芝生の坂をごろごろ下ったり、水をかけ合ったりとすごいおてんば。おかげでドレスはどろどろのぐしゃぐしゃ。。。息子のほうは、あちこち行ってなにやら悪戯をしていましたが、極めつけは「Kick me」と書いた紙を牧師さんの背中に(気づかれないように)貼り付けた!神様、お許しください! 150人のお客様が集まり、本当に楽しい祝福された集まりでした。

I sang in the choir. Other than being the angel in the play, she was playing hard outside, climbing up the trees, rolling down the grass slope, and being in a water fight, IN HER CHRISTMAS DRESS, which she agreed to wear because her mom insisted! The dress got wet, stained, and smeared. Our son, on the other hand, was "exploring" the church building and being silly and naughty here and there, but the worst was sticking a tag saying "Kick me!" on the pastor's back without him noticing it. Forgive him, Lord! We had more than 150 guests, it was a joyful blessed night.