朝11時ごろ、カリフォルニア州ブリスを出発。とうとうカーナビに新しい家の住所を入れて走り出す。カリフォルニアに入ったから、LAはもうすぐそこだわなどど気楽に構えていたけれど、砂漠をひとつ越えていかねばならない。昨日泊まったホテルはBest Western, Saharaという名前だったのを思い出して納得する。暑い、暑い。
We left Blythe, CA around 11:00 am. I finally punched in our new address in LA into the GPS and started on Interstate 10. We were in California already, but to get to LA we had to go across a desert. I now see why the hotel we stayed last night was named Best Western, Sahara. It was extremely HOT!

途中リバーサイドでランチ。適当に入ったモールなのに、日本食ファーストフードがすぐ見つかるところはさすがカリフォルニア。牛丼としょうゆラーメンをオーダーしたけれど、しょうゆラーメンは売り切れで、かわりに”Tonkatsu Ramen"にする。とんかつラーメン??実は、とんこつラーメンのことでした。よく見たらしょうゆラーメンも”Shoyo Ramen"って書いてあった。こういうヘンな日本語にもこれから慣れていくことになるんだなあ。リバーサイドは砂漠の端っこにあって暑い、暑い。ランチを食べて車に戻ったら、ダッシボードの温度計が112度(44度C)を表示していた。
We had a lunch stop in Riverside. We just picked up a mall and parked a car, then there it was! We found a Japanese fast food. Some of the menu had weird Japanese spelling, but I guess this is something we will very quickly get used to in California. It is nice that it is this easy to come across Japanese food. Riverside is on the edge of desert, and when we came back to our car, the thermo marked 112 degrees.
We are almost there!
We were actually planning to arrive in the afternoon of 17th, but because of the little trouble with the mover (we are not sure yet when they will come and make the delivery), we decided to arrive a day earlier. Today our Realtor was out of town and could not get us the house key, so she left the key under the door mat. Isn't that cute for LA? It's kind of relieving to know hiding keys under the door mat is acceptable around here. Well, this house has a security system, though. Around here it's rather cool because of the sea breeze. It was 72 degrees when we got there.

ちなみに今日は、Staplesというオフィス用品店の 駐車場でインターネットにつながりました。
After we had a good rest at "home", we decided to the Japanese grocery store right around the corner. It had a book store within, and they had whole bunch of Japanese magazines and books. You feel like you were in Japan. We forgot how hungry we were, and we took time exploring the store. Then it was time for the store to close, so we hurried to the food section. They had everything! Everybody was just so excited to see all those Japanese food, and hurried up and down the isle busy finding favorite foods. It is simply unbelievable that we have this environment just 3 minutes from home.
FYI, today we got on internet using Staples' hotspot.