He had the very first hair cut himself and among the family in California. He and his dad used to go together for a haircut with the same stylist in Virginia. Dad had his just by himself a few weeks ago, when he went to Virginia on business. So the son was left with unmanageably long hair. I tried to talk him to get a haircut but he just hates having one and did not listen to me. One day, though, somebody at school just mentioned that his head looks bigger with the longer hair, and BINGO! He asked me to make an appointment the next day. Nothing works better than peer pressure on 12 year old boy.
There seem to be more than several hair salons run by Japanese here in Torrance. Just around our place, there are two. We decided to try one of them. On the door you find a plate saying OPEN in Japanese. A young Japanese guy with bleached hair came to greet us. We told him our requests in Japanese, and he got it quickly and started working right away. After 30 minutes, voila! I must say that there is a huge gap between American training and Japanese training. He was good. My boy is very picky but he agreed it looks good. $26 including tips.