
FedEx works while you are asleep.


My husband and I signed the closing documents for sale of the house and dropped them in local FedEx drop box around 11:00 am yesterday. When I woke up, I performed the tracking to find that it has been already delivered to our attorney in Virginia. It looks like this;

4/21 5:34PM_picked up_______________ Torrance, CA
4/21 6:48PM_left FedEx original facility____Torrance, CA
4/22 1:07AM_Arrived at FedEx location ____Memphis, TN
4/22 4:04AM_Departed FedEx location_____Memphis, TN
4/22 6:35AM_At destination sort facility____Richmond, VA
4/22 8:49AM_At local facility_________ Charlottesville, VA
4/22 9:17AM_On vehicle for delivery____Charlottesville, VA
4/22 10:05AM_Delivered


The envelop I dropped around 11:00 am stayed uncollected until past 5 that evening. After that, however, it moved at light speed. By 1:00 am, it arrived Memphis, TN. That's 11:00 pm in California. It took only 5 and half hours. It was delivered to destination at 10:00 am, which is 7:00 am in California), so it took 14 hours to go across the continent. I think $33 is well justified. FedEx moves during the night!