
Grandpa's udon

じいちゃんが作ったとろろたまごうどん。つゆの素がなかったので、わざわざ日本食品店まで買いに行って作ったよ。つゆの素がなければ、しょうゆとみりんとだしを混ぜればOKと思うけど、じいちゃんの料理はレシピどおりでないとだめ。分量だってちゃんと量るんだから! なかなかおいしかったよ。

Here is Grandpa's udon with raw egg and tororo potato. He had to have Tsuyu Soy Sauce to make this, so we went to a Japanese grocery to buy it. I would be able to replicate Tsuyu Shoyu pretty easily by mixing up Soy Sauce, Mirin and Dashi powder, but for Grandpa,s cocking, he needs to have all the specified things on the recipe. He even MEASURES everything (which I never do)! It was delicious.