Today was the first day of school. In Japan, a school year starts in April, and their Japanese school followed the rule. They had a first-day-of-the-school ceremony, and all the teachers were in suits, which you do not see at American local schools. Japaneses make a big deal out of starting something, since we have a saying, "When a start is good, the ending is good." One of the "important things" our daughter's new teacher mentioned is that you have to make sure you carry a handkerchief so that you can wipe your hands properly after using bathrooms. I did not know this school does not have paper towels or hand dryers in bathrooms (which could be common in Japan). That means she just wiped her hands with...you guessed it right... her shirt!
こちらは息子の教室。ひとりずつ名前と趣味について自己紹介してくださいと先生。うちの息子は、「ぼくはOO xxです。趣味は~... 宿題が嫌いなことです。」 面白い趣味ですね。
Here is our son's classroom. The teacher told them to introduce themselves saying names and favorite pastime. Our son went, "My name is xx xx. My favorite pastime is... that I do not like doing homework." Interesting pastime, huh?