
Catalina Day 3


On Day 3, we checked out the hotel first, had lunch and joined an inland tour.


We climbed up to the peak of the island on a bus. Here is the view of Avalon from midpoint to the peak


Once you are inland, it looks like this.


With a buffalo at the airport on the peak of the island.


This one is a real one. It was just beside the bus.


We saw a herd of buffalo too. We also saw a black hawk. When you lucky you can see bald eagles and red foxes. We arrived home safe in the evening and had cup ramens which we really enjoyed.


Catalina Day 2


We did a tour around the bay in kayaks. We were planning to do snorkeling too, but decided not to since the water was not super clear around here. The weather is nice but pretty cool (in the evening it is very COLD).


With a dog on the street.


Another dinner at traveler's price.


Catalina Day 1


We went on a small excursion to Calatina Island for 2 nights. We drove 20 minutes to San Pedoro, where we boarded on a boat to Catalina. Our animal lover daughter was looking out the window all the way, searching for dolphins, whales and seals ( she did find a seal).


Here is Catalina Island. It is a part of the Los Angeles county.


We arrived in a small town called Avalon.


There are three very tiny beaches in town. On one of them we tried and saw this sign; No swimming due to the bacteria level above the health standard.


After we took a stroll in town, we had a very resort-priced dinner at one of the restaurants on the main street; we paid $9 for kid's meal, $16 for a salad, $33 a piece for steaks.


Hair cut


They had a wonderful daddy-daughter haircut day! We printed out the style for her. Her hair was pretty long, but voila! Isn't it cute?? Daddy's new style is one of those fluffy spiky styles that are popular among young Japanese males. Maybe it's a little too young on him...


Last day of the school

今日は学校が最後の日。お世話になった先生に、娘と一緒にフラワーアレンジメントを作りました。横の袋に入れて、学校に持って行きました。袋には娘のメッセージ; Thank you for teaching me lots of things. When I grow up, I want to live in a farm or next to you.  娘独特のメッセージだけど、気持ちは伝わるでしょう。とってもいい先生でした。来年ももしかしたら、自分が教えることになるかもしれないと今日先生から聞きました。そうなるといいな。。。

Today is the last day of the school. My daughter and I made this flower arrangement for her teacher. She carried it in this brown bag with her message on; Thank you for teaching me lots of things. When I grow up, I want to live in a farm or next to you. This sound so her... The teacher will understand the point... Her teacher said she might be able to have her next year too. That would be so awesome. She was definitely a very nice teacher.


Slumber reading day

今週は学校が終わる週で、入れ替わり立ち代わりいろいろなイベントがある。月曜はゲーム・デーで、好きなゲーム(ソフトじゃないよ。オーソドックスなゲーム)を持っていって皆で遊ぶ日。火曜は公園に遠足。水曜の今日は、ゴロゴロ読書デー(slumber reading party)。学校に持っていくものはこちら(写真)。日本だったら、ちゃんと椅子に座って背筋を伸ばして読書しなさいとくるところだけど、ここはアメリカ。教室の床の上にみんなで寝袋を広げて、お気に入りのクッションや枕に寝そべって、好きな本を読みあうというもの。おまけにポップコーンやクッキーを食べながら。楽しかったらしい。。。

This is the last week of the school, and they have fun activities day after day. Monday was a board game day. Tuesday was a field trip day to the park. Wednesday (today) was a slumber reading day. They brought sleeping bags, cushions, pillows and two favorite chapter books. They enjoyed reading while slumbering with popcorn and cookies. I don't think Japanese educators would approve this by any standards, but it seems fun.


Last field trip


The end of the school year is nearing. The last day is coming Thursday. Today they had the last field trip to a nearby park. They actually WALKED to this park.


15 boxes of large Papa Jones Pizza were their lunch.


What they have in hands are cupcakes with blue icing.


I love this garden!


Now that we have stolen our ex-house in Virginia (back in April), we have slowly started house hunting here. The market has gone down considerably, people say, but still it is very very very expensive around here. It's not easy to find a house you like to buy AND can afford to buy. This house here, we were not too impressed with the house itself, but the garden!


It was professionally landscaped and meticulously maintained. It seems like the owner has a landscaping business. No wonder... You feel like you can spend all day in this garden. Well, but the price tag was very professional too, you know what I mean...


Father's day

今日は父の日。教会で父の日の集まりがあり、家族で参加しました。まずは牧師さんの「お父さん、出番です!」と銘打った話; 1) お父さんが子どもの方をしっかり向くことの大切さ 2) 家族の中でのお父さんの取るべき優先順位としては、まず第一に妻を置くこと(妻も第一に夫を置くこと)、次に子どもがくる。3) 赦しあうことの大切さ。けんかはOK。ただし話し合って、最後に和解することがポイント。 4) 家族がお父さんのさす傘のしたで守られることの大切さ。お父さんは家族を守る。家族はお父さんを敬い尊重するというピクチャーが必要。。。というお話でした。がんばって実行します。。。

We cerebrated Father's Day at the church. Our pastor gave a speech for the fathers; 1) It is so important that a dad gives his kids time and attention, instead of giving his career or other activities higher priority. 2) His priority should be first his wife and then his kids. Not the other way around. (Same for mothers) 3) We need to learn to forgive each other. It is okay to have arguments and quarrels. They only need to end with reconciliation. 4) A father needs to have an umbrella so that family members are protected by temptations and evils.


We mothers prepared a wide variety of dishes for them to enjoy.


The food was simply splendid!


Dance party


This is the recreation center of city of Torrance. Every couple months, the city throws a dance party for students in the middle schools throughout the city. This Friday they had it. My son has been looking forward to it for a week, but it turned out on this day that he has a missing science assignment and also is not done with the Japanese School assignment for the next day. He was almost banned from the party by his dad. He barely got the permission to go at the dad's mercy 30 minutes before the party started, I dropped him and his friend at the venue. There was already a long waiting line to get in. $15 admission. Big excitement...


After school incident

学校が終わってお迎えのとき、いつものごとくお母さんたちと立ち話。子どもたちは校庭を走り回って遊んでいた。ところがいつの間にかモメごとに発展したらしい、ものすごい形相で逃げてくる娘。それをこれまたものすごい形相で追う男の子。男の子はものすごく怒っていて、私の前に逃げ込んだ娘を羽交い絞めにする。苦しかったらしくすごい勢いで泣き始めた娘。とりあえず引き離そうと思い、大泣きの娘の手を引いて帰宅。話を聞いてみれば、ジャケットを振り回して遊んでいた娘に男の子が近づき、ジャケットの端が当たったらしい。かなり痛かったのだろう。わざとやったと思ったらしい。結局双方とも家に戻って親が話をきき、双方ともに反省し、男の子がわざわざあやまりにきてくれた。きっと言いたくなかったのだろう、腹話術師のように唇をうごかさないで「ごめん」 娘も「ごめん」 ということで一件落着だけど、しかしながらあのすごい形相で逃げてきたときの娘の顔。あんな顔はじめてみたけど、あの切羽つまった顔は、、、まぎれもなくおじいちゃん(主人のほうの)の顔!10年ほど前に、旅館で腕時計が盗まれたと大騒ぎして探し回っていたときの切羽詰ったおじいちゃんの顔を思い出す(結局、腕時計はおじいちゃんが自分で金庫にしまったのを忘れていた)。血は争えないねえ。

After school at pick-up time, we mothers got into chatting as usual. Kids were running around on the grass as usual. Somehow they got into an incident however, and I saw my daughter running toward me. She seemed really scared and desperate. After her was this boy, who also looked desperate and angry, running like crazy. She fell on the ground at my feet and he truckled her with his arms around her shoulders. She bursted out crying. Without knowing exactly what happened, I took her hand and headed home, since that choice seems the best at the moment. After she calmed down, she started to explain. She was spinning with her jacket and the tip of it hit the boy. It must have been really painful, because he was really mad. His mother also talked to him at home, and he came over afterwords to apologize. He apologized, and so did she, and now things are cool. But after all this ordeal, I was thinking of something else. That is the desperate look on her face when she was running away. The face reminded me exactly.... of her grand father (on my husband's side). That expression on her face was exactly the one I remember when the grandpa was desperately looking for his watch that he believed he got stolen in a hotel room during the family vacation almost 10 years ago (the watch was later found in a safe in the room, which he put there himself).


I need iron.


I was in bed all day yesterday. I knew it was anemia because I felt soo00 tired and sleepy as I usually do when anemic. I had a pretty big surgery a few years ago, and since then I have these symptoms once in a while. I was on iron supplement, but it's been a while since I ran out of the last package. My husband ran to a nearby drugstore and got this bottle for me. I should be feeling ok in a day or two.


Stolen bike


When our son went to his frined's house after school the other day, he got his bike stolen. His friend rode it to the apartment, locked it with the key chain and left it on the lot. When our son came down to the lot to go home, the bike, lock and even helmet were nowhere to be seen. He thus walked to school for a couple days after the incident, but decided it took so long (30 minutes one way). So he decided to ride his dad's bike. I tried to take a picture with him on it, but he of course did not pose for me. Dad's bike is a bit bigger than his, but he has grown to be the right size for the bike.


Peach tree


We knew that we have an orange tree and a kumquat tree in the backyard, but recently found another fruit tree. It's the middle one in the picture.


It seems like a peach tree. It is not completely ripe yet, so we will make the harvest sometime next week.


New tires


My car got new tires. I have been thinking of changing tires since we drove across the continent last year for the big move. It's been already 10 months, ha! I found this site online, entered the car make and the year, and it returns all the tires that work on my car. I select the tire I like and made the appointment by selecting the date and time on the same site. Then you just go. In one hour, you are done. I paid $157 per tire and $15 installation each. It wasn't bad.


Bee sting

放課後、学校の校庭で遊んでいた娘が「ギャー!」 何かと思えばハチに刺されたのだそう。本当によくハチに刺される子で、これでさされるのは5回目。2年に1回のペースでさされていることになる。90歳まで生きるとすると45回さされるわけ??すぐ針をとってあげようと思うのに、いつものことで「痛いから触るな」というので、そのまま家に帰ってくる。帰る道でずっと針を観察していた彼女、結局ピンセットで自分で針を抜きました。

I heard her scream, when my daughter and her friend were playing in the school yard after school. It turned out to be that she got a bee sting. She is a bee kind of person, and this is her 5th bee sting. It translates one every two years. So if she lives to be 90, she will be stung 45 times total! I tried to get the needle out on the spot but she refused in panic as usual. She came home with it and took it out with a tweezers herself at home.


Redondo Beach


A friend of mine and I enjoyed lunch at a cafe in Redondo Beach.


I had chicken broccoli crepe and it was super delicious!


This cute town of Redondo Beach is less than 10 minute drive from where we live, but the atmosphere is pretty different. You feel like you are on vacation in a beach city! I was surprised we did not see many Asians, considering the city's proximity to Torrance where there are so many of them.


Three is a bad number.

最近になってやっとわかったこと;女の子は3人では遊べない。女の子3人というのは鬼門であり、必ず2対1に分かれてしまう。はみだしたひとりは、これまたえらくドラマチックに悲劇のヒロインになり、うるうるプンプン、一大ドラマが繰り広げられる。なんとか話をつけてやっとのことで、その一人がふたりに合流したかと思うや、今度はちがうひとりがはみ出る。お兄ちゃんはこういうケースはまったくなかったので,、「いったいどうしてよぉぉx~」と思うけど、どうやら女というのはそういうものらしい。泣いているか、あるいは両腕を組んでえらい形相でにらみあい"You are so mean!"と言い合うか。。こわいぞぉ~。振り回される親も疲れるけれど、これはこういうフェーズが過ぎるのを待つしかないらしい。

I recently came to a realization that girls cannot play as a group of three. Three is a really bad number. It always ends up in two vs. one. The one being left out quickly becomes a drama queen. Parents speak with them, sometimes they see our point, and one being left out finally merges back into the two. As soon as you start feeling like smiling, you see the other one is being left out. I have never seen this pattern with my son, so it came pretty shocking to me. Being miserable, they either cry hard or keep saying to each other, "You are so mean!" with arms crossed in the chest. It seems like we parents need to just hang on until this phase passes.




We had an earthquake in the middle of the night. This was our first one after the move, so I just jumped up on the bed and called, "It's an earthquaaaake!" and shifted myself for the evacuation. My husband, on the other hand, returned a barely audible replay or maybe a yawn it was, and went right back to sleep. My son responded, "Earthquake?" but also went back to sleep. My daughter didn't even wake up. I was on a lonesome watch for 30 minutes and went back to bed. According to the morning news, it was originated in Santa Monica Bay and was of Magnitude 3.5, a size big enough to wake you up in the sleep. Well, they didn't!!


Filed day


The Japanese school had a field day today. We borrowed the field of a middle school on a hill, and it was really foggy in the morning. This is a beginning ceremony.


50 m run.


Tug of war. 200 students on one side and another 200 on the other.


"Japanese" field day of this sort is a first experience for our family. I worked hard on the lunch box, since it is customary in Japan to have this kind of lunch for this kind of occasion.


We had sun by late morning as usual, and we had lunch under the California sun. It was very hot!!! Next year, we will make sure to bring a beach parasol.


That's the life.


This is a scarf my daughter received for the Girl Scouts cookie sales. Depending how much sales you made, there were many layers of prizes. At today's meeting, everybody received her prize. Hers was the participant award. Quite a few girls received a cute stuffed animal. My daugher of course didn't. She was such a drama queen, super miserable version, when leaving the site. Watching us, one of the mothers offered that she could give us the stuffed animal which she bought in advance, in case that her daughter did not get it. It was very sweet of her, but I declied the offer very nicely. Even though I wonder if it is a good practice to reward girls at this age depending on the sales record, sales are sales and results are results. It's life, right? So I explained her looking into her eyes; "It is such an easy thing to drop by in a store and get you a stuffed animal, which costs probably only 3 dollars, but I would not want to do that, since it does not do you any good. You will experience this kind of disappointment once in a while in your life, and it is okay to be sad for a while, but you just cannot be controlled by the sadness for ever. You could work harder next time on the cookie sales to get the prize, or you could save up money to buy it yourself. But today you don't get it, and that is very fair. I would not get you the stuffed animal today, since I truly love you. " When we got home, she slammed the car door and got out, but by the time she was in the house, she was smiling.




Today was the last day of the class which he has been teaching this quarter (the next week is the final week). We celebrated it with Korean BBQ and Japanese cakes (don't they look pretty?). This class was one of the toughest class on him he had taught in the past. The load of preparation was simply outrageous. This class was for the graduate level and there was not any appropriate textbook, so he was virtually writing a textbook when he prepared for each class, staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning. Well done, papa!


Eyebrow pencil


This is my eyebrow pencil, which I share with my son these days. He was shaving unwanted hair on his eyelids the other day and accidentally cut into his eyebrow. From my middle age point of view, it is not a big deal, but a self-conscious 6th grader could have a totally different perspective. He fills in the eyebrow with this pencil every morning before taking off to school.