今日は学校が最後の日。お世話になった先生に、娘と一緒にフラワーアレンジメントを作りました。横の袋に入れて、学校に持って行きました。袋には娘のメッセージ; Thank you for teaching me lots of things. When I grow up, I want to live in a farm or next to you. 娘独特のメッセージだけど、気持ちは伝わるでしょう。とってもいい先生でした。来年ももしかしたら、自分が教えることになるかもしれないと今日先生から聞きました。そうなるといいな。。。
Today is the last day of the school. My daughter and I made this flower arrangement for her teacher. She carried it in this brown bag with her message on; Thank you for teaching me lots of things. When I grow up, I want to live in a farm or next to you. This sound so her... The teacher will understand the point... Her teacher said she might be able to have her next year too. That would be so awesome. She was definitely a very nice teacher.