夕方、息子が"H.I.V.E."という小説本が欲しいというのでBarns & Noble へ。シャーロッツビルにいたときも、今も、よくBarns & Nobleには足を運んだけれど、実際本を買うことはとっても少なかった。いつもBarns & Nobleで欲しい本を見つけて、購入はAmazonというパターン。だって、20~30%は安いうえに税金かからないんだもん。しかしながら、本日の本は、続きもののためどうしても待てないというので、値段もあまり変わらないし、Barns & Nobleで買いました。
I drove our son to Barns & Noble this evening to get him a novel called "H.I.V.E." Here in Torrance as well as back in Charlottesville, Barns & Noble is our favorite place to hang around, but we rarely buy books there. Usually we just browse through books, pick some we like and go online to make a purchase via Amazon.com. It's often 20 to 30% cheaper that way and they do not tax us. However, he could not afford waiting this time, since he HAD to read it now (this is a sequel to the first book he just finished) and the price on this particular one was pretty comparable between the store and online.