Daddy was begged to walk to school with her this morning. Behind them on the concrete, do you see the shape of America painted? Virginia is painted green and California yellow. I stand on Virginia first and move through the middle of the continent to California, saying, "We drove all the way from here to here." Kids respond with a great excitement, "Really? You did, really?"

You leave our house, walk to get this street and go across, then you find yourself at the corner of the school yard. The thing is they have this huge green field facing our side, so it takes a bit more than 5 minutes to walk to the classroom. They open the gate at 8:20 and let the kids play on the school yard until 8:50. At 8:50 sharp, the bell rings. As soon as the bell goes off, all the kids are supposed to freeze for 5 seconds or so on the spot wherever they are, stopping whatever they are doing that moment. After 5 seconds, they line up in front of the classroom and they go in. This freeze, I heard, is a drill to pay attention and obey the instruction when necessary on earthquakes and other disastrous events.