This yellow slip certifies that I was negative on TB test. This certification is required to volunteer at kids' schools around here. We did not have this requirement in Virginia. So, last Friday, I went to the clinic and got the TB injection. Whoever was born in Japan usually gets BCG, thus tend to have a positive reading on TB test. Mine was definitely positive with a huge swelling developed by Saturday. It was also very very itchy. I decided a bit of Benadryl wouldn't hurt, thinking the swelling would stay positive-size anyway. Well, by this morning it diminished to a slight redness in the area, whether it was due to Benadryl or not. The nurse had a look at it and quickly dismissed it as negative. See, the U.S. is one of a few countries which do NOT administer BCG and the default of the TB test is negative. They sort of expect a negative result. Was it Benadryl?? It's only between you and me, ok?

ツベルクリンが”陽性”の場合、1) BCGの余韻で陽性となったのか、2) 実際、結核菌を保持している(発症はしていないがいつ発症するかわからない)のかが区別がつかない。なので、”2)の場合を想定して、体の中に眠っている結核菌を殺すための薬を飲んでください”とお医者さん。この薬、なんと9ヶ月飲み続けないといけない!私は、”BCGの影響だと思います”と言ってみたのだけれど、”BCGを受けても、2~3年で陰性となるのが普通。2)の場合だったら将来大変な症状がでることがあるから飲んだほうがいい”とのこと。ちなみにセカンドオピニオンももらってみたのだけれど同じ回答。ということで、しぶしぶその薬を入手。写真はちなみに3ヶ月分。子どもにむやみに薬を飲ませるのもどうかと思い、いろいろリサーチしてみたけれど、どうやらBCGにもいろいろなストレインがあるらしく、効果の有効度や有効期間もまちまちらしい。日本のBCGは(2~3年でなく)15年ほど有効と書いてあったので、12歳のわが息子はまだ十分有効期間内。ということで、お医者さんに説明して、”リスクをとることにはなりますが、1)の場合だと想定し薬は飲みません”と言うことにした。実際、日本人慣れしているお医者さんだとかなり臨機応変に運用しているらしい。私たちのお医者さんはそうではなかったのだけど。。。いくらアメリカでも、処方された薬の返品ってきかないよねえ。。。。
Kids also need to be tested to start with a school. Our two kids took a TB test back in August before the enrollment. Our younger one who was born in the U.S. and never received BCG was negative, as expected. Our older one who was born in Japan and did receive BCG was positive, as expected. If positive, to ensure you do not actually have TB, you have a chest X-ray taken. So did he and the result was clear (he does not have TB). He, thus, was able to enroll all right in school with the certification saying the TB test was positive but no TB noticed. It was a long story after that, however.
If the TB test turned out to be positive, you never know whether it was 1) due to BCG you received, or 2) due to the fact that you were actually exposed to tubercle bacilli which is dormant in your body. The doctor said that if it's case 2), you have a chance to experience various severe problems later on, so to kill the dormant bacilli possibly in his body, he needs to take this medication. He needs to be on this medication, guess what, for 9 month! I humbly objected saying the positive result should be due to BCG he received in Japan. The doctor explained the BCG tends to affect the result only for 2 or 3 years after received, but not longer than that." I decided to get a second opinion, which was basically the same as the first one. So unwillingly I got the prescription filled. What you see in the picture is only 3 month supply. Staring at those bottles, I decided to do further research online, since I did not medicate my child to kill bacilli which he DOES NOT HAVE in his body. I then learned that there is a variety of BCG strains with varying effectiveness and effective periods depending on the country that administer them, and also that the Japanese version tends to last 15 years (versus 2 to 3 years as generally expected). Our son is 12, so the chances are his positive result is due to BCG. I decided to explain to the doctor that we decided to take a chance and not to medicate him, presuming he does not have bacilli. I learned later that doctors who have dealt with many apanese in the past tend to operate a bit more loosely, not requiring the medication. Well, what should I do with all those bottles sitting in the cabinet. I do not think they take back the prescription drug...
追伸; 主治医の先生(今回初めて会った。今までの先生は他の人だった)にこの3日後会って話をした結果、結局この薬、飲むことになりました。主治医の先生は、ご自身台湾からの移民で、自分も同じようにTBテストで陽性になり、母親がBCG接種が原因で陽性になっていると判断し薬を飲まなかったのだけれど、大きくなってメディカル・スクールに入学していろいろ勉強した結果、やはり飲んでおいたほうがいいと自分で判断して9ヶ月飲んだとのこと。とても親身になって説明してくれました。もし、本当に結核菌が体内にあった場合は後々大変な症状が出るかもしれないが、この薬は子どもの頃に飲むほうが体への負担も少ないので、やはり飲むことをお勧めすると。。。というこどで、毎日飲んでいます。