These are Japanese free magazines we find in those Japanese grocery stores. Many are published monthly or weekly, but some are daily. Inside you see advertisements of a variety of businesses; doctors, dentists, hair salons, real estate agents, attorneys, banks, travel agencies, cell phone services, water filter services, fertility clinics, plastic surgeons, mental health providers, tutor services, nail salons, massage clinics, etc. etc... Some are owned by Japanese, and others are owned by non -Japanese but they provide Japanese services.

This is the local yellow page, Japanese version. You feel like you are in Japan. Here in Torrance, you can pursue most of the life's necessary tasks by only speaking Japanese.
*** 訂正(correction) ***
昨日、トーランスでは家に入ってくるサービスマンが”自動的に”靴を脱いでくれる”なんて書いたけれど、本日いきなり反例に遭遇。昨日インストレーションに来たTime Warnerの品質管理部門がアフターフォローに来て、インストレーションに満足しているか確認しに来たのだけど、その人はズカズカと靴のまま入ってきた。
それにもうひとつ。ちょっと前のこと、こちらの子どもたちが持っているバックパックについて、”シャーロッツビルではバックパックの底に滑車がついてコロコロと転がして運べるものが流行っていたけど、こちらでは誰も持っていなかった。” などと書いたけれど、確かに中学校にはコロコロ式は皆無に近かったものの、小学校ではここトーランスでもよく見かけます。もしかしたら、バージニアだろうがカリフォルニアだろうが、中学校ともなるとコロコロ式はかっこ悪い(?)ので使わないということなのかも。
Yesterday, I wrote that in Torrance, those service people "automatically take off their shoes!" Well, after a day, I encountered a counter example already. Someone from the quality control department of Time Warner came over to ensure we are happy with the installation performed yesterday. This person just rushed in with his shoes on.
One more correction. A while ago, I wrote about bag packs; "Back in Charlottesville, backpacks with rollers on the bottom were quite popular, but around here you never see those." Well, it holds true for middle school students, but I now realized those roller bags are quite popular at elementary schools. Maybe it is not a matter of Virginia vs. California. It may be that middle schoolers are simply too cool to use those roller bags..
Anyway it reminded me of the Statistics class at college with the professor saying we should not project the observation from a few samples to the whole, which I exactly did...