A trash can sitting outside the classroom. This is not for trash, though. Can you see it says "Emergency Kits Only"?

おそろしい、おそろしい。こう考えると、私がどうしても違和感のあった学校のプレハブ小屋の謎が解けてきたような気がする。案外安全策なのかも。あれなら倒壊しても下敷きになって死ぬことはない(資材が軽い)からね。小屋だから、ドアを開ければすぐ外で、即座に避難できるし。。。 いやぁ~、でもやっぱりただ、予算がないだけなんだろうなあ。。。
You lift the lid and find Ziploc bags, one for each child, that contain a family photo, Kleenex, baby wipes, band aids, two small cans of juice, dry snacks, underwear, small towel, old sweater, games and cards (to kill time?) and so forth.
If you look at http://earthquake.usgs.gov/, you can find a list of earthquakes occurred recently in specific areas all over the world. On Sep 22nd, 2009 only, you find 50 earthquakes occurred in California and Nevada, all of which are small ones with a magnitude of 2 or less, though. In Japan, on the other hand, there is only one earthquake, but this one is much bigger with a magnitude 4.7. Looking into the future, the probability of a magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquake over the next 30 years striking the greater Los Angeles area is 67%, and in the San Francisco Bay Area it is 63%. The probability of a magnitude 7 or so earthquake over the next 30 years striking the southern Kanto area in Japan is 70%. Looking at the past earthquakes, Kanto Earthquake (Japan) recorded a magnitude of 7.9, Hanshin Earthquake (Japan) 7.3, Shisen Earthquake (China) 7.8. When a magnitude increases by 0.1, the power of the earthquake increases by 1.4, 0.2 by 2, 0.3 by 3.8 and 1 by 32.
No doubt we should be prepared. Well, now I thought about those prefab huts as classrooms at schools around here. Now I wonder if they are for safety, since even if those prefab huts collapse, they do not kill people inside with materials so light. Once you fling the door open, you find yourself evacuated onto the schoolyard. .. or they just do not have budget to build nicer ones.