When we moved out of the house in Virginia, we took the lighting fixture in our dining room with us. We thought it was not a big deal, but according to the realtor who is working hard to sell the house, it looks much nicer if the dining room had a fixture in. Well, but we are 2,500 miles away on the other side of the country, what do we do? Then our next door neighbor in Virgina, Judy and Roger, kindly offered to put it up for us. I thus ordered a fixture online and had it shipped to Judy and Roger, and voila! Roger put it up for us (this is the picture they sent us over the e-mail). They have done so much for us. They hemmed up the curtains which I left on the windows for the purpose of crime prevention, since they were a little too long. They make sure all the doors and windows are locked whenever prospective buyers come to see the house. Onetime the lock was not working properly, and they fixed it. They put a timer on a lamp so that it comes on automatically during the night to make it look like someone lives there. Our house is getting a AAA+++ care. Sometimes I am jealous of our house, because it still has them next door and we don't.
We think of Judy and Roger often. These are what our kids received from them when we left Virginia. They are very thick photo albums full of memorable pictures of the past 9 years. One for each child. Evey single picture brings back so much memory with it. They sit on the living room table, and we lose track of time in them.