These are Jacob's Crocks. Jacob is our son's best friend in Virginia. These Crocks are here in California, however. Do you know why?
Our son is notorious stealing other people's sandals. I had so many incidents that I searched everywhere for my sandals for hours, and finally found he was using them. When we were invited for a dinner to our next door neighbors', I had to go home tiptoeing in his sandals, since he went ahead back home in my sandals. Well, but I did not expect he was this bad as stealing people's sandals across state borders (many of them)! He left Virginia in Jacob's Crocks, traveled across the north American continent, arrived here in California, and he IS still using them!
I am sorry, Jacob, that you had to give up your Crocks this way. But we think of you everyday. He goes to the beach in your Crocks, so we feel like you are with us playing on the beach.