
Finally, Verizon...

これ、今まで使っていた携帯。私たち夫婦ふたりとも、あんまり携帯は使わない...というか性に合わないというか... どうもいつも携帯するということができず、携帯しても電池がなかったりで、ほぼ使わないケイタイでした。本当に必要なときは、だいたい携帯していないので、いつも友達に借りてばかり。私たちとは違ってみんなちゃんとケイタイしているから、タダの公衆電話がいつも一緒にいる便利さ!ところが最近、息子も同様に友達の携帯を借りて、「ママ、今日はOOOのところに行って宿題するね。」とかけてくる。息子に連絡がとりたいときは、息子の友達の携帯にかけて、「ハロー、ちょっとXXに代わってくれない?」となる。あまりに人の携帯ドロボーでは申し訳ないと反省し、3人でちゃんとした携帯をゲットすることに決めました。

These were cell phones my husband and I used to have but almost never carried around. We are simply not cell phone kind of people. We almost always leave them home, or in those rare occasions we do carry them, the battery is out. Most of the calls can wait, you know. Whenever you really need to make calls, you can just ask one of your friends to let you use the phone. Everybody has it, so it's like you have a free access to portable public phone everywhere. These days, however, our son started doing the same. He borrows his friend's phone to call home to say, "Mom, I will go to OOO's home today to do the homework." When I need to call him, I call his friend's cell and say. "Hi, Nathan, may I speak with XX (my son)?" We slowly came to a realization that it is time that we get ourselves better phone services and carry our own phones.


So we switched to Verizon and got these phones. My husband and I renewed the vows to treat the cell phones as intended. Our son, on the other hand, had to prepare his rule book how to treat his cell phone. This is how all three of us started a new life with cell phones...