
A seminar

私が通っているローリング・ヒルズ・カベナント教会が、「男の子を育てる」というセミナーを行いました。対象は、このあたりに住む日本人のご両親。今の世 の中は、子育てが楽にできる時代では決してありませんが、男の子の場合特にいろいろを考慮をしなければならないことがあるそうです。実際、大学進学率は今や女の子が男の子を抜き、犯罪や薬物依存、暴力などを引き起こす可能性は、男の子の方がずっと 高いそうです。お父さんにも参加してもらえるように土曜日に開催したわけ。

Rolling Hills Covenant Church, the church I go to, hosted a seminar titled "Bring Up Boys." We showed DVD with the same title made by Dr. James Dobson, a psychologist and the founder of Focus on the Family. According to him, boys have much higher chance to be involved in/ affected by crimes, drug addiction and violence. We opened the seminar on Saturday so that not only mothers but also fathers can be there too.


This is the second seminar in a series. After wathching the DVD, we prepared curry lunch for the audiences. Many of us in the church brought a rice cooker from home, so we had 15 or so rice cookers in a row sitting on the kitchen counter.


We had 80 or so people total. I was serving in the nursery and the kitchen, so not in these pictures.