1) やることがないと子どもはDSをし続ける。
2) いたしかたなければ(他に遊ぶ相手がいなければ)、(いつもは絶対遊ばない)兄妹で仲良く遊ぶ。
3) DSはゲームのためにあるのではなく、ありとあらゆることができる。
It's been a few days since the summer vacation started. Kids will be in school and camps starting next week, but they were home all day yesterday and today. My findings;
1) If they are bored, they keep playing with DS.
2) If forced (no friends of their own to play with), they (who never play together usually) play quite peacefully together (with DS).
3) You can do so much more than playing games on DS.

We have been fighting to prevent the invasion of electronic games into our household, we still have four DS's under the roof. One old passed down from their uncle, another from their cousin, an old one our son bought many years ago, and a new one he bought a few years ago. No wonder Nintendo is doing so well.