Today is the last day of the winter break. The schools start tomorow. Our kids (their parents too) will have a trouble waking up tomorrow morning. Show in the picture are the books our daughter read during the break. She read 11. Her brother read one (well, it's much a thicker one, though). It is same to put lots of weight on reading at the early school years whether in Japan or in the US, but while in Japan kids are encouraged to read ALOUD the same passage from the text book over and over and over again (it may be important, but sometimes I found it so boring), in the US they are encouraged to read as many books as possible so that they have an exposure to a wide variety. The book industry has developed various systems to classify books into detailed reading levels starting with early beginner level to fluent reader level. That helps parents and kids to pick books written for the current reading level and also understand how the reading capability has been progressing. I wish they develop a similar system in Japan too.