Wanna see what I have done on the house? I bought couple stuff from our California house and also spent a little less than $300 in local TJ Maxx, Marshals, Walmart and Michaels, and decorated the house to add a little warmth.
二日前に不動産屋に会ったとき、彼女らが言うには、家中の壁をニュートラルな色で塗りなおし、きっちんのカウンタートップをグラナイト(ナチュラルな石)に変えたほうがいいとのこと。 キッチンのカウンタトップの色はどうも不評。5年前にキッチンの改装をしたとき、私が選んだ色なのだけど。オレンジがかった、赤がかったブラウンとでもいいましょうか。とても暖かい色で、我が家のテーマカラーは暖かいオレンジや赤や黄色だったので、周りの家具や小物とよくマッチし、とても気に入っていました。ところが、引越しトラックがきて物がすべて運び出されると、カウンタートップの色だけがとても目立って、選んだ私でさえ”うわ、変な色!と思ったものです。何人かの人は”ピンクのカウンタートップ"なんていうんだけど、ひどいよ!私にとって生まれてこのかた、ピンクというのは一番きらいな色なわけで、あの色はピンクじゃありません。でも、いくら言葉で”ピンクじゃありません”と言ってもだめなんだよね。少々想像力が乏しい人にでも、装飾のしようによってはとても暖かい色になりますということをわかってもらおうと、カウンタートップの色が変に目立たず、でもよく生きるような色の小物を回りに散らし、暖かい感じを作り出してみたのだけれど。。。
When I met with our realtor two days ago, they suggested we paint the entire house with a neutral color and replace the kitchen counter top with granite. Some people just hated our counter top. I picked the counter top when we went through the kitchen renovation. It is orangish reddish brown, I would call, which is a very warm color that went along perfectly with my furniture. Now that we moved everything out of the house, the color stands odd. People call it "pink counter top." Oh, no, I never liked pink in my life, and it is not pink. But you just cannot persuade prospective buyers on that by my words. You need to let the house speak for itself it is not pink. So I added complimentary colors around the kitchen and the entire 1st floor to let the counter top mix well with the surroundings. I scattered cushions, rugs and other small stuff with coordinated colors so that it is a little easier for those people who lack imagination (excuse me!) to see the house as a nice warm environment.

Well, the house has stayed on the market unsold without any offer for nine months now, and all kinds of people said all kinds of stuff like "The counter top color is a disaster." or "The first floor bath room needs a serious help." People have different tastes, and I can see their point of views. But I am proud to say we did and still do love our house dearly. It may not be a mac mansion, but it was a perfectly beautiful family house with lots of joy and warmth for us. Selling your house sometimes resembling presenting yourself in the world. You have to realize you cannot change everything to be admired by EVERYBODY. Otherwise you have to keep having a cosmetic surgery one after another forever and can never be happy with yourself. With all the necessary repairs and maintenance done properly already, I tried my best to bring the best out of the house as it is, and keep my fingers crossed that somebody who can love the house what she is shows up in near future. Before I left the house to catch my flight, I greeted every single room of the house including the basement storage, screaming into it, " I love you!" I took extra time to caress my kitchen counter top and assured her she is okay as she is so that she does not lose her self esteem.