We now have a new rice cooker! My mother in law, who stayed with us for three weeks, bought it for us lo show us her appreciation. How sweet of her. The old one was quite old indeed. We bought it probably 6 years ago from someone who left for Japan for $5. The inside pan had exposed surface with Teflon pealing off. Our friend J simply refuses to eat rice from this rice cooker, saying, " I don't want to eat rice from a rusty cooker." It is no rust! But anyway it was an old piece. We just did not mind using it. We are definitely not techie gadgety type. As long as those appliances function, they are ok.
My dad definitely was (and still is) that techie gadgety type. Whenever novel products come on the market, he had to get it. When I was a child, we saw this TV with a remote the very first time in history. The remote then did not look like the one we have now. It was cylinder shaped and rather looked like an old microphone. The wave coming out the remote was not as sophisticated either. You had to aim right, and push the bottom so many times, just to change the channel. Nevertheless, you unexpectedly find the channel changed, if someone dropped some coins on the table. I also have to mention that the TV still had a rotation switch on it, and that switch actually rotated responding to the remote signal (or noise from coins) .
When personal computers came on the market (there was not even the abbreviation of PC back then), he proudly came home with the big box. Can you guess what memory medium they used in those days? 5" floppy disk? No, no. Even before that, they used music cassette tape. To load the data from the medium, you connect the cassette player to the computer, insert the music cassette into the player and push the go switch. You hear the squeaky noise like you did when you tried to connect to the internet using modem. When video decks came on the market, he jumped onto Sony Beta. We were so frustrated, when we found that so many popular programs were sold in VHS format. ...and even now, he has this extra high performance DVD recorder/player, and he recorded this kids program for our kids, only to find out that our "regular" DVD player did not accept his super high definition whatever format.
I don't think I am this way to be rebellious to my dad, but anyway I am the opposite to him. I can live with anything as long as they do their primary objective. My husband, who is in mecanical engineering, just does not care for anything mechanical (he is another story to tell). We were simply ok with our old rice cooker. However, my mother in law told me that she thinks the rice will be much fluffier and sweeter if cooked in a new one. I agreed. Well, it was true, the rice from this new cooker tasts much better! Fluffier and sweeter! Thanks, mom!