
Twin day


Today is a twin day at their elementary school. You pick a friend and become one day twins. It can be triplets or quadruplets also. Students, especially girls, were having fun.


House undercover

Guess what it is. Camp tent? Circus? No, this is actually a house under exterminator's termite treatment. We do have termites in Virginia, but I have never seen this kind of thing. I heard there are two termites, one that likes moisture and the other that likes dry weather. What we have around here is of course the dry termites. The weather here is mild all through the year, and is perfect for termites' quality of life. They simply keep multiplying once they arrived in your door. In states where the temperature drops considerably in winter such as in Virginia, the multiplication is sort of reset during the cold season. If you are an unfortunate owner of a house invaded with large population of termites in Southern California, they cover your entire house with a tent like this and fog it. I heard you see this pretty often around here.


Science Fair

このあたりの小学校、中学校ではScience Fairが盛んらしい。小学生の娘はさっさとプロジェクトを済ませ(まだ親の言うことをよく聞く)提出したのは先月のこと。一方、中学生の息子のほうは、3月初旬から、「いつ提出期限なの?」、「何が必要なの?」と数限りなく聞くも、「まだダイジョブ、ダイジョブ」と妙にリズミカルに答えるだけ。一応、題材決めと実験だけはパパとふたりでやったものの、レポートの内容を考えたり、プレゼン・ボードの準備をしたりはちっとも進まない。4月はじめには1週間のスプリング・ブレイクがあったわけで、ぜひ休み中にある程度形にしておきなさいという親のアドバイスもむなしく、何もせずに終わる。そして4月の中旬も過ぎた頃、「ママ、明日、持って行かなきゃいけない!」 アホタレ! 実は、彼にはアーロンというパートナーがいて、ふたりとものんきに構えていたらしい。すぐに、パパとやった実験結果を持ってアーロン宅に行く。そして1時間後、かなりビビって帰ってきた。アーロンは親にScience Fairのことを何も話していなかったらしい。しかもアーロンのお母さんは学校の先生。お母さんは完全にキレた!定規を持って怒りまくり、アーロンの頭をバシッ!定規は折れた。息子曰く、「ママの50倍おっかなかった。」 それは、相当おっかなかったろう。。 ということで、アーロンのお母さん、キレてくれてありがとう。それからというもの、二人で心を入れ替えて準備をしたところ、最終の提出期限にはなんとか間に合い、立派なプレゼン・ボードとレポートが出来上がった。書いていることも、なかなかマトモ。親が手を出さなくても、友達と協力してこんな立派な仕事ができるんだぁとちょっと感心した主人と私でした。しかしながら、この期限ギリギリは誰かさんの血だねえ。。。

It seems Science Fair is a big thing around here. Our daughter in elementary school worked hard on it and turned it in already in March (interpretation; she still listens to her parents). On the other hand, our son in middle school is a tough one to handle. I have been asking him when the due is or what materials he needs, and he kept saying, "It's ok. We still have plenty of time." Somehow, my husband persuaded him to pick a topic and did a little experiment with him, which was good, but that was that and no more progress. He had a week long spring break in the beginning of April, but he simply ignored my advise to do at least a part of the work during the break. Then one day past mid April, he came home saying, "Mom, it's due tomorrow!" I totally pretended I did not hear him. Actually he had a partner, Andrew, for the project. That afternoon he rushed to Andrew's with his experiment results. Andrew was even worse than our son. His parents was not aware of the project until that time (which is the day before the preliminary due date), and his mother was a school teacher. She LOST it. She smashed Andrew on his head with a ruler, and the ruler got broken off. According to our son, "she was 50 times frightening than you are at those moments." ... and that did the trick. After that, the two boys dropped everything and worked on it really hard. They barely made the final due. The presentation board looked quite cool, and the report was pretty well written. My husband and I were a little surprised (in a good way) to see how well those two boys worked together to produce a quality work. Kids grow while you are not aware. However, this VERY last minute thing I cannot take ... I know whose blood it is.




It's been several days since our house was handed down to the new owner. These keys are the ones Judy and Roger, our next door neighbor, kept so that they could go in the house to take care of sweeping, changing bulbs and many other things. Judy said it was very hard to hand these keys to someone else because she had an attachment as the last bridge to our house and beautiful memories we shared over the last nice years. I do feel like the umbilical chord is being chopped off. Now that the new owners of the house will get pampered by Judy and Roger's fist class kindness and generosity, I am so jealous!!!




Our daughter working on her homework, and Perky, the parakeet. He wasn't friendly at all when he came to our house, but now he is completely comfortable with us. He is a very curious funny guy.


Girls are...


When I was trying to take out the lunch box from my daughter's backpack, these cute cards fell off. A flower card and a card with a heart... aren't they pretty? I had to change my mind though, when I read the message. On one, it said, "xxx is mean. Do not play with her." On the other, it said, "I am not your friend." Girls are..... (what is the word?) not straightforward...


FedEx works while you are asleep.


My husband and I signed the closing documents for sale of the house and dropped them in local FedEx drop box around 11:00 am yesterday. When I woke up, I performed the tracking to find that it has been already delivered to our attorney in Virginia. It looks like this;

4/21 5:34PM_picked up_______________ Torrance, CA
4/21 6:48PM_left FedEx original facility____Torrance, CA
4/22 1:07AM_Arrived at FedEx location ____Memphis, TN
4/22 4:04AM_Departed FedEx location_____Memphis, TN
4/22 6:35AM_At destination sort facility____Richmond, VA
4/22 8:49AM_At local facility_________ Charlottesville, VA
4/22 9:17AM_On vehicle for delivery____Charlottesville, VA
4/22 10:05AM_Delivered


The envelop I dropped around 11:00 am stayed uncollected until past 5 that evening. After that, however, it moved at light speed. By 1:00 am, it arrived Memphis, TN. That's 11:00 pm in California. It took only 5 and half hours. It was delivered to destination at 10:00 am, which is 7:00 am in California), so it took 14 hours to go across the continent. I think $33 is well justified. FedEx moves during the night!


House sold


Our house in Virginia has been on the market since last April. I went back to Virginia to do a little face lift on the house in January. We received an offer at the end of March. The post-offer negotiations, all the inspections and tests went smoothly, and we will close tomorrow. We received all the papers via e-mail, singed them, got them notarized and sent them back to our attorney in Virginia over FedEx priority overnight. I included the house keys and garage door openers in the package. It's so nice not having to worry about the property any longer, but it's so sad not being able to open that front door and go into the house any longer. I pray the house will be cherished and enjoyed by the new owner as it has always been for the past 10 years.


The day after baptism


H san, F chan and I attended the Sunday service at the church together. Here is another congrats cake for yesterday's baptism.


Potluck after the service.


After church, we went up the hill of Palos Verdes.


Gorgeous, isn't it?


Baptism day


It's my baptism day. Three of us girls went over to Farmer's Market and enjoyed breakfast on the grass.


The baptism started at 2:00 pm. We were not able to use the baptism basin/pool at the church, since it is now under the renovation, so I got baptized in a jacuzzi at the house of a church member's. The tub was perfectly situated in the back yard overlooking beautiful San Pedro and Long Beach.


People at the church prepared a beautiful tea party after the ceremony.


A shot of people from the church. H san from Virginia and F chan from New Jersey are the people who traveled the longest distances.


A family shot. Our son was unusually nice and patient (translation; he did not complain too much, being bored) all through the ceremony. God bless him!


Three of us together!


I will be baptised tomorrow. My friends came all the way from the east coast to witness it. What a blessing. One from Newark, the other from Washington DC arrived here in LAX this morning. This picture is three of us at the airport.


We drove to our pastor's house straight from the airport. We enjoyed the beautiful lunch.


I hate verizon, I hate verizon, I hate verizon

昨日入ったばかりのverizonの家の電話で、夜主人が日本に電話した。今朝、verizonから電話があり、「昨日インターネショナル・コールが使われているけれど、トータル請求額は$380だよ。」 超アッタマに来る!加入するとき、「10数ドル払うと300分話せるコーリング・プランがあるけどどう?」と言われ、「うちは、月々100分程度だから、300分は要らないよ。」というと「じゃあ、いつでも興味があったら加入してね」ということで話が落ち着いていた。ところが!何のコーリング・プランにも入っていないと、日本までの通話は1分$3.59なんだって!なんという悪徳商売!ついでだから書くけれど、verizonに加入したので、解約したTime Warner Cableのこと。「解約したい。」と電話したら、じゃあ器具(DVRとかケーブル・モデムとか)をお店まで返却してください。その時点で解約成立とします。もし4/26までに返却しないと、$580かかります」だって。なんなのその$580って?あんな安物、しかも減価償却もしてれば、$100の価値もないよ!善良な市民からありとあらゆるエゲツナイやり方でお金を搾り出す、こんな会社が堂々と商売していていいの??

We switched to verizon yesterday. My husband made a call to Japan last night. This morning I received a call from vrizon telling me that we have an outstanding balance of $380 for the call. When I spoke with the agent to make an appointment for installation, she asked me if I was interested in a international calling plan that is $10 something for 300 minutes. I told her that we only consume around 100 minutes for calls to Japan, so I was not interested. She told me to call the customer service whenever you need the plan. However, I discovered by this morning's call that it was $3.59 per minute to Japan. Even first grader can figure out that you NEED to subscribe the calling plan since if you talk for three minutes, it already break even which the agent did not mention. I so hate verizon, (and all other cable/phone companies).


I hate Verizon already

引っ越してから今まで、うちのインターネット、電話、テレビにはTime Warner Cableを使っていたけれど、Verizonに変えてみた。携帯電話もVerizon Wirelessに変えたばかり。でもすでにVerizonも大嫌い。大体、220もTVチャネル要らないよ。見るのは数チャネル。だけど220チャネル契約が最低レベルの契約。DVRに月々16ドルも払うのもばからしい。DVRなんてて技術的にはただのハードディスク。ビデオデッキやDVDレコーダーやパソコンと同じく単体で電気屋で売るべきものなのに、売っていない。月々の使用料を払ってレンタルしないとだめ。携帯だってひどいよ。息子の携帯にはデータ・サービスを契約したけど、月々10ドル払って25Mか、月々20ドル払って無制限かどっちにする?どうみても20ドルで無制限のほうがオトクだけど、それ契約したら、「はい、どれだけでもインターネットやりなさい!」っていうメッセージを親が送っているのと同じ。断固として10ドルで25Mで契約したわけだけど、初月から19Mオーバー。Verizonに、「25M以上は使えないようにブロックしてよ」と行ったら、「それはできません。」 技術的にできないわけはないのに。つまりはオーバーさせて20ドル払わせようという魂胆。オーバーした内容について明細を見ようとしたら、明細入り請求書は月5ドル!テクノロジーはどんどん進化して、コストは低下し、情報量は増えたはずなのに、できる限り消費者から金を巻き上げるための「販売戦略」がゆえに、消費者はちっとも恩恵をこうむることができない。私腹を肥やすのは一部のバカドモ。いいの、こういうの放っておいて!!!

We switched from Time Warner Cable to Verizon for Internet, home phone and TV. We just switched to Verizon for cell phones too. I already hate Verizon, though. First of all there is no way I need all those 220 TV channels. It is irritating to see all those channels come up in the program guide. Even though what you need is only a few channels, you are required to subscribe all those 220 channels which is the minimum. I also feel like throwing up to think about DVR which we are renting from Verizon by paying $16 per month. DVR is simply a hard disk with recording function, so it is definitely a simple stuff you should be able to purchase at a store just like VCRs, DVD writers and PCs. But you cannot. You need to "rent" one from one of cable companies. Oh, I hate Verizon wireless too. We subscribed a data service for our son's cell. You have a choice; either $10 for 25M or $20 for unlimited use. It's is obvious to even a first grader that $20 for unlimited is the way to go. But once you get it for your kids, you are sending a message that they are free to use data anytime anywhere as long as they want. My husband and I fought hard and got him $10 for 25M (which he is paying himself). Already in the first month, he went over 25M to end up using 44M (which he will pay himself). I called Verizon to ask them to block the usage over 25M only to be told, "We cannot do that." Come on, they CAN do that, of course, but they wouldn't do that for you. I wanted to check the break down usage in the bill. It is another $5 per month. As the technology has been evolving rapidly, things you couldn't even conceive of years ago have become feasible, the cost has come down drastically, and the profuse amount of information has become available. However, creative marketing and politics made sure that we consumers do not benefit from the change. It only benefits greedy management in those companies. Can we afford to stay quiet?


Grandpa's udon

じいちゃんが作ったとろろたまごうどん。つゆの素がなかったので、わざわざ日本食品店まで買いに行って作ったよ。つゆの素がなければ、しょうゆとみりんとだしを混ぜればOKと思うけど、じいちゃんの料理はレシピどおりでないとだめ。分量だってちゃんと量るんだから! なかなかおいしかったよ。

Here is Grandpa's udon with raw egg and tororo potato. He had to have Tsuyu Soy Sauce to make this, so we went to a Japanese grocery to buy it. I would be able to replicate Tsuyu Shoyu pretty easily by mixing up Soy Sauce, Mirin and Dashi powder, but for Grandpa,s cocking, he needs to have all the specified things on the recipe. He even MEASURES everything (which I never do)! It was delicious.


LA tour


There will be only two days left before Grandpa and Grandma leave for Japan. On this last Sunday, we did a little LA tour. I pearsonally wanted to go on Saturday, stroll around Hollywood and then enjoy the night view from Griffith Park and stay over night in a hotel, so that we could wake up slowly next day, drop by in Santa Monica or somewhere and come home gracefully in the afternoon. Nobody agreed with me though. My husband said, "If we would like to have two days, we just make two round trips." Well, this is a trip he is making every day to commute. I actually did the hotel search using LA as a keyword. only to find out couple hotels listed as LA hotels which are very close to where we live. So I gave up. After all we live in LA...

そういうわけで日曜日、UCLA行って(写真はマスコットのBruin)、ファーマーズ・マーケット行って、ハリウッド行ってから、夕食はどうしようということになり、「観光地で食べるのもねぇ(おいしいか分からないし高いかもしれないし探すのも面倒。 注;今は「普通の携帯電話で十分」と日ごろから言われている息子曰く、「こういうときにiPhone持っていると、すぐwebで調べられるんだけどなあ。」)」ということになり結局、我が家のあたりに戻ってきてから韓国料理屋で食べて帰る。

So we left Sunday morning, did a walk tour in UCLA (the picture is the school mascot, Bruin), dropped in Farmer's Market, and strolled around Hollywood, by which time we felt ready for dinner. After a short discussion, my husband and I agreed that we'd better drive down to South Bay (where we live), since we never know which restaurants are good around Hollywood. (Note; Our techie gadgetie son who was currently only allowed to have a regular cell phone said, "Exactly in this kind of situation, iPhone comes very handy!") So we had a nice Korean dinner couple blocks away from our house and came home safely.


First day of school


Today was the first day of school. In Japan, a school year starts in April, and their Japanese school followed the rule. They had a first-day-of-the-school ceremony, and all the teachers were in suits, which you do not see at American local schools. Japaneses make a big deal out of starting something, since we have a saying, "When a start is good, the ending is good." One of the "important things" our daughter's new teacher mentioned is that you have to make sure you carry a handkerchief so that you can wipe your hands properly after using bathrooms. I did not know this school does not have paper towels or hand dryers in bathrooms (which could be common in Japan). That means she just wiped her hands with...you guessed it right... her shirt!

こちらは息子の教室。ひとりずつ名前と趣味について自己紹介してくださいと先生。うちの息子は、「ぼくはOO xxです。趣味は~... 宿題が嫌いなことです。」 面白い趣味ですね。

Here is our son's classroom. The teacher told them to introduce themselves saying names and favorite pastime. Our son went, "My name is xx xx. My favorite pastime is... that I do not like doing homework." Interesting pastime, huh?


A trophy!


Our son came home with a trophy from Judo. At the end of the quarter, they have a dojo-wide competition, he won all three matches he fought, and his team won the second place. He does not like to have me there for the matches, so I usually stay home praying... We celebrated with curry dinner and calpis (Japanese soft drink).


Hilltop walk


We went to the hilltop of Palos Verdes, just south of where we live, for hiking. A field of yellow flowers with blue sky and blue ocean in the back was simply gorgeous. There were couple bumble bees we found, and our daughter was a little scared. I wouldn't blame her since she has gotten stung five times so far.


3 generation dumpling

ばあちゃんと私で餃子を一生懸命包んでいたら、娘が「私もやりたい!」 こうして3世代で肩を並べて餃子を包みました。

When my mother and I were wrapping dumplings in the kitchen, my daughter came in and said, "I want to do that too!" So three generations stood shoulder to shoulder and wrapped dumplings.


The shown is the second layer. Underneath, there is another layer. We made a lot!


This one is my daughter's work. Isn't it pretty good? She was happy with the outcome too. There are many ways to wrap dumplings and you can tell who wrapped it by the shape or the style. However, in our case, my mom taught me and I taught my daughter, so we do share the style, which is very very nice!


Gigantic orange


This is from our orange tree in the back yard. It's been a long time since we harvested the last time. Now the fruits are this big! I thought it was well past ripe and wouldn't taste good, but according to my mom and my daughter who dared to try, it was surprisingly juicy and delicious.


Birthday party!


It's our daughter's birthday party! We had over seven bunnies. Kids enjoyed hugging them.


Those who want to pet bunnies go into these fences.




The guy who brought over the bunnies does face painting too!


The next is a magic show. You might not expect a lot for magic at kids' birthday parties. No, no, he was impressively good.


We had a very fun party. We thank you for those who came to the party and also those who did not make it here but thought about her on her birthday!




We will have a birthday party for our daughter tomorrow. Today we had a family celebration just among our family. It was nice we had Grandpa and Grandma here with us. I asked her what she would like to have for dinner, and she said, "I'd like a meat patty. Can you make a cake out of it and stick carrot candles?" Yes, ma'am, you are the birthday girl. Here it is.


Cell phone driving ticket


I have been driving back and forth to LAX (LA International Airport) for four consecutive days. On Monday, I dropped my parents there who left for San Francisco. On Tuesday, I dropped my husband who left for Philadelphia. On Wednesday, I picked him up coming back from Philadelphia. On Thursday, I picked my parents up coming back from San Francisco. LAX is a huge airport as you may know. There are many terminals, parking structures, many cars and also lots of police cars awaiting us to violate one of the traffic laws (you know, California is deeply in debt and needs MONEY!) Depending on the time, the rotary is simply a mess and you are forced to do a little rough trick here and there. You wish you were able to park your car a little on the curbside while waiting for the arriving family. Those uniformed personnel quickly find you and tell you to leave. You then end up in the messy traffic on the rotary again. That was then I received a call on my cell, so I answered the call, told the caller (my mom) that I was in the traffic and would call you back later, and hanged up. Unfortunate me! I had a police car right behind me. I got ticketed for using cell phone while driving. The basic fine under the state law is only $20, but they throw in all kids of miscellaneous fees including court fee, possessing fee, record fee etc. etc. and it adds up to $150, I heard. See, that is very California.