Our house has been on the market for a little less than a year. We hadn't received a single offer yet. A few days ago, we did receive the very first offer. It was a very low offer, so we did not take it seriously at first, but somehow things developed from one thing to another. Yesterday I received a call from our real estate agent in Virginia, saying that we should go ahead and change whatever necessary on the contract, sign it and return it to them. The offeror is worrying that the mortgage interest is going up pretty soon. Our house is in both of our names, so the contract requires two signatures. My husband, however, was in the midst of cross-continent flight to Princeton, NJ on that day. So I made the modification on the contract that our agent sent us in California, sign it, scan it and e-mailed it to my husband, who print it out as soon as he arrived in a hotel in NJ and faxed it back to our agent in Virginia. This morning, she is going to deliver it to the offeror. May God's plan done!