We went to the Christmas service at Rolling Hills Covenant Church. I usually attend the Japanese service at this church. Today they give four services for the whole church groups at 1 pm, 3 pm, 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm. We went to 5:30 one. When we arrived, it was pretty full already, so we took the first row seats. Right next to my husband was the pastor who was going to give the sermon. Very often my husband falls asleep during sermon, but today he did his best to resist it, knowing the pastor was coming back to the the seat right next to him after the sermon. Did he succeed? You ask him.
After we came home, we grilled steaks, rolled Sushi and had a blessed Christmas dinner. We toasted with Champagne and apple cider.
We have to have a strawberry shortcake for Christmas, but this year I just could not get strawberries. I tried five different grocery stores, but none of them had it. I spoke with somebody in the last store and learned that it was due to the rain we had last week. When it rains, they do not pick strawberries. I do not recsall we had this problem in Virginia. They probably pick them in advance and store them. I need to remember from now on that here in California, you do not see strawberries after the rain.