We receive all kids of notices from schools; field trip, fund raising, head lice, detention... but this one is titled, "Notice to parents regarding head injuries." We received a call from school yesterday that our son banged his head. I was not home and my husband took him to hospital to get get him checked just in case. He did not exhibit any serious symptoms, so they determined CT scan is not necessary. He came home, and we watched him until he went to bed. Now after a night, we think he is okay. According to him, after lunch, they were doing this game; you keep spinning on a spot for several minutes, then you find yourself completely without the sense of balance. While he just finished spinning, one of his buddies pushed him for fun, and he just simply fell and bumped his head against the concrete ground. I wish it happened a little fancier, like he was playing soccer and ran into one of the opponents or something, but anyway he is okay, for which we should be thankful. I was a sort of surprised to see this printed note in the picture, however. Does a head bump happen so often that schools feels pre-printed form is required??