みんな疲れていたので、昼まで寝てからBeckley,WVを12:00過ぎに出発。 ウエストバージニアといえば、炭鉱で有名。この写真はオハイオ・リバーを渡るところ。写っているのは、炭をたくさん積んだ平たいキャリアーが川を行くところ。
Since everybody was pretty tired, we slept in until late and left Beckley, WV around noon. In this picture, a flat carrier full of coals goes on the Ohio River.

We touched the tip of the state of Kentucky and entered the state of Ohio. As soon as we hit Ohio, the scenery gets quite mid-western, it's a flat land with endless cornfield.

We got together with our old friends from Purdue time, who live in Cincinnati. It's been 14 years. Back then neither of us did not have kids, but now we each have two. Eight of us enjoyed great Korean food.

This is Aiko, the cat, who is still with them after 14 years!

We enjoyed the endless conversation. We see each other again!