It's been two weeks since we arrived in LA. Since we were back in Virginia, I worried much about my husband's old and grossly gas guzzling Land Cruiser. I seriously doubted that they would let him register that car here in California. Now after two weeks, it is carrying him back and forth between home and office everyday, with the shiny California number plates in the front and the back. When it arrived here on the car transporter, the electrical panel was simply dead, and I though that was it. When he took it to the dealer though, it just revived. It even passed the smog test like a snap, which I never ever thought possible. Then it got registered with DMV without a problem. So, I don't know how many more years it is going to last, but I am sure he will hang onto that for a while.
Well, in the past week, my husband commuted with that beloved Land Cruiser every weekday other than Thursday. He uses Freeway 405. 405 in this area is a notorious bottleneck, and turns into a parking lot quite often (see the picture). Here is his commute time record.
home to office------office to home
8/24 (Mon)----55 min.--------------36 min.
8/25 (Tue)---- 57 min. --------------44 min.
8/26 (Wed)----46 min. --------------37 min.
8/28 (Thu) ---- 41 min. -------------39 min.
His comment: "It was not as bad as I worried. I will try to explore new routes so that I can further shorten the time."