We left our hotel in Columbia, MO around 10:30 am. We do not have other objective today than just keep heading west on Interstate 70. After 2 hours, we arrived in Kansas City. Do you know this city has two parts, Kansas City, MO and Kansas City, KS. We got off the freeway on the Missouri side and had a little coffee break.

After another lunch break in a little town called Topeka, KS, we were back on the Interstate. Kansas is big and Kansas is just a flat land. You do not see much, but once in a while you see what you usually do not see such as these wind power generators.
There is nothing here in Kansas. It is pretty difficult to convey that nothingness by still pictures so I go movie. Ride with us for a while! Our son said, "mom, we are in the middle of nowhere!" No, no, young man, we are in the middle of the US!

上の写真は、Walmartで見つけた面白いもの。All Hazard Alert Weather Radioというもので、トルネドやハリケーンや嵐が来たとき、いち早く注意報をキャッチして家の中の人に伝えるというもの。こんなのバージニアのWalmartでは見たことないなあ。
The warning lamp for oil change came on... One of us says we do not have to worry too much about it and would better keep going till California, and the other says we should go ahead change it soon. We found Walmart which had an oil change station right next to it in a town called Hays, KS, so the latter person insisted on going in. We spent 1 hour at Walmart while they worked on it. Even after the oil change performed, the first person said it was not really necessary, and the latter said it was very necessary. (Guess which is who? For the record, we DID NOT fight.)
The above picture is what we found at Walmart. It is named All Hazard Alert Weather Radio. When a weather hazard whether it be a tornado, hurricane, or storm, this device will catch the radio asap and warn the home owner. We have never seen anything like this at Walmart in Virginia.
Kansas sunset! There was nothing in Kansas. What a surprise, however, we took far more pictures and videos here in Kansas in comparison to what we did in other states. We learned nothings means a lot.

日も暮れたころ、カンザス州とコロラド州の境界のちょっと手前でタイムゾーンが変わり、セントラルからマウンテンタイムに(タイムゾーンの境界と州境がどうしていつも一緒じゃないのか、不思議)。1時間得する。その後、すぐコロラド州に入り、そろそろ宿探しと、GPSを駆使し、バーリントンという街にComfort Innを見つけ向かう。こんな田舎だからスカスカだろうと思いきや、私たちと同じような旅行者が案外いるらしくなんと満室。となりをあたってくれと言われるが、となりは何だか聞いたこともない名前のモーテル。前まで行ってみるが、どうも少し??だったので、満場一致でもう少し先まで行ってマシな宿を探すことに。結局、18マイル走って、ストラットンという街にBest Westernを見つける。この街、それ以外に何もなくて夕食をとれそうなところもなく、やむなくホテルの向かいのガソリンステーション(写真)、ホットドックとカップヌードルとサンドイッチを買って部屋で食べる。息子がしみじみと言う、”引っ越すところがLAでよかった(こんな田舎じゃなくて)” 今日は、2時間の休み時間も含めて11時間半の旅でした。外楽しかった。
After the sunset, right before the border between Kansas and Colorado, we switched from Central Time to Mountain Time, gaining 1 hour. I never understand why the time changes usually do not occur on the state boarders. Right after the time change, we entered the state of Colorado, and it was time to find a place to stay over night. We targeted on Comfort Inn in Burlington, CO, which we found on our GPS. My husband went in the hotel office for a room, but came out right away. They were FULL! It seems like we underestimated the number of road travelers like us. They suggested right next door, which was another motel but never heard of, a rather shabby type, so we had an unanimous decision to go another 18 miles for Best Western in Stratton, CO. Well we found the room okay, but no place to eat. So we went across the street for a gas station to get hot dogs, a cup noodle and sandwiches. Our son ,who had a mixed feeling toward the move to California, said with a thoughtful voice, "I am really glad we are moving to LA (rather than this place)." Our trip today was 11.5 hours including 2 hour break. It was not bad, though.