STEP 1 ; 前の家でパッキング係りが、そこらへんにあったものを片っ端からダンボールにつめる。この時点で、場所や用途の違うものがある程度ごちゃまぜになっている。
STEP 2 ; 今の家でアンパッキング係り(パッキングした人とはもちろん違う人)が、箱から物を取り出し、すでにごちゃごちゃの家の中のかろうじて場所があるところにものを並べる。
We spent all day organizing the house. It was nice that the move took care of packing and unpacking, but sorting and organizing things is made so hard that way.
STEP 1; The packers put stuff within one yard radius in a box. Here things of different uses and places go mixed in a box.
STEP 2; The unpackers take out stuff from the box and put them wherever they can find a place in an already very messy house.
The things got mixed up twice this way, so it is a big pain to sort things and put them in drawers and shelves. The room arrangements are different between the two houses, so that makes things even more complicated.

After a long day, we went to another Japanese grocery store, which is a bit bigger one than the one tried before. We just cannot get over the habit of getting over-excited when we are surrounded by so much Japanese food. Four of us kept piling upthihgs in the cart. After all, it was a purchase of $193. We just have to get our body used to the idea that we can get them anytime we like now. It will take time, though. Today's dinner was Shabu Shabu Hot Pot!