We stayed over night at Mrs. I's and enjoyed wonderful breakfast in an award-winning backyard next morning. Mrs. I kindly invited Miss S who was in the Japanese class I used to teach. It was wonderful.

We left Mrs. I's in Indiana around noon. We entered the state of Illinois after 1 hour drive. In this picture is a huge cross which we found on the side of the interstate.

We drove through the state of Illinois, drove over the Mississippi River and found ourselves in the state of Missouri. We switched from Eastern Time to Central. In this picture is the Arch in St. Louis. We went to the bottom of it hoping we get to the top of the arch, but there was an 1 hour wait for the climb, so we decided not to.

I was HOT! Enjoying ice cream cones. In the back is the Mississippi River.

We left St. Louis and in less than 2 hours we arrived Colombia, MO, where my husband spent 9 months as a visiting scholar at University of Missouri. This is the apartment he shared with his Turkish friend.

At the University of Missouri. Can you see the two tiny people in the middle of the picture?