Probably due to the stress of the move or the change of lifestyle, I suffered pretty bad rash on my neck and elbows. I went to see a doctor using our brand new insurance card. Actually it was an HMO and it was a huge hospital! I was prescribed with steroid lotion and pills, and while we were waiting for the prescription to be filled (the pharmacy was on site), my daughter begged me to go to the park across the street. There we found lots of geese, ducks and other birds. She insisted on catching one. I somehow persuaded her to give up on the idea, and we promised that the next time we come back here with a bag of bread.
夕方、家でウダウダしがちの子どもを連れてお散歩に行く。2ブロックぐらいぐるっと回って帰ってくる間、同じように散歩をしたり、車を洗っていたりする人たちに出会ったけれど(8グループくらい)、なんと全員アジア系!うちとまるで同じように、妹がスクーター、お兄ちゃんがRipstikにのって、お父さんと散歩している一群にも出会って、”あの人、何人かな?”と興味シンシン。こういう興味を持つこと自体、このあたりの新米ということなのかも。大通りにでるとWorld Market(いろいろな国の物産を売っているお店)があったので、明治のアーモンドチョコレートを買って食べながら帰る。World Marketのお姉ちゃんだけが、お散歩で出会った唯一の白人だった。
In the evening, we went for a walk (actually kids went on a scooter and Ripstik) in the neighborhood. We ran into 8 or 9 groups who were also enjoying the evening outside, and surprisinglly(?) all of them were Asian-looking. We also ran into a group of a little sister on a scooter, a big brother on Ripstik and a father with a dog, just like us(except for the dog), and wondered what nationality they are. Well, they maybe Japanese, Chinese, Vetnamese, Korean, Taiwaneese, Amrican, or a conbination of any of those. We walked to World Market and bought a box of Japanese chocolate snack, and came home eating it along the way.