We left Cincinnati around 10:30 am and headed for Indianapolis, IN. Another get together with old friends from Purdue times. Their first one, who was 5 years old back then, is now junior at Purdue. Their second one, who was 3 years old back then, is starting at UC Berkeley this August.

友人宅で焼肉をごちそうになり、今度はI-65を北上しWest Lafayette, INへ。ふたりが大学院に通ったPurdueを訪れる。ここにこどもと一緒に来るとは思わなかった。
After Yakuniku lunch at the friends', we headed north on I-65 for West Lafayette, IN. We visited Purdue after a long while. I did not expect we came back here with kids.

Married Student Housing, where we used to live for 5 years.

A table in the Student Union, where we used to meet and study together.

このIさんは22年間West Lafayetteに住んでいらっしゃって、わたしたちも学生時代にはあれやこれやとお世話になりました。私たちが卒業して東京に帰るときも最後に泊めていただきましたが、今回はこどもともどもお世話になりました。美しいおうちに、ガラスの向こうは美しいお庭。
Mrs. I, who has been here in West Lafayette for 22 years and helped us in many ways where we were at Purdue, let us stay over night in their big house. In the back is the award winning back yard.