それ以外は今日はエキサイティングなことなし。午前中は、こどもたちにツベルクリンを受けさせるために病院へ(バージニアではツベルクリン/BCGは予防摂取のリストになかったけど、カリフォルニアではこれをクリアしないと学校に入れてくれない)。午後は、DMV(Department of Motor Vehicles。運転免許や車の登録を司る役所。州ごとに運営されているので、州を越えて引っ越すといちいち書き換えが必要)へ行って、カリフォルニアのナンバープレイトと免許証とを取りに行くのでおしまい。手続きって面倒だねえ。
What she is reading in this picture is a book from Hayao Miyazaki's latest movie "Ponyo", which, I guess, is now showing in theaters throughout the US. This is the very first book she read in Japanese! We bought the first book of the series of four the last time in Japan, and looked for the sequels in bookstores in Japanese book stores here in California, but they did not have them yet, so we special ordered them with Granma in Japan. She is so thrilled. She is now working on the third book.
Other than that, we did not have anything exciting today. In the morning, I took kids to the clinic to get them TB test. In Virginia, schools did not require that test, but here in California, they do not let you in (or let you volunteer as a parent in school) without it. In the afternoon, we went to DMV to get the California drivers licenses and registrations. It was very boring as you know.