We spent last night in Sedona. When we arrived Sedona from Flagstaff, it was past 10:00 pm and it was a complete darkness we saw there. We did not see any residential area or commercial development. It looked like...

When we arrived at the hotel, it was very quite all around. We checked in with the guidance of little light we had. After a good night sleep, we stepped out of the hotel this morning to find this...

It was like you opened a present without much expectation, to find the the best of the best gift ever.

Sedona is the reverse version of Grand Canyon. In Grand Canyon, you look down at the gorgeous rock formations below, while in Sedona, you look up at the formations up in the sky. Here are two video clips.
Around 4:00 pm, we left Sedona. We took Route 89 and switched to Interstate 17 to Phoenix. In Phoenix, we had a little Starbucks break and got on Interstate 10. It was amazing how hot Arizona can be, though. In Fragstaff, where the altitude was 7000 feet plus, it was cool at night, but when you go south to Sedona then to Phoenix, it was a complete desert climate. Even after 6:30 pm, it marked 102 degrees.

とうとう、道路標識にLos Angelesの字が出た。”とうとう家に着ける”という嬉しさと、”もうバージニアの家には帰れない”という淋しさが入り混じる。
We now see the road sign saying "Los Angeles." Should we be glad getting almost there or sad getting so far from home?

This Interstate 10 will take you all the way to Santa Monica.
This Interstate 10 will take you all the way to Santa Monica.

10号を2時間ほど走ると、もうカリフォルニアへの州境が目前!ここまで、病気もケガも事故もなく来られてよかった~とホッとしていたら、後ろから青と赤 のフラッシュがぴかぴか。。捕まっちゃった。スピードオーバー。主人のセオリーは”スピードリミットの10マイルオーバーで走れば絶対捕まらない。”ちな みに、州によってインターステートのスピートリミットの上限に差があるのをご存知?バージニアより北にあるアメリカ東部の州では65マイルが上限。ウエス ト・バージニアより西の中西部では70マイル。コロラドから西のマウンテンエリアでは75マイル。ということは、うちの主人の場合、アリゾナではスピート リミットの75マイルに10マイル足した85マイル(137キロ)で走っていたということ。ところが、捕まったちゃったよ。おまわりさんいわく、84マイ ルでていたそう。もう少しゆっくり走って欲しい私としては、じゃあ、9マイルオーバーでも捕まるだから、これで少しはスローダウンするだろうと期待してい たら、Warning(警告)だけで許してくれちゃった。罰金なし。これで主人のセオリーは証明されちゃったことになるらしい。でも、カリフォルニアでは 上限が70マイルに下がるから、あと少し、ゆっくり目の安全運転でいきましょう。その後すぐ、カリフォルニア州に入って、旅行最後の夜はカリフォルニア州のブライスという街です。明日はついに新しいお家に着く予定。
After 2 hour drive on Interstate 10, the boarder to California was right around the corner. When I was feeling relieved that we came so far from Virginia without major incidents, we saw the blinking red and blue lights in the back. It must be the speed. My husband's theory is that if you keep 10 mile over the speed limit, you will be fine. Do you know that different states have different speed limit maximum. In eastern states including Virginia, it's 65 miles. In mid-western states starting in West Virginia, it's 70 miles. In Mountain area starting in Colorado, it's 75 miles. Thus in Arizona, my husband was driving at 75 miles + 10 miles = 85 miles. The policeman marked 84 miles on us. I was sort of glad, hoping this would slow him down a bit, since I always wanted him to go slower. However, he got away only with a warning. It seems like his theory was proven. Well, but in California, the limit goes down to 70 miles. We will drive safely. Shortly after this incident, we entered the state of California and stay over night in Blythe, CA. Tomorrow we will be "home."